DynamoDB MCP Server

Server Configuration

Describes the environment variables required to run the server.

AWS_REGIONYesThe AWS region where your DynamoDB tables are located.
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_IDYesYour AWS access key ID required for AWS SDK operations.
AWS_SESSION_TOKENNoYour AWS session token if you're using temporary credentials.
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEYYesYour AWS secret access key required for AWS SDK operations.



Interactive templates invoked by user choice


No prompts


Contextual data attached and managed by the client


No resources


Functions exposed to the LLM to take actions

create_tableCreates a new DynamoDB table with specified configuration
update_capacityUpdates the provisioned capacity of a table
put_itemInserts or replaces an item in a table
get_itemRetrieves an item from a table by its primary key
query_tableQueries a table using key conditions and optional filters
scan_tableScans an entire table with optional filters
describe_tableGets detailed information about a DynamoDB table
list_tablesLists all DynamoDB tables in the account
create_gsiCreates a global secondary index on a table
update_gsiUpdates the provisioned capacity of a global secondary index
create_lsiCreates a local secondary index on a table (must be done during table creation)
update_itemUpdates specific attributes of an item in a table