Supabase MCP Server

by alexander-zuev
Apache 2.0
  • Apple
  • Linux
# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( ## [0.3.10] - Unreleased ### Added - Enhanced migration naming system with improved object type detection for procedures, functions, and views. - Expanded `retrieve_migrations` tool with pagination, name pattern filtering, and option to include full SQL queries. - Added a check to validate personal access token and service role key are set before calling API or SDK methods ### Changed - Updated setup instructions for Claude Desktop - Updated setup instructions for Cline - Updated and fixed setup ### Removed - Removed redundant `get_api_safety_rules` tool since exceptions already provide enough information to the client ## [0.3.9] - 2025-03-08 ### Fixed - Fixed an issue with api spec tool that prevented spec retrieval ## [0.3.8] - 2025-03-07 ### Added - SQL query validation using PostgreSQL's parser (pglast v7.3+) - Automatic migration script generation for schema changes - Universal safety system with standardized risk levels (Low/Medium/High/Extreme) - Switched to asyncpg v0.30.0+ from psycopg2 - Enhanced API spec tool with multiple query modes and risk assessment - Connection retry logic for database and API operations - Code coverage with pytest-cov - SQL linting with SQLFluff - Added pyyaml v6.0.2+ for configuration ### Changed - Refactored to use dependency injection pattern - Standardized service initialization to synchronous pattern - Improved SQL safety categorization: - `safe`: Read-only operations (always allowed) - `write`: Data modification (requires unsafe mode) - `destructive`: Schema changes (requires unsafe mode + confirmation) - Updated Ruff to v0.9.9 - Added asyncpg-stubs and pytest-mock for testing ## [0.3.7] - 2025-03-02 ### Fixed - Documentation inaccuracies ### Added - Auth admin SDK support for local Supabase instances ## [0.3.6] - 2025-02-26 ### Added - Added `call_auth_admin_method` which enables MCP server to manage users in your database (create, update, delete, confirm). All Auth SDK methods are supported - Added `get_auth_admin_methods_spec` to retrieve documentation for all available Auth Admin methods. Response objects now use attribute access (dot notation) instead of dictionary access. ### Fixed - Fixed an issue with improper encoding of database passwords. Previously passwords containing "%" symbol led to connection failures ## [0.3.5] - 2025-02-26 ### Fixed - Fixed an issue with `get_tables` so that it reliably returns foreign tables and views - Updated docs to describe how to setup mcp.json with project-specific MCPs - Expanded and improved test suite to cover each MCP tool ## [0.3.4] - 2025-02-25 ### Fixed - Improved `get_tables` to return foreign data tables ## [0.3.3] - 2025-02-25 ### Fixed - Fixed a bug with `readonly` scope being incorrectly managed in db client ## [0.3.2] - 2025-02-25 ### Fixed - Fixed a bug preventing execution of DDL commands (create, alter tables, etc.) ## [0.3.1] - 2025-02-23 ### Changed - Significantly improved docs to make install, configuration, usage instructions super clear ## [0.3.0] - 2025-02-23 ### Added - Full support for read-write SQL operations: - Implemented safety mode system with read-only (default) and read-write modes - Added mode switching with automatic reset to read-only - Enhanced transaction support for testing write operations - Improved error handling for read-only violations - Support for Supabase Management API - Introduces supabase management API integration with safe (enabled by default) and yolo modes - Includes the following tools: - `send_management_api_request` to send arbitrary requests to Supabase Management API, with auto-injection of project ref and safety mode control. - `get_management_api_spec` to get the enriched API specification with safety information - `get_management_api_safety_rules` to get all safety rules including blocked and unsafe operations with human-readable explanations - `live_dangerously` to switch to yolo mode - Safety features: - Divides API methods into `safe`, `unsafe` and `blocked` categories based on the risk of the operation - Allows to switch between safe and yolo modes dynamically - Blocked operations (delete project, delete database) are not allowed regardless of the mode ## [0.2.2] - 2025-02-20 ### Added - Support for different Supabase regions: - Configuration via `SUPABASE_REGION` environment variable - Validation for all 16 supported AWS regions - Default to `us-east-1` for backward compatibility - Enhanced logging for region information - Comprehensive documentation and examples ## [0.2.1] - 2025-02-19 ### Added - Package distribution support: - PyPI package publishing setup - Installation via `pipx` and `uv` - Entry point scripts for direct execution - deployment configuration ### Changed - BREAKING: Installation and execution methods: - Switched from direct script execution to proper module structure - Updated Cursor/Windsurf configuration for package-based execution - Improved setup instructions in README ## [0.2.0] - 2025-02-18 Intermediary release for package distribution support ## [0.1.0] - 2025-02-16 ### Added - Initial release - Basic MCP server functionality - Supabase database connection support - Integration with Cursor and Windsurf IDEs [0.3.0]: [0.2.2]: [0.2.1]: [0.2.0]: [0.1.0]: