• src
import { Connection } from 'jsforce'; import { QueryArgs, ToolingQueryArgs, DescribeObjectArgs, MetadataRetrieveArgs, isValidToolingQueryArgs, isValidDescribeObjectArgs, isValidMetadataRetrieveArgs, isValidMetadataType } from './types.js'; export interface ToolHandler { name: string; description: string; inputSchema: Record<string, any>; handler: (conn: Connection, args: any) => Promise<any>; } export const tools: ToolHandler[] = [ { name: "query", description: "Execute a SOQL query on Salesforce", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { query: { type: "string", description: "SOQL query to execute" } }, required: ["query"] }, handler: async (conn: Connection, args: QueryArgs) => { return await conn.query(args.query); } }, { name: "tooling-query", description: "Execute a query against the Salesforce Tooling API", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { query: { type: "string", description: "Tooling API query to execute" } }, required: ["query"] }, handler: async (conn: Connection, args: ToolingQueryArgs) => { if (!isValidToolingQueryArgs(args)) { throw new Error("Invalid tooling query arguments"); } return await conn.tooling.query(args.query); } }, { name: "describe-object", description: "Get detailed metadata about a Salesforce object", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { objectName: { type: "string", description: "API name of the object to describe" }, detailed: { type: "boolean", description: "Whether to return full metadata (optional)", default: false } }, required: ["objectName"] }, handler: async (conn: Connection, args: DescribeObjectArgs) => { if (!isValidDescribeObjectArgs(args)) { throw new Error("Invalid describe object arguments"); } const objType = conn.sobject(args.objectName); if (args.detailed) { // For custom objects, we can get additional metadata if (args.objectName.endsWith('__c')) { const [describe, metadata] = await Promise.all([ objType.describe(),'CustomObject', args.objectName) ]); return { describe, metadata }; } return await objType.describe(); } return await objType.describe(); } }, { name: "metadata-retrieve", description: "Retrieve metadata components from Salesforce", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { type: { type: "string", description: "Metadata type (e.g., Flow, CustomObject)", enum: [ 'CustomObject', 'Flow', 'FlowDefinition', 'CustomField', 'ValidationRule', 'ApexClass', 'ApexTrigger', 'WorkflowRule', 'Layout' ] }, fullNames: { type: "array", items: { type: "string" }, description: "Array of component names to retrieve" } }, required: ["type", "fullNames"] }, handler: async (conn: Connection, args: MetadataRetrieveArgs) => { if (!isValidMetadataRetrieveArgs(args)) { throw new Error("Invalid metadata retrieve arguments"); } if (!isValidMetadataType(args.type)) { throw new Error(`Invalid metadata type: ${args.type}`); } return await, args.fullNames); } } ];