AWS CodePipeline MCP Server

by cuongdev

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Manages environment variables for the MCP server, including AWS credentials and configuration settings.

  • Used for cloning the MCP server repository during the installation process.

  • Enables creation of webhooks for GitHub integration with AWS CodePipeline, supporting features like triggering pipelines based on GitHub events such as commits to specific branches.

AWS CodePipeline MCP Server

This is a Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that integrates with AWS CodePipeline, allowing you to manage your pipelines through Windsurf and Cascade. The server provides a standardized interface for interacting with AWS CodePipeline services.

Author: Cuong T Nguyen


  • List all pipelines
  • Get pipeline state and detailed pipeline definitions
  • List pipeline executions
  • Approve or reject manual approval actions
  • Retry failed stages
  • Trigger pipeline executions
  • View pipeline execution logs
  • Stop pipeline executions
  • Tag pipeline resources
  • Create webhooks for automatic pipeline triggering
  • Get pipeline performance metrics


  • Node.js (v14 or later)
  • AWS account with CodePipeline access
  • AWS credentials with permissions for CodePipeline, CloudWatch, and IAM (for tagging)
  • Windsurf IDE with Cascade AI assistant


  1. Clone this repository:
git clone cd mcp-codepipeline-server
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Create a .env file based on the .env.example template:
cp .env.example .env
  1. Update the .env file with your AWS credentials and configuration:
AWS_REGION=us-east-1 AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your_access_key_id AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your_secret_access_key PORT=3000

Note: For security, never commit your .env file to version control.


Build the project

npm run build

Start the server

npm start

For development with auto-restart:

npm run dev

Integration with Windsurf

This MCP server is designed to work with Windsurf, allowing Cascade to interact with AWS CodePipeline through natural language requests.

Setup Steps

  1. Make sure the server is running:
npm start
  1. Add the server configuration to your Windsurf MCP config file at ~/.codeium/windsurf/mcp_config.json:
{ "mcpServers": { "codepipeline": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "-y", "path/to/mcp-codepipeline-server/dist/index.js" ], "env": { "AWS_REGION": "us-east-1", "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID": "your_access_key_id", "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY": "your_secret_access_key" } } } }
  1. Create the directory if it doesn't exist:
mkdir -p ~/.codeium/windsurf touch ~/.codeium/windsurf/mcp_config.json
  1. Restart Windsurf to load the new MCP server configuration

Using with Cascade

Once configured, you can interact with AWS CodePipeline using natural language in Windsurf. For example:

  • "List all my CodePipeline pipelines"
  • "Show me the current state of my 'production-deploy' pipeline"
  • "Trigger the 'test-build' pipeline"
  • "Get metrics for my 'data-processing' pipeline"
  • "Create a webhook for my 'frontend-deploy' pipeline"

Cascade will translate these requests into the appropriate MCP tool calls.

MCP Tools

Core Pipeline Management

Tool NameDescriptionParameters
list_pipelinesList all CodePipeline pipelinesNone
get_pipeline_stateGet the state of a specific pipelinepipelineName: Name of the pipeline
list_pipeline_executionsList executions for a specific pipelinepipelineName: Name of the pipeline
trigger_pipelineTrigger a pipeline executionpipelineName: Name of the pipeline
stop_pipeline_executionStop a pipeline executionpipelineName: Name of the pipelineexecutionId: Execution IDreason: Optional reason for stopping

Pipeline Details and Metrics

Tool NameDescriptionParameters
get_pipeline_detailsGet the full definition of a pipelinepipelineName: Name of the pipeline
get_pipeline_execution_logsGet logs for a pipeline executionpipelineName: Name of the pipelineexecutionId: Execution ID
get_pipeline_metricsGet performance metrics for a pipelinepipelineName: Name of the pipelineperiod: Optional metric period in secondsstartTime: Optional start time for metricsendTime: Optional end time for metrics

Pipeline Actions and Integrations

Tool NameDescriptionParameters
approve_actionApprove or reject a manual approval actionpipelineName: Name of the pipelinestageName: Name of the stageactionName: Name of the actiontoken: Approval tokenapproved: Boolean indicating approval or rejectioncomments: Optional comments
retry_stageRetry a failed stagepipelineName: Name of the pipelinestageName: Name of the stagepipelineExecutionId: Execution ID
tag_pipeline_resourceAdd or update tags for a pipeline resourcepipelineName: Name of the pipelinetags: Array of key-value pairs for tagging
create_pipeline_webhookCreate a webhook for a pipelinepipelineName: Name of the pipelinewebhookName: Name for the webhooktargetAction: Target action for the webhookauthentication: Authentication typeauthenticationConfiguration: Optional auth configfilters: Optional event filters


Common Issues

  1. Connection refused error:
    • Ensure the server is running on the specified port
    • Check if the port is blocked by a firewall
  2. AWS credential errors:
    • Verify your AWS credentials in the .env file
    • Ensure your IAM user has the necessary permissions
  3. Windsurf not detecting the MCP server:
    • Check the mcp_config.json file format
    • Ensure the server URL is correct
    • Restart Windsurf after making changes


The server logs information to the console. Check these logs for troubleshooting:

# Run with more verbose logging DEBUG=* npm start


Creating a Webhook for GitHub Integration

{ "pipelineName": "my-pipeline", "webhookName": "github-webhook", "targetAction": "Source", "authentication": "GITHUB_HMAC", "authenticationConfiguration": { "SecretToken": "my-secret-token" }, "filters": [ { "jsonPath": "$.ref", "matchEquals": "refs/heads/main" } ] }

Getting Pipeline Metrics

{ "pipelineName": "my-pipeline", "period": 86400, "startTime": "2025-03-10T00:00:00Z", "endTime": "2025-03-17T23:59:59Z" }



security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

A Model Context Protocol server that integrates with AWS CodePipeline, allowing users to manage pipelines through Windsurf and Cascade using natural language commands.

  1. Features
    1. Prerequisites
      1. Installation
        1. Usage
          1. Build the project
          2. Start the server
        2. Integration with Windsurf
          1. Setup Steps
          2. Using with Cascade
        3. MCP Tools
          1. Core Pipeline Management
          2. Pipeline Details and Metrics
          3. Pipeline Actions and Integrations
        4. Troubleshooting
          1. Common Issues
          2. Logs
        5. Examples
          1. Creating a Webhook for GitHub Integration
          2. Getting Pipeline Metrics
        6. License