
by RyanCardin15
# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( ## [v1.13.4]( - 2025-02-04 ### Commits - [Fix] avoid being fooled by a `Symbol.toStringTag` [`fa5870d`]( - [Tests] fix tests in node v6.0 - v6.4 [`2abfe1b`]( - [Dev Deps] update `es-value-fixtures`, `for-each`, `has-symbols` [`3edfb01`]( ## [v1.13.3]( - 2024-11-09 ### Commits - [actions] split out node 10-20, and 20+ [`44395a8`]( - [Fix] `quoteStyle`: properly escape only the containing quotes [`5137f8f`]( - [Refactor] clean up `quoteStyle` code [`450680c`]( - [Tests] add `quoteStyle` escaping tests [`e997c59`]( - [Dev Deps] update `auto-changelog`, `es-value-fixtures`, `tape` [`d5a469c`]( - [Tests] replace `aud` with `npm audit` [`fb7815f`]( - [Dev Deps] update `mock-property` [`11c817b`]( ## [v1.13.2]( - 2024-06-21 ### Commits - [readme] update badges [`8a51e6b`]( - [Dev Deps] update `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `tape` [`ef05f58`]( - [Dev Deps] update `error-cause`, `has-tostringtag`, `tape` [`c0c6c26`]( - [Fix] Don't throw when `global` is not defined [`d4d0965`]( - [meta] add missing `engines.node` [`17a352a`]( - [Dev Deps] update `globalthis` [`9c08884`]( - [Dev Deps] update `error-cause` [`6af352d`]( - [Dev Deps] update `npmignore` [`94e617d`]( - [Dev Deps] update `mock-property` [`2ac24d7`]( - [Dev Deps] update `tape` [`46125e5`]( ## [v1.13.1]( - 2023-10-19 ### Commits - [Fix] in IE 8, global can !== window despite them being prototypes of each other [`30d0859`]( ## [v1.13.0]( - 2023-10-14 ### Commits - [New] add special handling for the global object [`431bab2`]( - [Dev Deps] update `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `aud`, `tape` [`fd4f619`]( - [Dev Deps] update `mock-property`, `tape` [`b453f6c`]( - [Dev Deps] update `error-cause` [`e8ffc57`]( - [Dev Deps] update `tape` [`054b8b9`]( - [Dev Deps] temporarily remove `aud` due to breaking change in transitive deps [`2476845`]( - [Dev Deps] pin `glob`, since v10.3.8+ requires a broken `jackspeak` [`383fa5e`]( - [Dev Deps] pin `jackspeak` since 2.1.2+ depends on npm aliases, which kill the install process in npm < 6 [`68c244c`]( ## [v1.12.3]( - 2023-01-12 ### Commits - [Fix] in eg FF 24, collections lack forEach [`75fc226`]( - [actions] update rebase action to use reusable workflow [`250a277`]( - [Dev Deps] update `aud`, `es-value-fixtures`, `tape` [`66a19b3`]( - [Dev Deps] update `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `aud`, `error-cause` [`c43d332`]( - [Tests] add `@pkgjs/support` to `postlint` [`e2618d2`]( ## [v1.12.2]( - 2022-05-26 ### Commits - [Fix] use `util.inspect` for a custom inspection symbol method [`e243bf2`]( - [meta] add support info [`ca20ba3`]( - [Fix] ignore `cause` in node v16.9 and v16.10 where it has a bug [`86aa553`]( ## [v1.12.1]( - 2022-05-21 ### Commits - [Tests] use `mock-property` [`4ec8893`]( - [meta] use `npmignore` to autogenerate an npmignore file [`07f868c`]( - [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `aud`, `auto-changelog`, `tape` [`b05244b`]( - [Dev Deps] update `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `error-cause`, `es-value-fixtures`, `functions-have-names`, `tape` [`d037398`]( - [Fix] properly handle callable regexes in older engines [`848fe48`]( ## [v1.12.0]( - 2021-12-18 ### Commits - [New] add `numericSeparator` boolean option [`2d2d537`]( - [Robustness] cache more prototype methods [`191533d`]( - [New] ensure an Error’s `cause` is displayed [`53bc2ce`]( - [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config` [`bc164b6`]( - [Robustness] cache `RegExp.prototype.test` [`a314ab8`]( - [meta] fix auto-changelog settings [`5ed0983`]( ## [v1.11.1]( - 2021-12-05 ### Commits - [meta] add `auto-changelog` [`7dbdd22`]( - [actions] reuse common workflows [`c8823bc`]( - [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `safe-publish-latest`, `tape` [`7532b12`]( - [Refactor] use `has-tostringtag` to behave correctly in the presence of symbol shams [`94abb5d`]( - [actions] update codecov uploader [`5ed5102`]( - [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `tape` [`37b2ad2`]( - [meta] add `sideEffects` flag [`d341f90`]( ## [v1.11.0]( - 2021-07-12 ### Commits - [New] `customInspect`: add `symbol` option, to mimic modern util.inspect behavior [`e973a6e`]( - [Dev Deps] update `eslint` [`05f1cb3`]( ## [v1.10.3]( - 2021-05-07 ### Commits - [Fix] handle core-js Symbol shams [`4acfc2c`]( - [readme] update badges [`95c323a`]( - [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `aud` [`cb38f48`]( ## [v1.10.2]( - 2021-04-17 ### Commits - [Fix] use a robust check for a boxed Symbol [`87f12d6`]( ## [v1.10.1]( - 2021-04-17 ### Commits - [Fix] use a robust check for a boxed bigint [`d5ca829`]( ## [v1.10.0]( - 2021-04-17 ### Commits - [Tests] increase coverage [`d8abb8a`]( - [actions] use `node/install` instead of `node/run`; use `codecov` action [`4bfec2e`]( - [New] respect `Symbol.toStringTag` on objects [`799b58f`]( - [Fix] do not allow Symbol.toStringTag to masquerade as builtins [`d6c5b37`]( - [New] add `WeakRef` support [`b6d898e`]( - [meta] do not publish github action workflow files [`918cdfc`]( - [meta] create `FUNDING.yml` [`0bb5fc5`]( - [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `aud`, `tape` [`22c8dc0`]( - [meta] use `prepublishOnly` script for npm 7+ [`e52ee09`]( - [Dev Deps] update `eslint` [`7c4e6fd`]( ## [v1.9.0]( - 2020-11-30 ### Commits - [Tests] migrate tests to Github Actions [`d262251`]( - [New] add enumerable own Symbols to plain object output [`ee60c03`]( - [Tests] add passing tests [`01ac3e4`]( - [actions] add "Require Allow Edits" action [`c2d7746`]( - [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `aud`, `core-js` [`70058de`]( - [Fix] hex characters in strings should be uppercased, to match node `assert` [`6ab8faa`]( - [Tests] run `nyc` on all tests [`4c47372`]( - [Tests] node 0.8 has an unpredictable property order; fix `groups` test by removing property [`f192069`]( - [New] add enumerable properties to Function inspect result, per node’s `assert` [`fd38e1b`]( - [Tests] fix tests for node < 10, due to regex match `groups` [`2ac6462`]( - [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config` [`44b59e2`]( - [Robustness] cache `Symbol.prototype.toString` [`f3c2074`]( - [Dev Deps] update `eslint` [`9411294`]( - [meta] `require-allow-edits` no longer requires an explicit github token [`36c0220`]( - [actions] update rebase checkout action to v2 [`55a39a6`]( - [actions] switch Automatic Rebase workflow to `pull_request_target` event [`f59fd3c`]( - [Dev Deps] update `eslint` [`a492bec`]( ## [v1.8.0]( - 2020-06-18 ### Fixed - [New] add `indent` option [`#27`]( ### Commits - [Tests] add codecov [`4324cbb`]( - [New] add `maxStringLength` option [`b3995cb`]( - [New] add `customInspect` option, to disable custom inspect methods [`28b9179`]( - [Tests] add Date and RegExp tests [`3b28eca`]( - [actions] add automatic rebasing / merge commit blocking [`0d9c6c0`]( - [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `core-js`, `tape`; add `aud` [`7c204f2`]( - [readme] fix repo URLs, remove testling [`34ca9a0`]( - [Fix] when truncating a deep array, note it as `[Array]` instead of just `[Object]` [`f74c82d`]( - [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `tape` [`1a8a5ea`]( - [Fix] do not be fooled by a function’s own `toString` method [`7cb5c65`]( - [patch] indicate explicitly that anon functions are anonymous, to match node [`81ebdd4`]( - [Dev Deps] loosen the `core-js` dep [`e7472e8`]( - [Dev Deps] update `tape` [`699827e`]( - [meta] add `safe-publish-latest` [`c5d2868`]( - [Dev Deps] update `@ljharb/eslint-config` [`9199501`]( ## [v1.7.0]( - 2019-11-10 ### Commits - [Tests] use shared travis-ci configs [`19899ed`]( - [Tests] add linting [`a00f057`]( - [Tests] lint last file [`2698047`]( - [Tests] up to `node` `v12.7`, `v11.15`, `v10.16`, `v8.16`, `v6.17` [`589e87a`]( - [New] add support for `WeakMap` and `WeakSet` [`3ddb3e4`]( - [meta] clean up license so github can detect it properly [`27527bb`]( - [Tests] cover `util.inspect.custom` [`36d47b9`]( - [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `core-js`, `tape` [`b614eaa`]( - [Tests] fix coverage thresholds [`7b7b176`]( - [Tests] bigint tests now can run on unflagged node [`063af31`]( - [Refactor] add early bailout to `isMap` and `isSet` checks [`fc51047`]( - [meta] add `funding` field [`7f9953a`]( - [Tests] Fix invalid strict-mode syntax with hexadecimal [`a8b5425`]( - [Dev Deps] update `@ljharb/eslint-config` [`98df157`]( - add copyright to LICENSE [`bb69fd0`]( - [Tests] use `npx aud` in `posttest` [`4838353`]( - [Tests] move `0.6` to allowed failures, because it won‘t build on travis [`1bff32a`]( ## [v1.6.0]( - 2018-05-02 ### Commits - [New] add support for boxed BigInt primitives [`356c66a`]( - [Tests] up to `node` `v10.0`, `v9.11`, `v8.11`, `v6.14`, `v4.9` [`c77b65b`]( - [New] Add support for upcoming `BigInt` [`1ac548e`]( - [Tests] run bigint tests in CI with --harmony-bigint flag [`d31b738`]( - [Dev Deps] update `core-js`, `tape` [`ff9eff6`]( - [Docs] fix example to use `safer-buffer` [`48cae12`]( ## [v1.5.0]( - 2017-12-25 ### Commits - [New] add `quoteStyle` option [`f5a72d2`]( - [Tests] add more test coverage [`30ebe4e`]( - [Tests] require 0.6 to pass [`99a008c`]( ## [v1.4.1]( - 2017-12-19 ### Commits - [Tests] up to `node` `v9.3`, `v8.9`, `v6.12` [`6674476`]( - [Fix] `inspect(Object(-0))` should be “Object(-0)”, not “Object(0)” [`d0a031f`]( ## [v1.4.0]( - 2017-10-24 ### Commits - [Tests] add `npm run coverage` [`3b48fb2`]( - [Tests] remove commented-out osx builds [`71e24db`]( - [New] add support for `util.inspect.custom`, in node only. [`20cca77`]( - [Tests] up to `node` `v8.6`; use `nvm install-latest-npm` to ensure new npm doesn’t break old node [`252952d`]( - [Tests] up to `node` `v8.8` [`4aa868d`]( - [Dev Deps] update `core-js`, `tape` [`59483d1`]( ## [v1.3.0]( - 2017-07-31 ### Fixed - [Fix] Map/Set: work around core-js bug < v2.5.0 [`#9`]( ### Commits - [New] add support for arrays with additional object keys [`0d19937`]( - [Tests] up to `node` `v8.2`, `v7.10`, `v6.11`; fix new npm breaking on older nodes [`e24784a`]( - Only apps should have lockfiles [`c6faebc`]( - [Dev Deps] update `tape` [`7345a0a`]( ## [v1.2.2]( - 2017-03-24 ### Commits - [Tests] up to `node` `v7.7`, `v6.10`, `v4.8`; improve test matrix [`a2ddc15`]( - [Tests] up to `node` `v7.0`, `v6.9`, `v5.12`, `v4.6`, `io.js` `v3.3`; improve test matrix [`a48949f`]( - [Performance] check for primitive types as early as possible. [`3b8092a`]( - [Refactor] remove unneeded `else`s. [`7255034`]( - [Refactor] avoid recreating `lowbyte` function every time. [`81edd34`]( - [Fix] differentiate -0 from 0 [`521d345`]( - [Refactor] move object key gathering into separate function [`aca6265`]( - [Refactor] consolidate wrapping logic for boxed primitives into a function. [`4e440cd`]( - [Robustness] use `typeof` instead of comparing to literal `undefined` [`5ca6f60`]( - [Refactor] consolidate Map/Set notations. [`4e576e5`]( - [Tests] ensure that this function remains anonymous, despite ES6 name inference. [`7540ae5`]( - [Refactor] explicitly coerce Error objects to strings. [`7f4ca84`]( - [Refactor] split up `var` declarations for debuggability [`6f2c11e`]( - [Robustness] cache `Object.prototype.toString` [`df44a20`]( - [Dev Deps] update `tape` [`3ec714e`]( - [Dev Deps] update `tape` [`beb72d9`]( ## [v1.2.1]( - 2016-04-09 ### Fixed - [Fix] fix Boolean `false` object inspection. [`#7`]( ## [v1.2.0]( - 2016-04-09 ### Fixed - [New] add support for inspecting String/Number/Boolean objects. [`#6`]( ### Commits - [Dev Deps] update `tape` [`742caa2`]( ## [v1.1.0]( - 2015-12-14 ### Merged - [New] add ES6 Map/Set support. [`#4`]( ### Fixed - [New] add ES6 Map/Set support. [`#3`]( ### Commits - Update `travis.yml` to test on bunches of `iojs` and `node` versions. [`4c1fd65`]( - [Dev Deps] update `tape` [`88a907e`]( ## [1.0.2]( - 2015-08-07 ### Commits - [Fix] Cache `Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty` in case it's deleted later. [`1d0075d`]( - [Dev Deps] Update `tape` [`ca8d5d7`]( - gitignore node_modules since this is a reusable modules. [`ed41407`]( ## [1.0.1]( - 2015-07-19 ### Commits - Make `inspect` work with symbol primitives and objects, including in node 0.11 and 0.12. [`ddf1b94`]( - bump tape [`103d674`]( - use newer travis config [`d497276`]( ## [1.0.0]( - 2014-08-05 ### Commits - error inspect works properly [`260a22d`]( - seen coverage [`57269e8`]( - htmlelement instance coverage [`397ffe1`]( - more element coverage [`6905cc2`]( - failing test for type errors [`385b615`]( - fn name coverage [`edc906d`]( - server-side element test [`362d1d3`]( - custom inspect fn [`e89b0f6`]( - fixed browser test [`b530882`]( - depth test, matches node [`1cfd9e0`]( - exercise hasOwnProperty path [`8d753fb`]( - more cases covered for errors [`c5c46a5`]( - \W obj key test case [`b0eceee`]( - coverage for explicit depth param [`e12b91c`]( ## [0.4.0]( - 2014-03-21 ### Commits - passing lowbyte interpolation test [`b847511`]( - lowbyte test [`4a2b0e1`]( ## [0.3.1]( - 2014-03-04 ### Commits - sort keys [`a07b19c`]( ## [0.3.0]( - 2014-03-04 ### Commits - [] and {} instead of [ ] and { } [`654c44b`]( ## [0.2.0]( - 2014-03-04 ### Commits - failing holes test [`99cdfad`]( - regex already work [`e324033`]( - failing undef/null test [`1f88a00`]( - holes in the all example [`7d345f3`]( - check for .inspect(), fixes Buffer use-case [`c3f7546`]( - fixes for holes [`ce25f73`]( - weird null behavior [`405c1ea`]( - tape is actually a devDependency, upgrade [`703b0ce`]( - put date in the example [`a342219`]( - passing the null test [`4ab737e`]( ## [0.1.3]( - 2013-07-26 ### Commits - special isElement() check [`882768a`]( - oh right old IEs don't have indexOf either [`36d1275`]( ## [0.1.1]( - 2013-07-26 ### Commits - tests! [`4422fd9`]( - fix for ie<9, doesn't have hasOwnProperty [`6b7d611`]( - fix for all IEs: no [`4e0c2f6`]( - badges [`5ed0d88`]( ## [0.1.0]( - 2013-07-26 ### Commits - [Function] for functions [`ad5c485`]( ## 0.0.0 - 2013-07-26 ### Commits - working browser example [`34be6b6`]( - package.json etc [`cad51f2`]( - docs complete [`b80cce2`]( - circular example [`4b4a7b9`]( - string rep [`7afb479`](