Filesystem MCP Server

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Included in development dependencies for code linting within the file system operations.

  • Included in development dependencies for running tests on the file system operations and analysis capabilities.

  • Used for visualizing the architecture of the MCP server in documentation.

Filesystem MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server implementation providing file system operations, analysis, and manipulation capabilities through a standardized tool interface.


The server is built on the MCP SDK and organized into distinct layers:


  • Server Layer: Handles MCP protocol communication and tool dispatch
  • Tool Registry: Manages tool registration and execution
  • Operations Layer: Implements core functionality
  • File System Interface: Provides safe file system access


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone <repository-url> cd filesystem-server
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Build the server:
npm run build
  1. Configure MCP settings (cline_mcp_settings.json):
{ "mcpServers": { "filesystem": { "command": "node", "args": ["path/to/filesystem-server/build/index.js"] } } }

Tool Reference

Directory Operations


Lists directory contents with metadata.

interface ListDirectoryParams { path: string; // Directory path recursive?: boolean; // List recursively (default: false) } interface ListDirectoryResult { entries: { name: string; path: string; isDirectory: boolean; size: number; created: string; modified: string; accessed: string; mode: string; }[]; }


Creates a new directory.

interface CreateDirectoryParams { path: string; // Directory path recursive?: boolean; // Create parent directories (default: true) }

File Operations


Reads file content with encoding support.

interface ReadFileParams { path: string; // File path encoding?: string; // File encoding (default: 'utf8') }


Writes content to a file.

interface WriteFileParams { path: string; // File path content: string; // Content to write encoding?: string; // File encoding (default: 'utf8') }


Appends content to a file.

interface AppendFileParams { path: string; // File path content: string; // Content to append encoding?: string; // File encoding (default: 'utf8') }

Analysis Operations


Analyzes text file properties.

interface AnalyzeTextParams { path: string; // File path } interface AnalyzeTextResult { lineCount: number; wordCount: number; charCount: number; encoding: string; mimeType: string; }


Calculates file hash using specified algorithm.

interface CalculateHashParams { path: string; // File path algorithm?: 'md5' | 'sha1' | 'sha256' | 'sha512'; // Hash algorithm } interface CalculateHashResult { hash: string; algorithm: string; }


Identifies duplicate files in a directory.

interface FindDuplicatesParams { path: string; // Directory path } interface FindDuplicatesResult { duplicates: { hash: string; size: number; files: string[]; }[]; }

Compression Operations


Creates a ZIP archive.

interface CreateZipParams { files: string[]; // Files to include output: string; // Output ZIP path }


Extracts a ZIP archive.

interface ExtractZipParams { path: string; // ZIP file path output: string; // Output directory }

Error Handling

The server uses standard MCP error codes:

enum ErrorCode { ParseError = -32700, InvalidRequest = -32600, MethodNotFound = -32601, InvalidParams = -32602, InternalError = -32603 }

Error responses include:

  • Error code
  • Human-readable message
  • Additional context when available

Example error:

{ "code": -32602, "message": "File not found: /path/to/file.txt" }


Project Structure

src/ ├── operations/ # Core operations implementation ├── tools/ # MCP tool definitions and handlers ├── __tests__/ # Test suites ├── index.ts # Entry point ├── server.ts # MCP server setup ├── types.ts # Type definitions └── utils.ts # Utility functions

Running Tests

Run the test suite:

npm test

Run with coverage:

npm run test:coverage

Development Mode

Run in watch mode:

npm run watch

Code Quality

Lint the codebase:

npm run lint

Type check:

npm run type-check


Core dependencies:

  • @modelcontextprotocol/sdk: MCP server implementation
  • file-type: File type detection
  • mime-types: MIME type lookup
  • crypto-js: File hashing
  • archiver: ZIP creation
  • extract-zip: ZIP extraction
  • iconv-lite: Text encoding
  • chardet: Encoding detection

Development dependencies:

  • typescript: Type system
  • jest: Testing
  • eslint: Linting
  • prettier: Formatting
  • ts-node: TypeScript execution
  • nodemon: Development server


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch
  3. Write tests for new features
  4. Ensure all tests pass
  5. Submit a pull request



security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

A Model Context Protocol server that provides file system operations, analysis, and manipulation capabilities through a standardized tool interface.

  1. Architecture
    1. Components
  2. Installation
    1. Tool Reference
      1. Directory Operations
      2. File Operations
      3. Analysis Operations
      4. Compression Operations
    2. Error Handling
      1. Development
        1. Project Structure
        2. Running Tests
        3. Development Mode
        4. Code Quality
      2. Dependencies
        1. Contributing
          1. License