Terraform Registry MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.

Terraform Registry MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that provides tools for interacting with the Terraform Registry API. This server enables AI agents to query provider information, resource details, and module metadata.


Installing in Cursor

To install and use this MCP server in Cursor:

  1. In Cursor, open Settings (⌘+,) and navigate to the "MCP" tab.
  2. Click "+ Add new MCP server."
  3. Enter the following:
    • Name: terraform-registry
    • Type: command
    • Command: npx -y terraform-mcp-server
  4. Click "Add" then scroll to the server and click "Disabled" to enable the server.
  5. Restart Cursor, if needed, to ensure the MCP server is properly loaded.

Installing in Claude Desktop

To install and use this MCP server in Claude Desktop:

  1. In Claude Desktop, open Settings (⌘+,) and navigate to the "Developer" tab.
  2. Click "Edit Config" at the bottom of the window.
  3. Edit the file (~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json) to add the following code, then Save the file.
{ "mcpServers": { "terraform-registry": { "command": "npx", "args": ["-y", "terraform-mcp-server"] } } }
  1. Restart Claude Desktop to ensure the MCP server is properly loaded.


For information about testing this project, please see the TESTS.md file.


1. Provider Lookup

Looks up Terraform provider details by name, returning the latest version and version count.


{ "provider": "aws", // Required: Provider name "namespace": "hashicorp", // Optional: Provider namespace (defaults to "hashicorp") "version": "latest" // Optional: Provider version }


{ "content": [ { "type": "text", "text": "Provider hashicorp/aws: latest version is 5.0.0 (out of 150 versions)." } ] }

2. Resource Usage

Gets example usage of a Terraform resource and related resources.


{ "provider": "aws", // Required: Provider name "resource": "aws_instance" // Required: Resource name }


{ "content": [ { "type": "text", "text": "Example usage for aws_instance:\n```terraform\n[example code]\n```\nRelated resources: aws_vpc, aws_subnet" } ] }

3. Module Recommendations

Searches for and recommends Terraform modules based on a query.


{ "query": "vpc", // Required: Search query "provider": "aws" // Optional: Filter modules by provider }


{ "content": [ { "type": "text", "text": "Recommended modules for \"vpc\":\n1. terraform-aws-modules/vpc (aws) - AWS VPC Terraform module\n..." } ] }

4. Data Source Lookup

Retrieves available data source identifiers for a given Terraform provider.


{ "provider": "aws", // Required: Provider name "namespace": "hashicorp" // Required: Provider namespace }


{ "content": [{ "type": "text", "text": { "data_sources": ["aws_ami", "aws_instance", "aws_vpc", ...] } }] }

5. Resource Argument Details

Fetches comprehensive details about a specific resource type's arguments, including required and optional attributes, nested blocks, and their descriptions.


{ "provider": "aws", // Required: Provider name "namespace": "hashicorp", // Required: Provider namespace "resource": "aws_instance" // Required: Resource name }


Resource: aws_instance REQUIRED ATTRIBUTES: * ami (string) The AMI to use for the instance. OPTIONAL ATTRIBUTES: * instance_type (string) The type of instance to start. Updates to this field will trigger a stop/start of the EC2 instance. * availability_zone (string) (computed) The AZ where the instance will be created. BLOCKS: * network_interface (min: 0, max: 0) Customize network interfaces to be attached at instance boot time. ATTRIBUTES: - network_interface_id (string) ID of the network interface to attach. - device_index (number) (required) Integer index of the network interface attachment. For full documentation, visit: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/instance

6. Module Details

Retrieves detailed metadata for a Terraform module.


{ "namespace": "terraform-aws-modules", // Required: Module namespace "module": "vpc", // Required: Module name "provider": "aws" // Required: Provider name }


{ "content": [{ "type": "text", "text": { "versions": ["5.0.0", "4.0.0", ...], "inputs": [ { "name": "region", "description": "AWS region to deploy into.", "default": "us-east-1" }, ... ], "outputs": [ { "name": "vpc_id", "description": "ID of the VPC created." }, ... ], "dependencies": [] } }] }

Running the Server

The server runs using stdio transport for MCP communication:

npm install npm start

Configuration with Environment Variables

The server can be configured using environment variables:

Environment VariableDescriptionDefault Value
TERRAFORM_REGISTRY_URLBase URL for Terraform Registry APIhttps://registry.terraform.io
DEFAULT_PROVIDER_NAMESPACEDefault namespace for providershashicorp
LOG_LEVELLogging level (error, warn, info, debug)info
REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MSTimeout for API requests in milliseconds10000
RATE_LIMIT_ENABLEDEnable rate limiting for API requestsfalse
RATE_LIMIT_REQUESTSNumber of requests allowed in time window60
RATE_LIMIT_WINDOW_MSTime window for rate limiting in milliseconds60000

Example usage with environment variables:

# Set environment variables export LOG_LEVEL="debug" export REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS="15000" # Run the server node dist/index.js


See the TESTS.md file for information about testing this project.

You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - permissive license
quality - confirmed to work

Connects AI models to the Terraform Registry via MCP, enabling provider lookups, resource usage examples, and module recommendations for streamlined Terraform workflows.

  1. Installation
    1. Installing in Cursor
      1. Installing in Claude Desktop
      2. Testing
        1. Tools
          1. 1. Provider Lookup
            1. 2. Resource Usage
              1. 3. Module Recommendations
                1. 4. Data Source Lookup
                  1. 5. Resource Argument Details
                    1. 6. Module Details
                    2. Running the Server
                      1. Configuration with Environment Variables
                      2. Testing