MCP Notes

import { DynamoDBDocumentClient, GetCommand, PutCommand, DeleteCommand, ScanCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb"; import { Note } from "./schemas.js"; import { Resource } from "./types.js"; export const handleListNotes = async ( docClient: DynamoDBDocumentClient, tableName: string, ALL_RESOURCES: Resource[], tags?: string[] ) => { const scanParams: any = { TableName: tableName }; if (tags && tags.length > 0) { scanParams.FilterExpression = "tags IN (:tags)"; scanParams.ExpressionAttributeValues = { ":tags": tags, }; } const command = new ScanCommand(scanParams); const response = await docClient.send(command); const notes = (response.Items as Note[]) || []; const simplifiedNotes = => ({ id:, title: note.title, summary: note.summary, tags: note.tags, })); ALL_RESOURCES.length = 0; notes.forEach((note) => { ALL_RESOURCES.push({ uri: `notes://notes/${}`, name: note.title, mimeType: "application/json", text: JSON.stringify(note), }); }); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: `Found ${notes.length} notes.` }, { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(simplifiedNotes) }, ], }; }; export const handleGetNote = async ( docClient: DynamoDBDocumentClient, tableName: string, id: string ) => { const command = new GetCommand({ TableName: tableName, Key: { id } }); const response = await docClient.send(command); const note = response.Item as Note; return note ? { content: [ { type: "text", text: `Note found with ID '${id}':` }, { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(note) }, ], } : { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Note with ID '${id}' not found.` }], }; }; export const handleWriteNote = async ( docClient: DynamoDBDocumentClient, tableName: string, note: Note, ALL_RESOURCES: Resource[] ) => { const command = new PutCommand({ TableName: tableName, Item: note }); await docClient.send(command); const resourceIndex = ALL_RESOURCES.findIndex( (res) => res.uri === `notes://notes/${}` ); const newResource = { uri: `notes://notes/${}`, name: note.title, mimeType: "application/json", text: JSON.stringify(note), }; if (resourceIndex !== -1) { ALL_RESOURCES[resourceIndex] = newResource; } else { ALL_RESOURCES.push(newResource); } return { content: [ { type: "text", text: `Note with ID '${}' has been written/updated.`, }, ], }; }; export const handleDeleteNote = async ( docClient: DynamoDBDocumentClient, tableName: string, id: string, ALL_RESOURCES: Resource[] ) => { const command = new DeleteCommand({ TableName: tableName, Key: { id } }); await docClient.send(command); const index = ALL_RESOURCES.findIndex( (res) => res.uri === `notes://notes/${id}` ); if (index !== -1) { ALL_RESOURCES.splice(index, 1); } return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Note with ID '${id}' has been deleted.` }], }; };