DynamoDB MCP Server


Creates a new DynamoDB table with specified configuration

Input Schema

partitionKeyYesName of the partition key
partitionKeyTypeYesType of partition key (S=String, N=Number, B=Binary)
readCapacityYesProvisioned read capacity units
sortKeyNoName of the sort key (optional)
sortKeyTypeNoType of sort key (optional)
tableNameYesName of the table to create
writeCapacityYesProvisioned write capacity units

Input Schema (JSON Schema)

{ "properties": { "partitionKey": { "description": "Name of the partition key", "type": "string" }, "partitionKeyType": { "description": "Type of partition key (S=String, N=Number, B=Binary)", "enum": [ "S", "N", "B" ], "type": "string" }, "readCapacity": { "description": "Provisioned read capacity units", "type": "number" }, "sortKey": { "description": "Name of the sort key (optional)", "type": "string" }, "sortKeyType": { "description": "Type of sort key (optional)", "enum": [ "S", "N", "B" ], "type": "string" }, "tableName": { "description": "Name of the table to create", "type": "string" }, "writeCapacity": { "description": "Provisioned write capacity units", "type": "number" } }, "required": [ "tableName", "partitionKey", "partitionKeyType", "readCapacity", "writeCapacity" ], "type": "object" }