MCP SearxNG Search

by Jay4242

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Provides a web search tool that allows users to perform searches through a SearxNG instance, with control over the query and maximum number of results to return.

MCP SearxNG Search

This project provides an MCP server that allows you to perform web searches using a SearxNG instance. It exposes a tool that can be called by other MCP-compatible applications, such as Goose.

Getting Started

  1. Set the SEARXNG_BASE_URL environment variable to the base URL of your SearxNG instance.
  2. Install the package: pip install .

Usage with Goose

  1. Install the extension: After installing the package, you can add this MCP server as an extension in Goose.
  2. Add the extension in Goose: Go to Settings > Extensions > Add.
  3. Set the extension type: Set the Type to StandardIO.
  4. Provide the extension details: Provide an ID, name, and description for your extension.
  5. Set the command: In the Command field, provide the absolute path to your executable using uv run. For example:
    uv run /full/path/to/mcp-searxng-search/.venv/bin/mcp-searxng-search
    Make sure to replace /full/path/to/mcp-searxng-search with the actual path to your project directory.
  6. Using the extension: Once integrated, you can start using your extension in Goose. Open the Goose chat interface and call your tool as needed. You can verify that Goose has picked up the tools from your custom extension by asking it "what tools do you have?"

The tool ID is searxng_search. It accepts two parameters: query (the search query) and max_results (the maximum number of results to return, defaults to 30).

security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

An MCP server that enables web searches using a SearxNG instance, allowing MCP-compatible applications like Goose to perform internet searches.

  1. Getting Started
    1. Usage with Goose