# ADR 004: Environment Management
## Context
Environment management within projects - allows retrieving environment information and deploying applications within environments.
## API Endpoints Used
- GET `/projects/{uuid}/{environment_name_or_uuid}`
- Get environment details by project UUID and environment name/UUID
- Response: Environment object
- Auth: Bearer token required
- POST `/applications/{uuid}/deploy`
- Deploy an application using its UUID
- Response: Deployment object
- Auth: Bearer token required
Note: Environment creation and management is handled through the Projects API. Environments are created and configured as part of project setup.
## Implementation Status
### Completed
- [x] Environment Detail Resource
- [x] GET project environment endpoint implemented
- [x] Client method: `getProjectEnvironment`
- [x] MCP tool: `get_project_environment`
- [x] Application Deployment
- [x] Deploy application endpoint implemented
- [x] Client method: `deployApplication`
- [x] MCP tool: `deploy_application`
### Environment Schema
interface Environment {
id: number;
name: string;
project_id: number;
created_at: string;
updated_at: string;
description: string;
## Dependencies
- ADR 001 (Core Server Setup)
- ADR 003 (Project Management)
## Notes
- Environment management is tightly coupled with projects in the Coolify API
- Environment variables are managed at the application level during application creation/updates
- Direct environment CRUD operations are not available through dedicated endpoints
- Environment information can be retrieved through the project endpoints