import { WorkItemQueryParams, RawWorkItemResponse } from './AzureDevOps';
* Interface for getting a work item by ID
export interface WorkItemByIdParams {
id: number;
* Interface for searching work items
export interface SearchWorkItemsParams {
searchText: string;
top?: number;
* Interface for recently updated work items
export interface RecentWorkItemsParams {
top?: number;
skip?: number;
* Interface for work items assigned to current user
export interface MyWorkItemsParams {
state?: string;
top?: number;
* Interface for creating a work item
export interface CreateWorkItemParams {
workItemType: string;
title: string;
description?: string;
assignedTo?: string;
state?: string;
areaPath?: string;
iterationPath?: string;
additionalFields?: Record<string, any>;
* Interface for updating a work item
export interface UpdateWorkItemParams {
id: number;
fields: Record<string, any>;
* Interface for adding a comment to a work item
export interface AddWorkItemCommentParams {
id: number;
text: string;
* Interface for updating a work item state
export interface UpdateWorkItemStateParams {
id: number;
state: string;
comment?: string;
* Interface for assigning a work item
export interface AssignWorkItemParams {
id: number;
assignedTo: string;
* Interface for creating a link between work items
export interface CreateLinkParams {
sourceId: number;
targetId: number;
linkType: string;
comment?: string;
* Interface for bulk operations on work items
export interface BulkWorkItemParams {
workItems: Array<CreateWorkItemParams | UpdateWorkItemParams>;