Supabase MCP Server
by alexander-zuev
# Contributing to Supabase MCP Server
Thank you for your interest in Supabase MCP Server. This project aims to maintain a high quality standard I've set for it. I welcome and carefully review all contributions. Please read the following guidelines carefully.
## 🤓 Important: Pre-Contribution Requirements
1. **Required: Open a Discussion First**
- **All contributions** must start with a GitHub Discussion before any code is written
- Explain your proposed changes, why they're needed, and how they align with the project's vision
- Wait for explicit approval from the maintainer before proceeding
- PRs without a prior approved discussion will be closed immediately without review
2. **Project Vision**
- This project follows a specific development vision maintained by the owner
- Not all feature ideas will be accepted, even if well-implemented
- The maintainer reserves the right to decline contributions that don't align with the project's direction
## 🛠️ Contribution Process (Only After Discussion Approval)
1. **Fork the repository:** Click the "Fork" button in the top right corner of the GitHub page.
2. **Create a new branch:** Create a branch with a descriptive name related to your contribution.
git checkout -b feature/your-approved-feature
3. **Quality Requirements:**
- **Test Coverage:** All code changes must include appropriate tests
- **Documentation:** Update all relevant documentation
- **Code Style:** Follow the existing code style and patterns
- **Commit Messages:** Use clear, descriptive commit messages
4. **Make your changes:** Implement the changes that were approved in the discussion.
5. **Test thoroughly:** Ensure all tests pass and add new tests for your changes.
# Run tests
6. **Commit your changes:** Use clear, descriptive commit messages that explain what you've done.
git commit -m "feat: implement approved feature X"
7. **Push your branch:** Push your changes to your forked repository.
git push origin feature/your-approved-feature
8. **Create a pull request:**
- Go to the original repository on GitHub
- Click "New Pull Request"
- Select "compare across forks"
- Select your fork and branch as the source
- Add a detailed description that references the approved discussion
- Include information about how you've tested the changes
- Submit the pull request
9. **Review Process:**
- PRs will be reviewed when time permits
- Be prepared to make requested changes
- The maintainer may request significant revisions
- PRs may be rejected even after review if they don't meet quality standards
## ⚠️ Grounds for Immediate Rejection
Your PR will be closed without review if:
- No prior discussion was opened and approved
- Tests are missing or failing
- Documentation is not updated
- Code quality doesn't meet project standards
- PR description is inadequate
- Changes don't align with the approved discussion
## 🤔 Why These Requirements?
- This project is maintained by a single developer (me) with limited review time
- Quality and consistency are prioritized over quantity of contributions
- The project follows a specific vision that I want to maintain
## 🌟 Acceptable Contributions
The following types of contributions are most welcome:
- Bug fixes with clear reproduction steps
- Performance improvements with benchmarks
- Documentation improvements
- New features that have been pre-approved via discussion
## 💡 Alternative Ways to Contribute
If you have ideas but don't want to go through this process:
- Fork the project and build your own version
- Share your use case in Discussions
- Report bugs with detailed reproduction steps
Thank you for understanding and respecting these guidelines. They help maintain the quality and direction of the project.