Supabase MCP Server

by alexander-zuev
Apache 2.0
  • Apple
  • Linux
--- name: Bug Report about: Report an issue with the Supabase MCP server title: "An issue with doing X when Y under conditions Z" labels: bug assignees: alexander-zuev --- ## ⚠️ IMPORTANT NOTE The following types of reports will be closed immediately without investigation: - Vague reports like "Something is not working" without clear explanations - Issues missing reproduction steps or necessary context - Reports without essential information (logs, environment details) - Issues already covered in the README Please provide complete information as outlined below. ## Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. ## Steps to Reproduce 1. 2. 3. ## Connection Details - Connection type: (Local or Remote) - Using password with special characters? (Yes/No) ## Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. ## Logs HIGHLY USEFUL: Attach server logs from: - macOS/Linux: ~/.local/share/supabase-mcp/mcp_server.log - Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.local\share\supabase-mcp\mcp_server.log You can get the last 50 lines with: ``` tail -n 50 ~/.local/share/supabase-mcp/mcp_server.log ``` ## Additional context Add any other context about the problem here. ## Checklist Mark completed items with an [x]: - [ ] I've included the server logs - [ ] I've checked the README troubleshooting section - [ ] I've verified my connection settings are correct