Coolify MCP Server

by StuMason
# ADR 003: Project Management ## Context Basic project management functionality - first interactive feature allowing users to create and manage projects. ## API Endpoints Used - GET `/projects` (Line ~800) - Lists all projects - Response: Array of Project objects - Auth: Bearer token required - POST `/projects` (Line ~850) - Create new project - Request body: { name: string, description?: string } - Response: Project object - Auth: Bearer token required - GET `/projects/{uuid}` (Line ~900) - Get project details - Response: Project object with relationships - Auth: Bearer token required - DELETE `/projects/{uuid}` (Line ~950) - Delete project - Response: 204 No Content - Auth: Bearer token required - PUT `/projects/{uuid}` (Line ~1000) - Update project - Request body: { name?: string, description?: string } - Response: Updated Project object - Auth: Bearer token required ## Implementation Checklist - [x] Project List Resource - [x] resources://coolify/projects/list implementation - [x] Pagination support - [x] Basic filtering - [x] Project Management Tools - [x] createProject tool - [x] deleteProject tool - [x] updateProject tool - [x] Project Detail Resource - [x] resources://coolify/projects/{id} implementation - [x] Project status and configuration - [x] Testing - [x] CRUD operation tests - [x] Error handling tests - [x] Resource format tests ## Dependencies - ADR 001 (Core Server Setup) - ADR 002 (Server Information Resources)