Figma to React Native MCP

by kailashAppDev

hybrid server

The server is able to function both locally and remotely, depending on the configuration or use case.


  • Extracts components from Figma designs and converts them to React Native components with proper typing and styling, maintaining component hierarchy and handling component props.

  • Planned future feature for GraphQL schema generation based on Figma components.

  • Generates React Native components from Figma designs, supporting nested components and maintaining component hierarchy with proper typing and styling.

Figma to React Native MCP

Convert Figma designs to React Native components using Cursor's MCP. This tool extracts components from your Figma designs and generates corresponding React Native components with proper typing and styling.


For Development

Add to your eas.json:

{ "mcpServers": { "figma-to-code": { "command": "node", "args": ["PATH_TO_REPO/build/index.js"], "env": { "FIGMA_TOKEN": "your_figma_token", "FIGMA_FILE": "your_figma_file_id", "PROJECT_DIR": "your_project_directory" } } } }

For End Users

Install the MCP server in your Cursor IDE:

npx -y @smithery/cli@latest install @kailashg101/mcp-figma-to-code --client claude --config "{ \"figmaToken\": \"YOUR_FIGMA_TOKEN\", \"figmaFile\": \"YOUR_FIGMA_FILE_ID\", \"projectDir\": \"YOUR_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\" }"


After installation, you can use the following prompts in Cursor:

Extract All Components

using the extract_components mcp tool get all components from figma and generate their corresponding react native components in components folder

Extract Specific Component

using the extract_components mcp tool get the [ComponentName] component from figma and generate its corresponding react native component in components folder


The config object accepts the following parameters:

{ "figmaToken": string, // Your Figma access token "figmaFile": string, // Your Figma file ID (from the URL) "projectDir": string // Where to generate the components }



  • ✅ Extract components from Figma
  • ✅ Generate React Native components
  • ✅ Maintain component hierarchy
  • ✅ Handle component props and types
  • ✅ Support nested components

Coming Soon:

  • 🚧 GraphQL schema generation


To contribute or modify:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Build:
npm run build
  1. Run locally:
npm start

Environment Variables

When running locally, you'll need these in your .env:

FIGMA_TOKEN=your_figma_token FIGMA_FILE=your_figma_file_id PROJECT_DIR=your_project_directory

Error Handling

Common errors and solutions:

  • "Failed to create client": Check if all environment variables are properly set
  • "Components page not found": Ensure your Figma file has a page named "Components"
  • "Failed to fetch Figma file": Verify your Figma token and file ID



For issues and feature requests, please open an issue on GitHub.

security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

Converts Figma designs to React Native components, allowing users to extract components from Figma designs and generate corresponding React Native components with proper typing and styling.

  1. Installation
    1. For Development
    2. For End Users
  2. Usage
    1. Extract All Components
    2. Extract Specific Component
  3. Configuration
    1. Features
      1. Development
        1. Environment Variables
          1. Error Handling
            1. License