MCP Google Suite

by adexltd

hybrid server

The server is able to function both locally and remotely, depending on the configuration or use case.


  • Enables creation, reading, and updating of Google Docs with tools to manage document content

  • Provides file search capabilities and folder creation within Google Drive

  • Allows creation of spreadsheets and managing cell values through range-based operations

MCP Google Workspace Server

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server enabling AI agents to interact with Google Workspace (Drive, Docs, and Sheets) services.

🌟 Features

  • Google Drive: Search files, create folders
  • Google Docs: Create, read, update documents
  • Google Sheets: Create spreadsheets, read/write cell values
  • Multiple transport modes: stdio (default), SSE, WebSocket
  • MCP-compatible client support (Cursor, etc.)

📋 Installation

uvx mcp-google-suite

Using pip

pip install mcp-google-suite

Development setup

# Clone and install git clone && cd mcp-google-suite uv venv && source .venv/bin/activate # or .venv\Scripts\activate on Windows uv pip install -e .

🔧 Configuration

Configure for MCP Clients

Add to your client settings (e.g. Cursor, Claude):

Using uvx (recommended):

{ "mcpServers": { "mcp-google-suite": { "command": "uvx", "args": ["mcp-google-suite"], "env": { "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS": "~/.google/server-creds.json", "GOOGLE_OAUTH_CREDENTIALS": "~/.google/oauth.keys.json" } } } }

Using pip installation:

{ "mcpServers": { "mcp-google-suite": { "command": "python", "args": ["-m", "mcp_google_suite"], "env": { "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS": "~/.google/server-creds.json", "GOOGLE_OAUTH_CREDENTIALS": "~/.google/oauth.keys.json" } } } }

Google OAuth Setup

  1. Visit Google Cloud Console
  2. Enable Drive, Docs, and Sheets APIs
  3. Create OAuth 2.0 credentials
  4. Save as ~/.google/oauth.keys.json
  5. Run mcp-google auth to authenticate

Available Tools

Drive Operations

  • drive_search_files: Search files in Google Drive
    • query (string, required): Search query
    • page_size (integer, optional): Number of results to return
  • drive_create_folder: Create a new folder
    • name (string, required): Folder name
    • parent_id (string, optional): Parent folder ID

Docs Operations

  • docs_create: Create a new document
    • title (string, required): Document title
    • content (string, optional): Initial content
  • docs_get_content: Get document content
    • document_id (string, required): Document ID
  • docs_update_content: Update document content
    • document_id (string, required): Document ID
    • content (string, required): New content

Sheets Operations

  • sheets_create: Create a new spreadsheet
    • title (string, required): Spreadsheet title
    • sheets (array, optional): Sheet names
  • sheets_get_values: Get cell values
    • spreadsheet_id (string, required): Spreadsheet ID
    • range (string, required): A1 notation range
  • sheets_update_values: Update cell values
    • spreadsheet_id (string, required): Spreadsheet ID
    • range (string, required): A1 notation range
    • values (array, required): 2D array of values

🛠️ Development

# Install dev dependencies uv pip install -e ".[dev]" # Setup pre-commit hooks pre-commit install # Run tests pytest # Format code black . && ruff check --fix .

🔍 Debugging

Use the MCP Inspector for interactive testing:

# Using uvx npx @modelcontextprotocol/inspector uvx mcp-google # For development cd path/to/mcp-google-suite npx @modelcontextprotocol/inspector uv run mcp-google

📚 Resources

🤝 Contributing

Please read for details on our code of conduct and the process for submitting pull requests.

🔒 Security

See for reporting vulnerabilities and best practices.

📄 License

MIT License - See LICENSE file for details.

security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

A Model Context Protocol server that provides seamless integration with Google Workspace, allowing operations with Google Drive, Docs, and Sheets through secure OAuth2 authentication.

  1. 🌟 Features
    1. 📋 Installation
      1. Using uv (recommended)
      2. Using pip
      3. Development setup
    2. 🔧 Configuration
      1. Configure for MCP Clients
      2. Google OAuth Setup
      3. Available Tools
    3. 🛠️ Development
      1. 🔍 Debugging
        1. 📚 Resources
          1. 🤝 Contributing
            1. 🔒 Security
              1. 📄 License