Fledge MCP Server

by Krupalp525

hybrid server

The server is able to function both locally and remotely, depending on the configuration or use case.


  • Enables building and deploying the Fledge MCP server using Docker containers, supporting deployment to Smithery.ai for enhanced scalability and availability.

  • Supports deployment behind an Nginx reverse proxy for production environments, enhancing security and performance for the Fledge MCP server.

  • Allows generation of React components for Fledge data visualization, enabling the creation of custom UI elements to display sensor data from Fledge instances.

Fledge MCP Server

This is a Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that connects Fledge functionality to Cursor AI, allowing the AI to interact with Fledge instances via natural language commands.


  • Fledge installed locally or accessible via API (default: http://localhost:8081)
  • Cursor AI installed
  • Python 3.8+


  1. Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/Krupalp525/fledge-mcp.git cd fledge-mcp
  1. Install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the Server

  1. Make sure Fledge is running:
fledge start
  1. Start the MCP server:
python mcp_server.py

For secure operation with API key authentication:

python secure_mcp_server.py
  1. Verify it's working by accessing the health endpoint:
curl http://localhost:8082/health

You should receive "Fledge MCP Server is running" as the response.

Connecting to Cursor

  1. In Cursor, go to Settings > MCP Servers
  2. Add a new server:
  3. For the secure server, configure the "X-API-Key" header with the value from the api_key.txt file that is generated when the secure server starts.
  4. Test it: Open Cursor's Composer (Ctrl+I), type "Check if Fledge API is reachable," and the AI should call the validate_api_connection tool.

Available Tools

Data Access and Management

  1. get_sensor_data: Fetch sensor data from Fledge with optional filtering by time range and limit
  2. list_sensors: List all sensors available in Fledge
  3. ingest_test_data: Ingest test data into Fledge, with optional batch count

Service Control

  1. get_service_status: Get the status of all Fledge services
  2. start_stop_service: Start or stop a Fledge service by type
  3. update_config: Update Fledge configuration parameters

Frontend Code Generation

  1. generate_ui_component: Generate React components for Fledge data visualization
  2. fetch_sample_frontend: Get sample frontend templates for different frameworks
  3. suggest_ui_improvements: Get AI-powered suggestions for improving UI code

Real-Time Data Streaming

  1. subscribe_to_sensor: Set up a subscription to sensor data updates
  2. get_latest_reading: Get the most recent reading from a specific sensor

Debugging and Validation

  1. validate_api_connection: Check if the Fledge API is reachable
  2. simulate_frontend_request: Test API requests with different methods and payloads

Documentation and Schema

  1. get_api_schema: Get information about available Fledge API endpoints
  2. list_plugins: List available Fledge plugins

Advanced AI-Assisted Features

  1. generate_mock_data: Generate realistic mock sensor data for testing

Testing the API

You can test the server using the included test scripts:

# For standard server python test_mcp.py # For secure server with API key python test_secure_mcp.py

Security Options

The secure server (secure_mcp_server.py) adds API key authentication:

  1. On first run, it generates an API key stored in api_key.txt
  2. All requests must include this key in the X-API-Key header
  3. Health check endpoint remains accessible without authentication

Example API Requests

# Validate API connection curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "validate_api_connection"}' http://localhost:8082/tools # Generate mock data curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "generate_mock_data", "parameters": {"sensor_id": "temp1", "count": 5}}' http://localhost:8082/tools # Generate React chart component curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "generate_ui_component", "parameters": {"component_type": "chart", "sensor_id": "temp1"}}' http://localhost:8082/tools # For secure server, add API key header curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-API-Key: YOUR_API_KEY" -d '{"name": "list_sensors"}' http://localhost:8082/tools

Extending the Server

To add more tools:

  1. Add the tool definition to tools.json
  2. Implement the tool handler in mcp_server.py and secure_mcp_server.py

Production Considerations

For production deployment:

  • Use HTTPS
  • Deploy behind a reverse proxy like Nginx
  • Implement more robust authentication (JWT, OAuth)
  • Add rate limiting
  • Set up persistent data storage for subscriptions

Deploying on Smithery.ai

The Fledge MCP Server can be deployed on Smithery.ai for enhanced scalability and availability. Follow these steps to deploy:

  1. Prerequisites
    • Docker installed on your local machine
    • A Smithery.ai account
    • The Smithery CLI tool installed
  2. Build and Deploy
    # Build the Docker image docker build -t fledge-mcp . # Deploy to Smithery.ai smithery deploy
  3. Configuration The smithery.json file contains the configuration for your deployment:
    • WebSocket transport on port 8082
    • Configurable Fledge API URL
    • Tool definitions and parameters
    • Timeout settings
  4. Environment Variables Set the following environment variables in your Smithery.ai dashboard:
    • FLEDGE_API_URL: Your Fledge API endpoint
    • API_KEY: Your secure API key (if using secure mode)
  5. Verification After deployment, verify your server is running:
    smithery status fledge-mcp
  6. Monitoring Monitor your deployment through the Smithery.ai dashboard:
    • Real-time logs
    • Performance metrics
    • Error tracking
    • Resource usage
  7. Updating To update your deployment:
    # Build new image docker build -t fledge-mcp . # Deploy updates smithery deploy --update

JSON-RPC Protocol Support

The server implements the Model Context Protocol (MCP) using JSON-RPC 2.0 over WebSocket. The following methods are supported:

  1. initialize
    { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "initialize", "params": {}, "id": "1" }
    { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": { "serverInfo": { "name": "fledge-mcp", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "Fledge Model Context Protocol (MCP) Server", "vendor": "Fledge", "capabilities": { "tools": true, "streaming": true, "authentication": "api_key" } }, "configSchema": { "type": "object", "properties": { "fledge_api_url": { "type": "string", "description": "Fledge API URL", "default": "http://localhost:8081/fledge" } } } }, "id": "1" }
  2. tools/list
    { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "tools/list", "params": {}, "id": "2" }
    Response: Returns the list of available tools and their parameters.
  3. tools/call
    { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "tools/call", "params": { "name": "get_sensor_data", "parameters": { "sensor_id": "temp1", "limit": 10 } }, "id": "3" }

Error Codes

The server follows standard JSON-RPC 2.0 error codes:

  • -32700: Parse error
  • -32600: Invalid Request
  • -32601: Method not found
  • -32602: Invalid params
  • -32000: Server error