DynamoDB MCP Server
by imankamyabi
- src
- mcp_local_dev
- runtimes
"""Bun runtime implementation."""
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from mcp_local_dev.types import Runtime, PackageManager, RuntimeConfig, Sandbox
from mcp_local_dev.sandboxes.commands import install_packages
from mcp_local_dev.sandboxes.sandbox import add_package_manager_bin_path
CONFIG = RuntimeConfig(
config_files=["bun.lockb", "package.json"],
env_setup={"NO_INSTALL_HINTS": "1"},
async def setup_bun(sandbox: Sandbox) -> None:
"""Set up Bun runtime environment."""
# Verify and symlink bun
bun_path = shutil.which('bun')
if not bun_path:
raise RuntimeError("Required runtime/package manager not found: bun")
bunx_path = shutil.which('bunx')
if not bunx_path:
raise RuntimeError("Required package manager not found: bunx")
# Symlink bun for both runtime and package manager
bun_target = sandbox.bin_dir / 'bun'
if not bun_target.exists():
# Symlink bunx
bunx_target = sandbox.bin_dir / 'bunx'
if not bunx_target.exists():
# Also symlink as node for compatibility
node_target = sandbox.bin_dir / 'node'
if not node_target.exists():
# Set up environment variables
for key, value in CONFIG.env_setup.items():
sandbox.env_vars[key] = value
# Add package manager bin paths before installing packages
add_package_manager_bin_path(sandbox, CONFIG.package_manager)
# Install project dependencies
await install_packages(sandbox, CONFIG.package_manager)