SerpApi MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Manages environment variables for the MCP server, specifically for storing and accessing the SerpApi API key

  • Retrieves parsed search results from Baidu search engine via SerpApi

  • Performs searches on DuckDuckGo and retrieves parsed search results via SerpApi

SerpApi MCP Server

Build an MCP server that:

  • Get parsed search engines results pages via SerpApi using an API key, fast

This MCP (Model Context Protocol) server integrates with SerpApi to perform searches across various search engines and retrieve both live and archived results. It exposes tools and resources for seamless interaction with MCP clients or hosts, such as Grok or Claude for Desktop.


To set up the SerpApi MCP server, install the required Python libraries:

pip install mcp serpapi python-dotenv

You’ll also need a SerpApi API key. Sign up at SerpApi to get one.

Quick Start

  1. Save the Server Code: Place the server code in a file, e.g.,
  2. Configure the API Key: Create a .env file in the same directory with your SerpApi API key:
  1. Run the Server: Start the server with:
  1. Integrate with an MCP Client: Connect the server to an MCP client or host (e.g., Claude for Desktop). For Claude, update Claude_desktop_config.json:
{ "mcpServers": { "serpapi": { "command": "python", "args": ["path/to/"] } } }

Restart the client to load the server.


  • Supported Engines: Google, Google Light, Bing, Walmart, Yahoo, eBay, YouTube, DuckDuckGo, Yandex, Baidu
  • Tools:
  • search: Perform a search on a specified engine with a query and optional parameters.
  • Resources:
  • locations: Find Google Locations.

Usage Examples

These examples assume an MCP client (e.g., written in Python using the MCP client SDK) is connected to the server. Listing Supported Engines Retrieve the list of supported search engines:

engines = await session.read_resource("locations") print(engines)

Performing a Search Search for "coffee" on Google with a location filter:

result = await session.call_tool("search", { "query": "coffee", "engine": "google", "location": "Austin, TX" })



API Key: Set your SerpApi API key in the .env file as SERPAPI_API_KEY.

Running the Server

Production Mode: Launch the server with:


Development Mode: Use the MCP Inspector for debugging:

mcp dev


Test the server using the MCP Inspector or an MCP client. For Claude for Desktop, configure the server in Claude_desktop_config.json, restart the app, and use the hammer icon to explore and test available tools.

security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

An MCP server that integrates with SerpApi to retrieve search results from multiple search engines including Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others, enabling fast access to both live and archived search data.

  1. Installation
    1. Quick Start
      1. Features
        1. Usage Examples
          1. Configuration
            1. Running the Server
          2. Testing