OneSignal MCP Server

by WeirdBrains

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Used to load OneSignal API credentials from a .env configuration file for secure management of API keys and app IDs.

  • Referenced as the repository platform where the OneSignal MCP code is hosted and can be cloned from.

  • Required as the runtime environment for the MCP server, with version 3.7 or higher needed to run the OneSignal integration.

OneSignal MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server for interacting with the OneSignal API. This server provides a convenient interface for managing push notifications, emails, SMS, user devices, segments, templates, and more through OneSignal's REST API.


This MCP server wraps the OneSignal REST API to provide a set of tools for managing your OneSignal applications and sending messages to your users. It supports all major OneSignal operations including:

  • Sending push notifications, emails, and SMS
  • Managing user devices and subscriptions
  • Creating and managing segments
  • Creating and managing templates
  • Viewing app information and analytics
  • Organization-level operations
  • Managing multiple OneSignal applications


  • Python 3.7 or higher
  • python-dotenv package
  • requests package
  • OneSignal account with API credentials


Option 1: Clone from GitHub

# Clone the repository git clone cd onesignal-mcp # Install dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt

Option 2: Install as a Package (Coming Soon)

pip install onesignal-mcp


  1. Create a .env file in the root directory with your OneSignal credentials:
    # Default app credentials (optional, you can also add apps via the API) ONESIGNAL_APP_ID=your_app_id_here ONESIGNAL_API_KEY=your_rest_api_key_here # Organization API key (for org-level operations) ONESIGNAL_ORG_API_KEY=your_organization_api_key_here
  2. You can find your OneSignal credentials in your OneSignal dashboard:
    • App ID: Settings > Keys & IDs > OneSignal App ID
    • REST API Key: Settings > Keys & IDs > REST API Key
    • Organization API Key: Organization Settings > API Keys


Running the Server


The server will start and register itself with the MCP system, making its tools available for use.

Basic Usage Examples

Sending a Push Notification

# Send a notification to all subscribed users result = await send_notification( title="Hello World", message="This is a test notification", segment="Subscribed Users" ) print(result)

Working with Multiple Apps

# Add a new app configuration await add_app( key="my_second_app", app_id="second-app-id", api_key="second-app-api-key", name="My Second App" ) # List all configured apps apps = await list_apps() print(apps) # Switch to the new app await switch_app("my_second_app") # Send a notification using the current app await send_notification( title="Hello", message="This is from my second app" ) # Send a notification from a specific app (without switching) await send_notification( title="Hello", message="This is from my first app", app_key="mandible" )

Managing Segments

# List all segments segments = await view_segments() print(segments) # Create a new segment result = await create_segment( name="High Value Users", filters='[{"field":"amount_spent", "relation":">", "value":"100"}]' ) print(result)

Working with Templates

# Create an email template result = await create_template( name="Welcome Email", title="Welcome to Our App", message="<html><body><h1>Welcome!</h1><p>Thank you for joining us.</p></body></html>", template_type="email" ) print(result)

Multi-App Support

This server supports managing multiple OneSignal applications. You can:

  1. Add multiple app configurations with different identifiers
  2. Switch between apps when making API calls
  3. Specify which app to use for individual operations

App Management Tools

  • list_apps: List all configured OneSignal apps in the server
  • add_app: Add a new OneSignal app configuration
  • update_app: Update an existing OneSignal app configuration
  • remove_app: Remove an OneSignal app configuration
  • switch_app: Switch the current app to use for API requests

Available Tools

Message Management

  • send_notification: Send a new push notification, email, or SMS
  • view_messages: List recent messages sent through OneSignal
  • view_message_details: Get detailed information about a specific message
  • cancel_message: Cancel a scheduled message

Device Management

  • view_devices: List devices (users) registered in your OneSignal app
  • view_device_details: Get detailed information about a specific device

Segment Management

  • view_segments: List all segments available in your OneSignal app
  • create_segment: Create a new segment with specified filters
  • delete_segment: Delete an existing segment

Template Management

  • view_templates: List all templates available in your OneSignal app
  • view_template_details: Get detailed information about a specific template
  • create_template: Create a new template for notifications or emails

App Information

  • view_app_details: Get detailed information about the configured OneSignal app


The server includes comprehensive logging to help with debugging and monitoring. Logs are output to the console by default, with the following format:

YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS - onesignal-mcp - LEVEL - Message

You can adjust the logging level by modifying the logging.basicConfig call in the server file.


The OneSignal MCP server includes a comprehensive test suite to ensure all functionality works as expected. The tests use Python's built-in unittest framework and mock external API calls to test the server's behavior.

Running Tests

To run the tests, use the following command:

python -m unittest discover tests

This will discover and run all tests in the tests directory.

Test Coverage

The test suite covers:

  • App configuration management
  • API request handling with proper authentication
  • Error handling and recovery
  • Multiple app support
  • Organization-level operations

Writing New Tests

If you add new functionality to the server, please also add corresponding tests. Tests should be placed in the tests directory and follow the naming convention test_*.py.


Common Issues

No App Configuration Available

If you see the error "No app configuration available", make sure you have:

  1. Set up your .env file with the correct credentials, or
  2. Added an app configuration using the add_app tool

API Key Errors

If you receive authentication errors, verify that:

  1. Your API keys are correct
  2. You're using the right key for the operation (REST API Key vs Organization API Key)
  3. The key has the necessary permissions in OneSignal

Rate Limiting

OneSignal has rate limits for API requests. If you encounter rate limiting:

  1. Reduce the frequency of your requests
  2. Implement retry logic with exponential backoff

Getting Help

If you encounter issues not covered here:

  1. Check the OneSignal API Documentation
  2. Open an issue on the GitHub repository


We welcome contributions to improve the OneSignal MCP server! Please see for guidelines.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • OneSignal for their excellent notification service and API
  • The Weirdbrains team for supporting this project