DeepSRT MCP Server

DeepSRT MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that provides YouTube video summarization functionality through integration with DeepSRT's API.


  • Generate summaries for YouTube videos
  • Support for both narrative and bullet-point summary modes
  • Multi-language support (default: zh-tw)
  • Seamless integration with MCP-enabled environments

How it Works

  1. Content Caching
    • Videos must first be opened through DeepSRT to ensure content is cached in the service
    • This initial viewing triggers the caching process in the DeepSRT service
  2. MCP Summary Retrieval
    • When requesting summaries through MCP, the content is served from DeepSRT's CDN edge locations
    • This ensures fast and efficient delivery of summaries
  3. Pre-cached Content
    • Some videos may already be cached in the system from previous user requests
    • While you might be able to fetch summaries for these pre-cached videos, availability is not guaranteed
    • For best results, ensure videos are first opened through DeepSRT


Installing for Claude Desktop

  1. First, build the server:
npm install npm run build
  1. Add the server configuration to your Claude Desktop config file:
  • On macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
  • On Windows: %APPDATA%/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
{ "mcpServers": { "deepsrt-mcp": { "command": "node", "args": [ "/path/to/deepsrt-mcp/build/index.js" ] } } }

Installing for Cline

Just ask Cline to install in the chat:

"Hey, install this MCP server for me from"

Cline will auto install deepsrt-mcp for you and update your cline_mcp_settings.json.


The server provides the following tool:


Gets a summary for a YouTube video.


  • videoId (required): YouTube video ID
  • lang (optional): Language code (e.g., zh-tw) - defaults to zh-tw
  • mode (optional): Summary mode ("narrative" or "bullet") - defaults to narrative

Example Usage

Using Claude Desktop:

// The MCP tool will fetch the video summary const result = await mcp.use_tool("deepsrt-mcp", "get_summary", { videoId: "dQw4w9WgXcQ", lang: "zh-tw", mode: "narrative" });

Using Cline:

const result = await mcp.use_tool("deepsrt", "get_summary", { videoId: "dQw4w9WgXcQ", lang: "zh-tw", mode: "bullet" });


Install dependencies:

npm install

Start development server:

npm run dev

Build for production:

npm run build



Q: I am getting 404 error, why?

A: This is because the video summary is not cached in the CDN edge location, you need to open this video using DeepSRT chrome extension to have it cached in the CDN network before you can get that summary using MCP.

You can verify the cache status using cURL like this

curl -s '' \ -i --data '{"arg":"v=VafNvIcOs5w","action":"summarize","lang":"zh-tw","mode":"narrative"}' | grep -i "^cache-status" cache-status: HIT

If you see cache-status: HIT the content is cached in the CDN edge location and your MCP server shoud not get 404.

security - not tested
license - not tested
quality - not tested

A Model Context Protocol server that enables AI assistants to generate summaries for YouTube videos in narrative or bullet-point formats with multi-language support.

  1. Features
    1. How it Works
      1. Installation
        1. Installing for Claude Desktop
        2. Installing for Cline
      2. Usage
        1. get_summary
        2. Example Usage
      3. Development
        1. Demo
          1. FAQ