# ADR 009: MCP Prompts Implementation
## Context
Create reusable prompt templates for common Coolify workflows to make interactions more efficient.
## Implementation Checklist
- [ ] Deployment Prompts
- [ ] "deploy-application" prompt
applicationId: string,
version?: string,
environment?: string
- [ ] "rollback-deployment" prompt
applicationId: string,
deploymentId: string
- [ ] Configuration Prompts
- [ ] "configure-database" prompt
databaseId: string,
settings: DatabaseSettings
- [ ] "configure-environment" prompt
environmentId: string,
variables: Record<string, string>
- [ ] Service Management Prompts
- [ ] "setup-service" prompt
environmentId: string,
serviceType: string,
configuration: ServiceConfig
- [ ] "troubleshoot-service" prompt
serviceId: string,
issueType?: "connectivity" | "performance" | "logs"
- [ ] Resource Management Prompts
- [ ] "optimize-resources" prompt
resourceId: string,
resourceType: "application" | "service" | "database"
- [ ] "backup-management" prompt
resourceId: string,
operation: "create" | "restore" | "list"
- [ ] Testing
- [ ] Prompt validation tests
- [ ] Response formatting tests
- [ ] Error handling tests
- [ ] Integration tests with actual commands
## Dependencies
- ADR 001 (Core Server Setup)
- ADR 005 (Application Deployment)
- ADR 006 (Database Management)
- ADR 007 (Service Management)
- ADR 008 (MCP Resources Implementation)