by RyanCardin15
- node_modules
- call-bound
type Intrinsic = typeof globalThis;
type IntrinsicName = keyof Intrinsic | `%${keyof Intrinsic}%`;
type IntrinsicPath = IntrinsicName | `${StripPercents<IntrinsicName>}.${string}` | `%${StripPercents<IntrinsicName>}.${string}%`;
type AllowMissing = boolean;
type StripPercents<T extends string> = T extends `%${infer U}%` ? U : T;
type BindMethodPrecise<F> =
F extends (this: infer This, ...args: infer Args) => infer R
? (obj: This, ...args: Args) => R
: F extends {
(this: infer This1, ...args: infer Args1): infer R1;
(this: infer This2, ...args: infer Args2): infer R2
? {
(obj: This1, ...args: Args1): R1;
(obj: This2, ...args: Args2): R2
: never
// Extract method type from a prototype
type GetPrototypeMethod<T extends keyof typeof globalThis, M extends string> =
(typeof globalThis)[T] extends { prototype: any }
? M extends keyof (typeof globalThis)[T]['prototype']
? (typeof globalThis)[T]['prototype'][M]
: never
: never
// Get static property/method
type GetStaticMember<T extends keyof typeof globalThis, P extends string> =
P extends keyof (typeof globalThis)[T] ? (typeof globalThis)[T][P] : never
// Type that maps string path to actual bound function or value with better precision
type BoundIntrinsic<S extends string> =
S extends `${infer Obj}.prototype.${infer Method}`
? Obj extends keyof typeof globalThis
? BindMethodPrecise<GetPrototypeMethod<Obj, Method & string>>
: unknown
: S extends `${infer Obj}.${infer Prop}`
? Obj extends keyof typeof globalThis
? GetStaticMember<Obj, Prop & string>
: unknown
: unknown
declare function arraySlice<T>(array: readonly T[], start?: number, end?: number): T[];
declare function arraySlice<T>(array: ArrayLike<T>, start?: number, end?: number): T[];
declare function arraySlice<T>(array: IArguments, start?: number, end?: number): T[];
// Special cases for methods that need explicit typing
interface SpecialCases {
'%Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf%': (thisArg: {}, obj: unknown) => boolean;
'%String.prototype.replace%': {
(str: string, searchValue: string | RegExp, replaceValue: string): string;
(str: string, searchValue: string | RegExp, replacer: (substring: string, ...args: any[]) => string): string
'%Object.prototype.toString%': (obj: {}) => string;
'%Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty%': (obj: {}, v: PropertyKey) => boolean;
'%Array.prototype.slice%': typeof arraySlice;
'': <T, U>(array: readonly T[], callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: readonly T[]) => U, thisArg?: any) => U[];
'%Array.prototype.filter%': <T>(array: readonly T[], predicate: (value: T, index: number, array: readonly T[]) => unknown, thisArg?: any) => T[];
'%Array.prototype.indexOf%': <T>(array: readonly T[], searchElement: T, fromIndex?: number) => number;
'%Function.prototype.apply%': <T, A extends any[], R>(fn: (...args: A) => R, thisArg: any, args: A) => R;
'': <T, A extends any[], R>(fn: (...args: A) => R, thisArg: any, ...args: A) => R;
'%Function.prototype.bind%': <T, A extends any[], R>(fn: (...args: A) => R, thisArg: any, ...args: A) => (...remainingArgs: A) => R;
'%Promise.prototype.then%': {
<T, R>(promise: Promise<T>, onfulfilled: (value: T) => R | PromiseLike<R>): Promise<R>;
<T, R>(promise: Promise<T>, onfulfilled: ((value: T) => R | PromiseLike<R>) | undefined | null, onrejected: (reason: any) => R | PromiseLike<R>): Promise<R>;
'%RegExp.prototype.test%': (regexp: RegExp, str: string) => boolean;
'%RegExp.prototype.exec%': (regexp: RegExp, str: string) => RegExpExecArray | null;
'%Error.prototype.toString%': (error: Error) => string;
'%TypeError.prototype.toString%': (error: TypeError) => string;
'%String.prototype.split%': (
obj: unknown,
splitter: string | RegExp | {
[Symbol.split](string: string, limit?: number): string[];
limit?: number | undefined
) => string[];
* Returns a bound function for a prototype method, or a value for a static property.
* @param name - The name of the intrinsic (e.g. 'Array.prototype.slice')
* @param {AllowMissing} [allowMissing] - Whether to allow missing intrinsics (default: false)
declare function callBound<K extends keyof SpecialCases | StripPercents<keyof SpecialCases>, S extends IntrinsicPath>(name: K, allowMissing?: AllowMissing): SpecialCases[`%${StripPercents<K>}%`];
declare function callBound<K extends keyof SpecialCases | StripPercents<keyof SpecialCases>, S extends IntrinsicPath>(name: S, allowMissing?: AllowMissing): BoundIntrinsic<S>;
export = callBound;