Adamik MCP Server


local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Enables reading account balances, querying transaction history, and interacting with the Bitcoin blockchain through the Adamik API.

  • Provides transaction management, account insights, and token interactions for the Ethereum blockchain, including native ETH transfers and ERC20 token operations.

  • Allows querying account information and interacting with the TON blockchain, supporting address verification and balance checking.

Adamik MCP Server


The Adamik MCP Server enables read and write interactions with 60+ blockchain networks through Claude Desktop. This server provides an integration with the standardized, multi-chain Adamik API, allowing developers to seamlessly interact with diverse blockchains for transaction management, account insights, staking, and token interactions, all through a unified and enterprise-grade interface.



1. Clone Repository

git clone cd adamik-mcp-server

2. Setup and Build

  1. Create environment file:
cp .env.example .env
  1. Configure your environment variables in .env:
# Required - Your Adamik API key ADAMIK_API_KEY="your_api_key_here" ADAMIK_API_BASE_URL=""

3. Get Your Free API Key

  1. Visit
  2. Create a free account
  3. Navigate to the API Keys section
  4. Generate a new API key
  5. Copy the API key and paste it into your .env file

4. Install dependencies and build:

pnpm install pnpm run build

5. Configuration

  1. Open or create the Claude configuration file:
code ~/Library/Application\ Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
  1. Add the following configuration:
{ "mcpServers": { "adamik-mcp-server": { "command": "node", "args": ["/Users/YourUsername/GitHub/adamik-mcp-server/build/index.js"] } } }

Note: After adding the MCP server configuration, restart Claude for the changes to take effect.

Usage Examples

Example 1: Query Cosmos Address

Query: Can you get balances of my cosmos address cosmos1yvuhqg73fdzxvam9sj7mazfa38gpn7ulsavh7s? Can you check first Adamik API documentation to learn how to use it?

Example 2: Multi-Chain Balance Queries

Query: Can you check my balances across different chains? - Ethereum: 0x3dD2504c27449a78Df04284129C380f3831cAF0d - Bitcoin: bc1qekphvuz20qvdhkzywfe29r9vvtwxrszvaxzmqm - StarkNet: 0x0548A1a8B82AB723C3D770052C4f2E6197215dC12E4bAaBDE1C571D7AA85760e - TON: UQAQ113dWkP2MOfXN2uv0qPFB-097flcLBhyv0_lhgXEUhwz

Example 3: Transaction History and Validator Information

Query: - What's my latest operation on my dYdX account dydx1yvuhqg73fdzxvam9sj7mazfa38gpn7uleyzn78? - Can you provide information about this dYdX validator: dydxvaloper1ml44cenapnawcn4xy3w36jce0rg78dm8ajvypn?

Example 4: Staking Rewards Query

Query: What are my current pending rewards on Osmosis address osmo1yvuhqg73fdzxvam9sj7mazfa38gpn7ulcxl8gz?


Key Features

Multi-Chain Support: The API provides unified access to multiple blockchain networks, including popular chains like Ethereum, Starknet, Cosmos, Bitcoin, and many others. This allows developers to interact with different blockchains using a consistent interface.

Transaction Management: The API offers comprehensive transaction-related functionalities, including:

  • Transaction encoding (preparing the transaction before signing)
  • Transaction validation (checking if the transaction is valid)
  • Transaction broadcasting (sending the transaction to the network)
  • Retrieving transaction details and status

Account Management: Provides detailed account-related services such as:

  • Retrieving account state (balances)
  • Checking token balances
  • Viewing account transaction history

Utility Functions: Offers helpful utility endpoints like:

  • Address validation
  • Public key to address conversion
  • Chain and token information retrieval

Staking Support: Includes features for proof-of-stake blockchains, such as:

  • Staking transactions
  • Unstaking
  • Claiming staking rewards
  • Validator information retrieval

Token Interaction: Enables interactions with different token types, including:

  • Native currency transfers (for instance sending ETH on Ethereum or Algorand)
  • Token transfers (for instance sending USDC on Ethereum or Tron)
  • Retrieving token details across various blockchain standards (ERC20, TRC20, ASA, etc.)

The API essentially aims to provide a standardized, cross-chain interface for blockchain interactions, simplifying the complexity of working with multiple blockchain networks.

Security Considerations

  • Private keys are currently stored securely in .env
  • Only use test wallets with small amounts for development

Adamik API Documentation

For detailed API documentation, visit

Rate Limits

  • Free tier: 10k requests/month
  • Premium tier: Contact us for custom pricing and higher rate limits


Need help or have questions? Visit our contact page or check our API documentation.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit pull requests or open issues.

security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

Enables read and write interactions with 60+ blockchain networks through Claude Desktop, providing a unified interface for transaction management, account insights, staking, and token interactions across diverse blockchains.

  1. Overview
    1. Prerequisites
      1. Installation
        1. 1. Clone Repository
        2. 2. Setup and Build
        3. 3. Get Your Free API Key
        4. 4. Install dependencies and build:
        5. 5. Configuration
      2. Usage Examples
        1. Example 1: Query Cosmos Address
        2. Example 2: Multi-Chain Balance Queries
        3. Example 3: Transaction History and Validator Information
        4. Example 4: Staking Rewards Query
      3. Features
        1. Key Features
      4. Security Considerations
        1. Adamik API Documentation
          1. Rate Limits
        2. Support
          1. License