by 1595901624
- crypto-mcp
- test
- service
// import AESUtil from "../../build/service/aes.js";
// describe("AESUtil", () => {
// const testMessage = "Hello, World!";
// const testKey = "1234567890123456"; // 16字节密钥
// const testIv = "abcdefghijklmnop"; // 16字节IV
// describe("ECB Mode", () => {
// it("should encrypt and decrypt using ECB mode with base64", () => {
// const encrypted = AESUtil.encryptECB(testMessage, testKey);
// const decrypted = AESUtil.decryptECB(encrypted, testKey);
// expect(decrypted).toBe(testMessage);
// });
// it("should encrypt and decrypt using ECB mode with hex", () => {
// const encrypted = AESUtil.encryptECB(
// testMessage,
// testKey,
// "Pkcs7",
// "hex"
// );
// const decrypted = AESUtil.decryptECB(encrypted, testKey, "Pkcs7", "hex");
// expect(decrypted).toBe(testMessage);
// });
// it("should work with different padding modes", () => {
// const paddings = [
// "Pkcs7",
// "ZeroPadding",
// "Iso97971",
// "AnsiX923",
// "Iso10126",
// ];
// paddings.forEach((padding) => {
// const encrypted = AESUtil.encryptECB(testMessage, testKey, padding);
// const decrypted = AESUtil.decryptECB(encrypted, testKey, padding);
// expect(decrypted).toBe(testMessage);
// });
// });
// });
// describe("CBC Mode", () => {
// it("should encrypt and decrypt using CBC mode with base64", () => {
// const encrypted = AESUtil.encryptCBC(testMessage, testKey, testIv);
// const decrypted = AESUtil.decryptCBC(encrypted, testKey, testIv);
// expect(decrypted).toBe(testMessage);
// });
// it("should encrypt and decrypt using CBC mode with hex", () => {
// const encrypted = AESUtil.encryptCBC(
// testMessage,
// testKey,
// testIv,
// "Pkcs7",
// "hex"
// );
// const decrypted = AESUtil.decryptCBC(
// encrypted,
// testKey,
// testIv,
// "Pkcs7",
// "hex"
// );
// expect(decrypted).toBe(testMessage);
// });
// });
// describe("CFB Mode", () => {
// it("should encrypt and decrypt using CFB mode with base64", () => {
// const encrypted = AESUtil.encryptCFB(testMessage, testKey, testIv);
// const decrypted = AESUtil.decryptCFB(encrypted, testKey, testIv);
// expect(decrypted).toBe(testMessage);
// });
// it("should encrypt and decrypt using CFB mode with hex", () => {
// const encrypted = AESUtil.encryptCFB(
// testMessage,
// testKey,
// testIv,
// "Pkcs7",
// "hex"
// );
// const decrypted = AESUtil.decryptCFB(
// encrypted,
// testKey,
// testIv,
// "Pkcs7",
// "hex"
// );
// expect(decrypted).toBe(testMessage);
// });
// });
// describe("OFB Mode", () => {
// it("should encrypt and decrypt using OFB mode with base64", () => {
// const encrypted = AESUtil.encryptOFB(testMessage, testKey, testIv);
// const decrypted = AESUtil.decryptOFB(encrypted, testKey, testIv);
// expect(decrypted).toBe(testMessage);
// });
// it("should encrypt and decrypt using OFB mode with hex", () => {
// const encrypted = AESUtil.encryptOFB(
// testMessage,
// testKey,
// testIv,
// "Pkcs7",
// "hex"
// );
// const decrypted = AESUtil.decryptOFB(
// encrypted,
// testKey,
// testIv,
// "Pkcs7",
// "hex"
// );
// expect(decrypted).toBe(testMessage);
// });
// });
// describe("CTR Mode", () => {
// it("should encrypt and decrypt using CTR mode with base64", () => {
// const encrypted = AESUtil.encryptCTR(testMessage, testKey, testIv);
// const decrypted = AESUtil.decryptCTR(encrypted, testKey, testIv);
// expect(decrypted).toBe(testMessage);
// });
// it("should encrypt and decrypt using CTR mode with hex", () => {
// const encrypted = AESUtil.encryptCTR(
// testMessage,
// testKey,
// testIv,
// "Pkcs7",
// "hex"
// );
// const decrypted = AESUtil.decryptCTR(
// encrypted,
// testKey,
// testIv,
// "Pkcs7",
// "hex"
// );
// expect(decrypted).toBe(testMessage);
// });
// });
// describe("Error Handling", () => {
// it("should throw error with invalid key length", () => {
// const invalidKey = "123"; // Key too short
// expect(() => {
// AESUtil.encryptECB(testMessage, invalidKey);
// }).toThrow();
// });
// it("should throw error with invalid IV length", () => {
// const invalidIv = "123"; // IV too short
// expect(() => {
// AESUtil.encryptCBC(testMessage, testKey, invalidIv);
// }).toThrow();
// });
// it("should throw error with invalid base64 input", () => {
// const invalidBase64 = "not-a-valid-base64";
// expect(() => {
// AESUtil.decryptECB(invalidBase64, testKey);
// }).toThrow();
// });
// it("should throw error with invalid hex input", () => {
// const invalidHex = "not-a-valid-hex";
// expect(() => {
// AESUtil.decryptECB(invalidHex, testKey, "Pkcs7", "hex");
// }).toThrow();
// });
// });
// });