Terraform Registry MCP Server

  • tests
// Global mock helpers for testing // This file provides both type definitions and implementations // Mock state storage const mockResponses: any[] = []; const fetchCalls: Array<{ url: string, options?: RequestInit }> = []; /** * Reset all fetch mock state */ export function resetFetchMocks(): void { mockResponses.length = 0; fetchCalls.length = 0; } /** * Mock a successful fetch response */ export function mockFetchResponse(response: Partial<Response>): void { mockResponses.push(response); } /** * Mock a fetch rejection */ export function mockFetchRejection(error: Error | string): void { mockResponses.push({ error }); } /** * Get the history of fetch calls */ export function getFetchCalls(): Array<{ url: string, options?: RequestInit }> { return [...fetchCalls]; } // Mock fetch globally global.fetch = function mockFetch(input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit) { const url = typeof input === "string" ? input : input instanceof URL ? input.toString() : input.url; fetchCalls.push({ url, options: init }); const mockResponse = mockResponses.shift(); if (!mockResponse) { return Promise.resolve({ ok: true, status: 200, json: () => Promise.resolve({}), text: () => Promise.resolve("") } as Response); } if (mockResponse.error) { return Promise.reject(mockResponse.error); } return Promise.resolve(mockResponse as Response); }; // Mock console.error to avoid polluting test output global.console.error = function() {};