# Basic test script for terraform-mcp-server resource usage handler
# This script tests a minimal set of resources to verify functionality
echo "=== Testing terraform-mcp-server Resource Usage Handler ==="
echo "=========================================================="
# Build the project first
echo "Building project..."
npm run build > /dev/null
# Function to run a resource usage test
test_resource() {
local provider=$1
local resource=$2
local description=$3
echo ""
echo "=== Testing $description ($provider/$resource) ==="
# Create JSON-RPC request
local request="{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"method\":\"tools/call\",\"params\":{\"name\":\"resourceUsage\",\"arguments\":{\"provider\":\"$provider\",\"resource\":\"$resource\"}}}"
echo "Request: $resource"
# Pipe request to server and filter log messages
local response=$(echo "$request" | node dist/index.js | grep -v "Server constructor" | grep -v "terraform-registry-mcp" | grep -v "Received" | grep -v "=== DETAILED REQUEST DEBUG INFO ===" | grep -v "Processing tool" | grep -v "Using tool")
# Display brief content preview
echo "Content preview:"
echo "$response" | head -c 300
echo "..."
# Check for errors
if echo "$response" | grep -q "Error"; then
echo -e "\nTEST FAILED: $provider/$resource"
return 1
echo -e "\nTEST PASSED: $provider/$resource"
return 0
# Track test results
# Test only the most essential resources - one AWS and one Google
run_test() {
if test_resource "$1" "$2" "$3"; then
passed=$((passed + 1))
failed=$((failed + 1))
# Test AWS resources
test_resource "aws" "aws_s3_bucket" "AWS S3 Bucket"
test_resource "aws" "aws_api_gateway_account" "AWS API Gateway Account"
test_resource "aws" "aws_lambda_function" "AWS Lambda Function"
test_resource "aws" "aws_instance" "AWS EC2 Instance"
test_resource "aws" "aws_vpc" "AWS VPC"
# Test other cloud providers
test_resource "google" "google_compute_instance" "Google Compute Instance"
test_resource "azurerm" "azurerm_resource_group" "Azure Resource Group"
# Show summary
echo ""
echo "=== Test Summary ==="
echo "Passed: $passed"
echo "Failed: $failed"
echo "Total: $((passed + failed))"
# Exit with failure if any tests failed
if [ $failed -gt 0 ]; then
exit 1