MCP Notes

import { z } from "zod"; export const NoteSchema = z.object({ id: z .string() .describe( 'Unique identifier of the note, should be unique enough like "a-note-about-python-file-server-design-109".' ), title: z .string() .describe("Title of the note, describe what was inside the content."), summary: z.string().describe("Short summary of the note"), tags: z.array(z.string()).describe("Tags of the note"), content: z.string().describe("Content of the note"), }); export type Note = z.infer<typeof NoteSchema>; export const ListNotesInputSchema = z.object({ tags: z .array(z.string()) .optional() .describe("Optional tags to filter notes"), }); export const GetNoteInputSchema = z.object({ id: z.string().describe("ID of the note to retrieve"), }); export const WriteNoteInputSchema = NoteSchema; export const DeleteNoteInputSchema = z.object({ id: z.string().describe("ID of the note to delete"), });