MCP Simple OpenAI Assistantandybrandt-securityAlicense-qualityA simple MCP server for interacting with OpenAI assistants. This server allows other tools (like Claude Desktop) to create and interact with OpenAI assistants through the Model Context Protocol.18PythonMIT LicenseApple
OpenAI MCP Serverpierrebrunelle-securityAlicense-qualityQuery OpenAI models directly from Claude using MCP protocol.147PythonMIT License
MCP OpenAI Servermzxrai-securityAlicense-qualityA Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that lets you seamlessly use OpenAI's models right from Claude.12428JavaScriptMIT LicenseApple
Coinmarketanjor-securityAlicense-qualityCoinmarket API integration to fetch cryptocurrency listings and quotes221PythonMIT LicenseApple
coincap-mcpQuantGeekDevAsecurityAlicenseAqualityReal-time cryptocurrency market data integration using CoinCap's public API, providing access to crypto prices and market information without API keys314737TypeScriptMIT LicenseApple