DynamoDB MCP Server
by imankamyabi
- src
- mcp_local_dev
- runtimes
"""Runtime detection and configuration."""
from typing import Dict, Callable, Awaitable
from mcp_local_dev.types import Runtime, RuntimeConfig, Sandbox
from mcp_local_dev.logging import get_logger
from mcp_local_dev.runtimes import python, node, bun
logger = get_logger(__name__)
# Map of runtime configs
RUNTIME_CONFIGS: Dict[Runtime, RuntimeConfig] = {
Runtime.PYTHON: python.CONFIG,
Runtime.NODE: node.CONFIG,
Runtime.BUN: bun.CONFIG,
# Map of runtime setup functions
RUNTIME_SETUP: Dict[Runtime, Callable[[Sandbox], Awaitable[None]]] = {
Runtime.PYTHON: python.setup_python,
Runtime.NODE: node.setup_node,
Runtime.BUN: bun.setup_bun,
def detect_runtime(sandbox: Sandbox) -> RuntimeConfig:
"""Detect runtime from project files."""
work_dir = sandbox.work_dir
SKIP_DIRS = {'.git', '.svn', '.hg', '.pytest_cache', '__pycache__', 'node_modules', '.venv'}
files = {
for p in work_dir.rglob("*")
if not any(part.startswith('.') or part in SKIP_DIRS for part in p.parts)
for runtime, config in RUNTIME_CONFIGS.items():
if any(any(f.endswith(c) for f in files) for c in config.config_files):
return config
raise ValueError("No supported runtime detected")
async def install_runtime(sandbox: Sandbox, config: RuntimeConfig) -> None:
"""Install runtime by setting up package manager and installing dependencies"""
setup_func = RUNTIME_SETUP.get(config.name)
if not setup_func:
raise RuntimeError(f"No setup function for runtime: {config.name}")
await setup_func(sandbox)