Claude Desktop Commander MCP

  • src
import { spawn } from 'child_process'; import { TerminalSession, CommandExecutionResult, ActiveSession } from './types.js'; import { DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT } from './config.js'; interface CompletedSession { pid: number; output: string; exitCode: number | null; startTime: Date; endTime: Date; } export class TerminalManager { private sessions: Map<number, TerminalSession> = new Map(); private completedSessions: Map<number, CompletedSession> = new Map(); async executeCommand(command: string, timeoutMs: number = DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT): Promise<CommandExecutionResult> { const process = spawn(command, [], { shell: true }); let output = ''; // Ensure is defined before proceeding if (! { throw new Error('Failed to get process ID'); } const session: TerminalSession = { pid:, process, lastOutput: '', isBlocked: false, startTime: new Date() }; this.sessions.set(, session); return new Promise((resolve) => { process.stdout.on('data', (data) => { const text = data.toString(); output += text; session.lastOutput += text; }); process.stderr.on('data', (data) => { const text = data.toString(); output += text; session.lastOutput += text; }); setTimeout(() => { session.isBlocked = true; resolve({ pid:!, output, isBlocked: true }); }, timeoutMs); process.on('exit', (code) => { if ( { // Store completed session before removing active session this.completedSessions.set(, { pid:, output: output + session.lastOutput, // Combine all output exitCode: code, startTime: session.startTime, endTime: new Date() }); // Keep only last 100 completed sessions if (this.completedSessions.size > 100) { const oldestKey = Array.from(this.completedSessions.keys())[0]; this.completedSessions.delete(oldestKey); } this.sessions.delete(; } resolve({ pid:!, output, isBlocked: false }); }); }); } getNewOutput(pid: number): string | null { // First check active sessions const session = this.sessions.get(pid); if (session) { const output = session.lastOutput; session.lastOutput = ''; return output; } // Then check completed sessions const completedSession = this.completedSessions.get(pid); if (completedSession) { // Format completion message with exit code and runtime const runtime = (completedSession.endTime.getTime() - completedSession.startTime.getTime()) / 1000; return `Process completed with exit code ${completedSession.exitCode}\nRuntime: ${runtime}s\nFinal output:\n${completedSession.output}`; } return null; } forceTerminate(pid: number): boolean { const session = this.sessions.get(pid); if (!session) { return false; } try { session.process.kill('SIGINT'); setTimeout(() => { if (this.sessions.has(pid)) { session.process.kill('SIGKILL'); } }, 1000); return true; } catch (error) { console.error(`Failed to terminate process ${pid}:`, error); return false; } } listActiveSessions(): ActiveSession[] { const now = new Date(); return Array.from(this.sessions.values()).map(session => ({ pid:, isBlocked: session.isBlocked, runtime: now.getTime() - session.startTime.getTime() })); } listCompletedSessions(): CompletedSession[] { return Array.from(this.completedSessions.values()); } } export const terminalManager = new TerminalManager();