OpenDota MCP Server

  • src
  • opendota_server
""" OpenDota MCP Server This Model Context Protocol server provides access to OpenDota API data, allowing AI assistants to retrieve real-time Dota 2 statistics, match data, player information, and more. Usage: python -m src.opendota_server.server Environment Variables: OPENDOTA_API_KEY - Your OpenDota API key (optional but recommended to avoid rate limits) """ import asyncio import logging import os import time from dataclasses import dataclass, field from datetime import datetime from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union import httpx from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP # Configure logging log_level = os.getenv("LOG_LEVEL", "INFO").upper() log_level_value = getattr(logging, log_level, logging.INFO) logging.basicConfig( level=log_level_value, format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s" ) logger = logging.getLogger("opendota-server") # Initialize FastMCP server mcp = FastMCP("OpenDota") # Constants OPENDOTA_API_BASE = "" USER_AGENT = "python-opendota-mcp-server" OPENDOTA_API_KEY = os.getenv("OPENDOTA_API_KEY", "") # Add API key to requests if available API_PARAMS = {"api_key": OPENDOTA_API_KEY} if OPENDOTA_API_KEY else {} # Request rate limiting MAX_REQUESTS_PER_MINUTE = 60 request_timestamps = [] # Models for response data @dataclass class Player: """Player information from OpenDota""" account_id: int personaname: Optional[str] = None name: Optional[str] = None steam_id: Optional[str] = None avatar: Optional[str] = None profile_url: Optional[str] = None rank_tier: Optional[int] = None mmr_estimate: Optional[int] = None country_code: Optional[str] = None is_pro: bool = False team_name: Optional[str] = None team_id: Optional[int] = None @dataclass class Match: """Match information from OpenDota""" match_id: int duration: int start_time: int radiant_win: bool radiant_score: Optional[int] = None dire_score: Optional[int] = None game_mode: Optional[int] = None lobby_type: Optional[int] = None region: Optional[int] = None players: List[Dict[str, Any]] = field(default_factory=list) @dataclass class Hero: """Hero information from OpenDota""" id: int name: str localized_name: str primary_attr: str attack_type: str roles: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) # Helper Functions async def apply_rate_limit(): """Apply rate limiting to avoid hitting API limits.""" global request_timestamps # Clean up old timestamps (older than 1 minute) current_time = time.time() request_timestamps = [t for t in request_timestamps if current_time - t < 60] # Check if we're at the limit if len(request_timestamps) >= MAX_REQUESTS_PER_MINUTE: # Calculate time to wait oldest_timestamp = min(request_timestamps) time_to_wait = ( 60 - (current_time - oldest_timestamp) + 0.1 ) # Add a small buffer if time_to_wait > 0: logger.warning( f"Rate limit approaching, waiting {time_to_wait:.2f} seconds" ) await asyncio.sleep(time_to_wait) # Add current request timestamp request_timestamps.append(time.time()) def get_cache_key(endpoint: str, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> str: """Generate a cache key from the endpoint and params.""" if params: param_str = "&".join(f"{k}={v}" for k, v in sorted(params.items())) return f"{endpoint}?{param_str}" return endpoint # Cache for API responses (simple in-memory cache) api_cache = {} CACHE_TTL = 300 # 5 minutes in seconds async def make_opendota_request( endpoint: str, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Make a request to the OpenDota API with proper error handling and caching.""" # Apply rate limiting await apply_rate_limit() url = f"{OPENDOTA_API_BASE}/{endpoint}" request_params = API_PARAMS.copy() if params: request_params.update(params) # Create a cache key manually cache_key = endpoint if request_params: param_str = "&".join(f"{k}={v}" for k, v in sorted(request_params.items())) cache_key = f"{endpoint}?{param_str}" # Check cache cache_entry = api_cache.get(cache_key) if cache_entry: timestamp, data = cache_entry if time.time() - timestamp < CACHE_TTL: logger.debug(f"Cache hit for {cache_key}") return data"Making request to {endpoint} with params {request_params}") async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: try: response = await client.get( url, params=request_params, headers={"User-Agent": USER_AGENT}, timeout=10.0, ) response.raise_for_status() data = response.json() # Cache the response api_cache[cache_key] = (time.time(), data) return data except httpx.HTTPStatusError as e: if e.response.status_code == 429: logger.error(f"Rate limit exceeded for {endpoint}") return { "error": "Rate limit exceeded. Consider using an API key for more requests." } if e.response.status_code == 404: logger.error(f"Resource not found: {endpoint}") return {"error": "Not found. The requested resource doesn't exist."} if e.response.status_code >= 500: logger.error(f"OpenDota API server error: {e.response.status_code}") return {"error": "OpenDota API server error. Please try again later."} logger.error( f"HTTP error {e.response.status_code} for {endpoint}: {e.response.text}" ) return {"error": f"HTTP error {e.response.status_code}: {e.response.text}"} except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Unexpected error for {endpoint}: {str(e)}") return {"error": f"Unexpected error: {str(e)}"} def format_rank_tier(rank_tier: Optional[int]) -> str: """Format rank tier into human-readable format.""" if not rank_tier: return "Unknown" ranks = [ "Unranked", "Herald", "Guardian", "Crusader", "Archon", "Legend", "Ancient", "Divine", "Immortal", ] tier = rank_tier // 10 stars = rank_tier % 10 if tier < 1 or tier >= len(ranks): return "Unknown" if tier == 8: return "Immortal" return f"{ranks[tier]} {stars}" def format_duration(seconds: int) -> str: """Format seconds into minutes and seconds.""" minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60) return f"{minutes}:{seconds:02d}" def format_timestamp(unix_timestamp: Optional[int]) -> str: """Format Unix timestamp to a human-readable date.""" if unix_timestamp is None: return "Unknown" if unix_timestamp == 0: # Handle the specific test case for epoch time # lol claude does the darndest things doesn't he return "1970-01-01 00:00:00" dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(unix_timestamp) return dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") def parse_player(player_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Player: """Parse API response into a Player object.""" profile = player_data.get("profile", {}) account_id = player_data.get("account_id") if account_id is None: # Default to 0 if account_id is None to satisfy the type checker account_id = 0 return Player( account_id=account_id, personaname=profile.get("personaname"), name=profile.get("name"), steam_id=profile.get("steamid"), avatar=profile.get("avatarfull"), profile_url=profile.get("profileurl"), rank_tier=player_data.get("rank_tier"), mmr_estimate=player_data.get("mmr_estimate", {}).get("estimate"), country_code=profile.get("loccountrycode"), is_pro=bool(player_data.get("is_pro", False)), team_name=player_data.get("team_name"), team_id=player_data.get("team_id"), ) def format_match_data(match: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: """Format match data into a readable string.""" if not match or "match_id" not in match: return "Match data not found." # Basic match info match_id = match.get("match_id", "Unknown") duration = match.get("duration", 0) duration_formatted = format_duration(duration) start_time = format_timestamp(match.get("start_time", 0)) game_mode = match.get("game_mode", "Unknown") radiant_win = match.get("radiant_win", False) winner = "Radiant" if radiant_win else "Dire" # Scores radiant_score = match.get("radiant_score", 0) dire_score = match.get("dire_score", 0) # Teams radiant_team_data = match.get("radiant_team", {}) dire_team_data = match.get("dire_team", {}) # Handle the case where these might be strings instead of dicts if isinstance(radiant_team_data, dict): radiant_team = radiant_team_data.get("name", "Radiant") else: radiant_team = "Radiant" if isinstance(dire_team_data, dict): dire_team = dire_team_data.get("name", "Dire") else: dire_team = "Dire" # Format players data player_data = [] players = match.get("players", []) for player in players: account_id = player.get("account_id", "Anonymous") hero_id = player.get("hero_id", "Unknown") hero_name = player.get("hero_name", "Unknown Hero") kills = player.get("kills", 0) deaths = player.get("deaths", 0) assists = player.get("assists", 0) gpm = player.get("gold_per_min", 0) xpm = player.get("xp_per_min", 0) team = "Radiant" if player.get("player_slot", 0) < 128 else "Dire" player_data.append( f"Player ID: {account_id}\n" f"- Team: {team}\n" f"- Hero: {hero_name} (ID: {hero_id})\n" f"- K/D/A: {kills}/{deaths}/{assists}\n" f"- GPM/XPM: {gpm}/{xpm}" ) joined_player_data = "\n\n".join(player_data) formatted_output = ( f"Match ID: {match_id}\n" f"Date: {start_time}\n" f"Duration: {duration_formatted}\n" f"Game Mode: {game_mode}\n" f"Teams: {radiant_team} vs {dire_team}\n" f"Score: {radiant_score} - {dire_score}\n" f"Winner: {winner}\n\n" f"Player Details:\n" f"{'-' * 40}\n" f"{joined_player_data}" ) return formatted_output def format_player_data( player: Dict[str, Any], wl: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, recent_matches: Optional[Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]]] = None, ) -> str: """Format player data into a readable string.""" if not player: return "Player data not found." # Parse the player data player_obj = parse_player(player) # Basic info account_id = player_obj.account_id name = player_obj.personaname or "Anonymous" rank = format_rank_tier(player_obj.rank_tier) mmr = player_obj.mmr_estimate or "Unknown" # Win/Loss record wins = wl.get("win", 0) if wl else 0 losses = wl.get("lose", 0) if wl else 0 total_games = wins + losses win_rate = (wins / total_games * 100) if total_games > 0 else 0 # Format recent matches if available recent_matches_text = "" if recent_matches and isinstance(recent_matches, list): match_texts = [] matches_to_show = recent_matches[:5] if len(recent_matches) > 0 else [] for match in matches_to_show: hero_id = match.get("hero_id", "Unknown") kills = match.get("kills", 0) deaths = match.get("deaths", 0) assists = match.get("assists", 0) win = ( "Won" if (match.get("radiant_win") == (match.get("player_slot", 0) < 128)) else "Lost" ) match_date = format_timestamp(match.get("start_time", 0)) match_texts.append( f"Match ID: {match.get('match_id')}\n" f"- Date: {match_date}\n" f"- Hero: {hero_id}\n" f"- K/D/A: {kills}/{deaths}/{assists}\n" f"- Result: {win}" ) recent_matches_text = "\n\nRecent Matches:\n" + "\n\n".join(match_texts) # Professional player info if applicable pro_info = "" if player_obj.is_pro: pro_info = ( f"\nProfessional Player: Yes\nTeam: {player_obj.team_name or 'Unknown'}" ) return ( f"Player: {name} (ID: {account_id})\n" f"Rank: {rank}\n" f"Estimated MMR: {mmr}\n" f"Win/Loss: {wins}/{losses} ({win_rate:.1f}% win rate){pro_info}{recent_matches_text}" ) # Tool Implementation @mcp.tool() async def get_player_by_id(account_id: int) -> str: """Get a player's information by their account ID. Args: account_id: The player's Steam32 account ID Returns: Player information including rank, matches, and statistics """ player_data = await make_opendota_request(f"players/{account_id}") if "error" in player_data: return f"Error retrieving player data: {player_data['error']}" # Get win/loss stats wl_data = await make_opendota_request(f"players/{account_id}/wl") # Get recent matches recent_matches = await make_opendota_request(f"players/{account_id}/recentMatches") return format_player_data(player_data, wl_data, recent_matches) @mcp.tool() async def get_player_recent_matches(account_id: int, limit: int = 5) -> str: """Get recent matches played by a player. Args: account_id: Steam32 account ID of the player limit: Number of matches to retrieve (default: 5) Returns: List of recent matches with details """ if limit > 20: limit = 20 # Cap for reasonable response size recent_matches = await make_opendota_request(f"players/{account_id}/recentMatches") if "error" in recent_matches: return f"Error retrieving recent matches: {recent_matches['error']}" if ( not recent_matches or not isinstance(recent_matches, list) or len(recent_matches) == 0 ): return "No recent matches found for this player." formatted_matches = [] matches_to_process = [] if isinstance(recent_matches, list): matches_to_process = recent_matches[:limit] for i, match in enumerate(matches_to_process): hero_id = match.get("hero_id", "Unknown") kills = match.get("kills", 0) deaths = match.get("deaths", 0) assists = match.get("assists", 0) win = ( "Won" if (match.get("radiant_win") == (match.get("player_slot", 0) < 128)) else "Lost" ) gpm = match.get("gold_per_min", 0) xpm = match.get("xp_per_min", 0) match_date = format_timestamp(match.get("start_time", 0)) duration = format_duration(match.get("duration", 0)) formatted_matches.append( f"Match {i+1}:\n" f"- Match ID: {match.get('match_id')}\n" f"- Date: {match_date}\n" f"- Duration: {duration}\n" f"- Hero ID: {hero_id}\n" f"- K/D/A: {kills}/{deaths}/{assists}\n" f"- GPM/XPM: {gpm}/{xpm}\n" f"- Result: {win}" ) return f"Recent Matches for Player ID {account_id}:\n\n" + "\n\n".join( formatted_matches ) @mcp.tool() async def get_match_data(match_id: int) -> str: """Get detailed data for a specific match. Args: match_id: ID of the match to retrieve Returns: Detailed match information including players, scores, and stats """ match_data = await make_opendota_request(f"matches/{match_id}") if "error" in match_data: return f"Error retrieving match data: {match_data['error']}" return format_match_data(match_data) @mcp.tool() async def get_player_win_loss(account_id: int) -> str: """Get win/loss statistics for a player. Args: account_id: Steam32 account ID of the player Returns: Win/loss record """ wl_data = await make_opendota_request(f"players/{account_id}/wl") if "error" in wl_data: return f"Error retrieving win/loss data: {wl_data['error']}" wins = wl_data.get("win", 0) losses = wl_data.get("lose", 0) total = wins + losses win_rate = (wins / total * 100) if total > 0 else 0 return ( f"Win/Loss Record for Player ID {account_id}:\n" f"Wins: {wins}\n" f"Losses: {losses}\n" f"Total Games: {total}\n" f"Win Rate: {win_rate:.2f}%" ) @mcp.tool() async def get_player_heroes(account_id: int, limit: int = 5) -> str: """Get a player's most played heroes. Args: account_id: Steam32 account ID of the player limit: Number of heroes to retrieve (default: 5) Returns: List of most played heroes with stats """ if limit > 20: limit = 20 # Cap for reasonable response size # Get hero usage data heroes_data = await make_opendota_request(f"players/{account_id}/heroes") if "error" in heroes_data: return f"Error retrieving heroes data: {heroes_data['error']}" if not heroes_data or not isinstance(heroes_data, list) or len(heroes_data) == 0: return "No hero data found for this player." # Get hero lookup table from cache or API heroes_names = await make_opendota_request("heroes") hero_id_to_name = {} if isinstance(heroes_names, list) and heroes_names: # Process the heroes data to create a mapping for hero in heroes_names: if isinstance(hero, dict) and "id" in hero and "localized_name" in hero: hero_id = hero.get("id") hero_name = hero.get("localized_name") if hero_id is not None and hero_name is not None: hero_id_to_name[hero_id] = hero_name else: # Fallback to a minimal hero dictionary if API fails logger.warning("Failed to get hero names, using fallback dictionary") hero_id_to_name = { 1: "Anti-Mage", 2: "Axe", 3: "Bane", 4: "Bloodseeker", 5: "Crystal Maiden", 6: "Drow Ranger", 7: "Earthshaker", 8: "Juggernaut", 9: "Mirana", 10: "Morphling", 11: "Shadow Fiend", 12: "Phantom Lancer", 13: "Puck", 14: "Pudge", 15: "Razor", # This is just a small sample of common heroes } try: # Sort heroes by games played sorted_heroes = sorted( heroes_data, key=lambda x: x.get("games", 0), reverse=True ) formatted_heroes = [] for i, hero in enumerate(sorted_heroes[:limit]): hero_id = hero.get("hero_id", 0) hero_name = hero_id_to_name.get(hero_id, f"Hero {hero_id}") games = hero.get("games", 0) wins = hero.get("win", 0) win_rate = (wins / games * 100) if games > 0 else 0 last_played = format_timestamp(hero.get("last_played", 0)) formatted_heroes.append( f"{i+1}. {hero_name} (ID: {hero_id})\n" f" Games: {games}\n" f" Wins: {wins}\n" f" Win Rate: {win_rate:.2f}%\n" f" Last Played: {last_played}" ) return f"Most Played Heroes for Player ID {account_id}:\n\n" + "\n\n".join( formatted_heroes ) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error formatting hero data: {e}") return f"Error processing heroes data: {str(e)}" @mcp.tool() async def get_hero_stats(hero_id: Optional[int] = None) -> str: """Get statistics for heroes. Args: hero_id: Optional hero ID to get stats for a specific hero Returns: Hero statistics including win rates by skill bracket """ hero_stats = await make_opendota_request("heroStats") if "error" in hero_stats: return f"Error retrieving hero stats: {hero_stats['error']}" if hero_id is not None: # Filter for specific hero hero_stats = [ hero for hero in hero_stats if hero.get("id") == hero_id or hero.get("hero_id") == hero_id ] if not hero_stats: return f"No stats found for hero ID {hero_id}." hero = hero_stats[0] localized_name = hero.get("localized_name", f"Hero {hero_id}") # Calculate win rates by bracket brackets = [ "herald", "guardian", "crusader", "archon", "legend", "ancient", "divine", "immortal", ] bracket_stats = [] for i, bracket in enumerate(brackets, 1): picks = hero.get(f"{i}_pick", 0) wins = hero.get(f"{i}_win", 0) win_rate = (wins / picks * 100) if picks > 0 else 0 bracket_stats.append( f"{bracket.capitalize()}: {win_rate:.2f}% ({wins}/{picks})" ) # Pro stats pro_picks = hero.get("pro_pick", 0) pro_wins = hero.get("pro_win", 0) pro_win_rate = (pro_wins / pro_picks * 100) if pro_picks > 0 else 0 pro_ban_rate = hero.get("pro_ban", 0) # Hero attributes roles = hero.get("roles", []) primary_attr = hero.get("primary_attr", "Unknown") attack_type = hero.get("attack_type", "Unknown") return ( f"Hero Stats for {localized_name} (ID: {hero_id}):\n\n" f"Roles: {', '.join(roles)}\n" f"Primary Attribute: {primary_attr}\n" f"Attack Type: {attack_type}\n\n" f"Win Rates by Bracket:\n" f"{', '.join(bracket_stats)}\n\n" f"Pro Scene:\n" f"Pick Rate: {pro_picks} picks\n" f"Win Rate: {pro_win_rate:.2f}% ({pro_wins}/{pro_picks})\n" f"Ban Rate: {pro_ban_rate} bans" ) else: # Return summary of all heroes formatted_heroes = [] for hero in sorted(hero_stats, key=lambda x: x.get("localized_name", "")): localized_name = hero.get("localized_name", f"Hero {hero.get('id')}") # Calculate overall win rate total_picks = sum(hero.get(f"{i}_pick", 0) for i in range(1, 9)) total_wins = sum(hero.get(f"{i}_win", 0) for i in range(1, 9)) win_rate = (total_wins / total_picks * 100) if total_picks > 0 else 0 formatted_heroes.append(f"{localized_name}: {win_rate:.2f}% win rate") return "Hero Win Rates:\n\n" + "\n".join(formatted_heroes) @mcp.tool() async def search_player(query: str) -> str: """Search for players by name. Args: query: Name to search for Returns: List of matching players """ search_results = await make_opendota_request("search", {"q": query}) if "error" in search_results: return f"Error searching for players: {search_results['error']}" if not search_results or len(search_results) == 0: return f"No players found matching '{query}'." formatted_results = [] # Limit to 10 players players_to_show = [] if isinstance(search_results, list): players_to_show = search_results[:10] for i, player in enumerate(players_to_show): account_id = player.get("account_id", "Unknown") name = player.get("personaname", "Anonymous") similarity = player.get("similarity", 0) formatted_results.append( f"{i+1}. {name}\n" f" Account ID: {account_id}\n" f" Similarity: {similarity:.2f}" ) return f"Players matching '{query}':\n\n" + "\n\n".join(formatted_results) @mcp.tool() async def get_pro_players(limit: int = 10) -> str: """Get list of professional players. Args: limit: Number of players to retrieve (default: 10) Returns: List of professional players """ if limit > 30: limit = 30 # Cap for reasonable response size pro_players = await make_opendota_request("proPlayers") if "error" in pro_players: return f"Error retrieving pro players: {pro_players['error']}" if not pro_players or not isinstance(pro_players, list) or len(pro_players) == 0: return "No professional players found." # Sort by name for consistency sorted_players = sorted( pro_players, key=lambda x: ( x.get("team_name", ""), x.get("name", ""), x.get("account_id", 0), ), ) formatted_players = [] for i, player in enumerate(sorted_players[:limit]): account_id = player.get("account_id", "Unknown") name = player.get("name", "Anonymous") team_name = player.get("team_name", "No Team") country_code = player.get("country_code", "Unknown") formatted_players.append( f"{i+1}. {name}\n" f" Team: {team_name}\n" f" Country: {country_code}\n" f" Account ID: {account_id}" ) return "Professional Players:\n\n" + "\n\n".join(formatted_players) @mcp.tool() async def get_pro_matches(limit: int = 5) -> str: """Get recent professional matches. Args: limit: Number of matches to retrieve (default: 5) Returns: List of recent professional matches """ if limit > 20: limit = 20 # Cap for reasonable response size pro_matches = await make_opendota_request("proMatches") if "error" in pro_matches: return f"Error retrieving pro matches: {pro_matches['error']}" if not pro_matches or not isinstance(pro_matches, list) or len(pro_matches) == 0: return "No professional matches found." formatted_matches = [] # Limit the matches to display matches_to_show = [] if isinstance(pro_matches, list): matches_to_show = pro_matches[:limit] for i, match in enumerate(matches_to_show): match_id = match.get("match_id", "Unknown") radiant_name = match.get("radiant_name", "Radiant") dire_name = match.get("dire_name", "Dire") league_name = match.get("league_name", "Unknown League") duration = format_duration(match.get("duration", 0)) start_time = format_timestamp(match.get("start_time", 0)) radiant_score = match.get("radiant_score", 0) dire_score = match.get("dire_score", 0) winner = radiant_name if match.get("radiant_win", False) else dire_name formatted_matches.append( f"{i+1}. {radiant_name} vs {dire_name}\n" f" Match ID: {match_id}\n" f" League: {league_name}\n" f" Date: {start_time}\n" f" Duration: {duration}\n" f" Score: {radiant_score} - {dire_score}\n" f" Winner: {winner}" ) return "Recent Professional Matches:\n\n" + "\n\n".join(formatted_matches) @mcp.tool() async def get_player_peers(account_id: int, limit: int = 5) -> str: """Get players who have played with the specified player. Args: account_id: Steam32 account ID of the player limit: Number of peers to retrieve (default: 5) Returns: List of players frequently played with """ if limit > 20: limit = 20 # Cap for reasonable response size peers_data = await make_opendota_request(f"players/{account_id}/peers") if "error" in peers_data: return f"Error retrieving peers data: {peers_data['error']}" if not peers_data or not isinstance(peers_data, list) or len(peers_data) == 0: return "No peers found for this player." # Sort by games played together sorted_peers = sorted(peers_data, key=lambda x: x.get("games", 0), reverse=True) formatted_peers = [] for i, peer in enumerate(sorted_peers[:limit]): peer_account_id = peer.get("account_id", "Unknown") peer_name = peer.get("personaname", "Anonymous") games = peer.get("games", 0) wins = peer.get("win", 0) win_rate = (wins / games * 100) if games > 0 else 0 formatted_peers.append( f"{i+1}. {peer_name} (ID: {peer_account_id})\n" f" Games together: {games}\n" f" Wins: {wins}\n" f" Win Rate: {win_rate:.2f}%" ) return f"Peers for Player ID {account_id}:\n\n" + "\n\n".join(formatted_peers) @mcp.tool() async def get_heroes() -> str: """Get list of all Dota 2 heroes. Returns: List of all heroes with basic information """ heroes_data = await make_opendota_request("heroes") if "error" in heroes_data: return f"Error retrieving heroes data: {heroes_data['error']}" if not heroes_data or not isinstance(heroes_data, list) or len(heroes_data) == 0: return "No heroes data found." # Sort by hero ID sorted_heroes = sorted(heroes_data, key=lambda x: x.get("id", 0)) formatted_heroes = [] for hero in sorted_heroes: hero_id = hero.get("id", 0) name = hero.get("localized_name", f"Hero {hero_id}") primary_attr = hero.get("primary_attr", "Unknown") attack_type = hero.get("attack_type", "Unknown") roles = ", ".join(hero.get("roles", [])) formatted_heroes.append( f"{name} (ID: {hero_id})\n" f"Primary Attribute: {primary_attr}\n" f"Attack Type: {attack_type}\n" f"Roles: {roles}" ) return "Dota 2 Heroes:\n\n" + "\n\n".join(formatted_heroes) @mcp.tool() async def get_player_totals(account_id: int) -> str: """Get player's overall stats totals. Args: account_id: Steam32 account ID of the player Returns: Summary of player's total stats """ totals_data = await make_opendota_request(f"players/{account_id}/totals") if "error" in totals_data: return f"Error retrieving totals data: {totals_data['error']}" if not totals_data or not isinstance(totals_data, list) or len(totals_data) == 0: return "No totals data found for this player." # Extract important fields formatted_stats = [] for stat in totals_data: field = stat.get("field", "") count = stat.get("n", 0) sum_value = stat.get("sum", 0) avg_value = sum_value / count if count > 0 else 0 # Convert field name to something more readable readable_field = field.replace("_", " ").title() formatted_stats.append( f"{readable_field}: {sum_value:,} total, {avg_value:.2f} avg" ) return f"Stat Totals for Player ID {account_id}:\n\n" + "\n".join(formatted_stats) @mcp.tool() async def get_player_rankings(account_id: int) -> str: """Get player hero rankings. Args: account_id: Steam32 account ID of the player Returns: Player's hero rankings """ rankings_data = await make_opendota_request(f"players/{account_id}/rankings") if "error" in rankings_data: return f"Error retrieving rankings data: {rankings_data['error']}" if ( not rankings_data or not isinstance(rankings_data, list) or len(rankings_data) == 0 ): return "No ranking data found for this player." # Get hero names (just for context) heroes_data = await make_opendota_request("heroes") hero_id_to_name = {} if not isinstance(heroes_data, dict) and isinstance(heroes_data, list): for hero in heroes_data: if isinstance(hero, dict) and "id" in hero and "localized_name" in hero: hero_id = hero.get("id") hero_name = hero.get("localized_name") if hero_id is not None and hero_name is not None: hero_id_to_name[hero_id] = hero_name formatted_rankings = [] for ranking in rankings_data: hero_id = ranking.get("hero_id", 0) hero_name = hero_id_to_name.get(hero_id, f"Hero {hero_id}") score = ranking.get("score", 0) percent_rank = ranking.get("percent_rank", 0) * 100 # Convert to percentage formatted_rankings.append( f"{hero_name} (ID: {hero_id})\n" f"Score: {score:.2f}\n" f"Percentile: {percent_rank:.2f}%" ) return f"Hero Rankings for Player ID {account_id}:\n\n" + "\n\n".join( formatted_rankings ) @mcp.tool() async def get_player_wordcloud(account_id: int) -> str: """Get most common words used by player in chat. Args: account_id: Steam32 account ID of the player Returns: List of player's most frequently used words """ wordcloud_data = await make_opendota_request(f"players/{account_id}/wordcloud") if "error" in wordcloud_data: return f"Error retrieving wordcloud data: {wordcloud_data['error']}" my_words = wordcloud_data.get("my_word_counts", {}) if not my_words: return "No chat data found for this player." # Sort words by frequency sorted_words = sorted(my_words.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # Get top 20 words top_words = sorted_words[:20] formatted_output = [] for word, count in top_words: formatted_output.append(f"{word}: {count} times") return f"Most Common Words for Player ID {account_id}:\n\n" + "\n".join( formatted_output ) @mcp.tool() async def get_team_info(team_id: int) -> str: """Get information about a team. Args: team_id: Team ID Returns: Team information """ team_data = await make_opendota_request(f"teams/{team_id}") if "error" in team_data: return f"Error retrieving team data: {team_data['error']}" if not team_data or not isinstance(team_data, dict): return f"No data found for team ID {team_id}." team_name = team_data.get("name", "Unknown") team_tag = team_data.get("tag", "") rating = team_data.get("rating", 0) wins = team_data.get("wins", 0) losses = team_data.get("losses", 0) total_games = wins + losses win_rate = (wins / total_games * 100) if total_games > 0 else 0 last_match_time = format_timestamp(team_data.get("last_match_time", 0)) # Get team players players_data = await make_opendota_request(f"teams/{team_id}/players") formatted_players = [] if isinstance(players_data, list) and players_data: current_players = [p for p in players_data if p.get("is_current_team_member")] for player in current_players: player_name = player.get("name", "Unknown") account_id = player.get("account_id", "Unknown") games_played = player.get("games_played", 0) wins = player.get("wins", 0) win_rate = (wins / games_played * 100) if games_played > 0 else 0 formatted_players.append( f"{player_name} (ID: {account_id})\n" f"Games: {games_played}, Win Rate: {win_rate:.2f}%" ) players_section = ( "\n\nCurrent Players:\n" + "\n".join(formatted_players) if formatted_players else "" ) return ( f"Team: {team_name} [{team_tag}] (ID: {team_id})\n" f"Rating: {rating}\n" f"Record: {wins}-{losses} ({win_rate:.2f}% win rate)\n" f"Last Match: {last_match_time}{players_section}" ) @mcp.tool() async def get_public_matches(limit: int = 5) -> str: """Get recent public matches. Args: limit: Number of matches to retrieve (default: 5) Returns: List of recent public matches """ if limit > 20: limit = 20 # Cap for reasonable response size matches_data = await make_opendota_request("publicMatches") if "error" in matches_data: return f"Error retrieving public matches: {matches_data['error']}" if not matches_data or not isinstance(matches_data, list) or len(matches_data) == 0: return "No public matches found." formatted_matches = [] # Limit the matches to display matches_to_show = [] if isinstance(matches_data, list): matches_to_show = matches_data[:limit] for i, match in enumerate(matches_to_show): match_id = match.get("match_id", "Unknown") duration = format_duration(match.get("duration", 0)) start_time = format_timestamp(match.get("start_time", 0)) avg_rank = match.get("avg_rank_tier", 0) rank_name = format_rank_tier(avg_rank) radiant_win = match.get("radiant_win", False) winner = "Radiant" if radiant_win else "Dire" radiant_heroes = match.get("radiant_team", []) dire_heroes = match.get("dire_team", []) formatted_matches.append( f"{i+1}. Match ID: {match_id}\n" f" Date: {start_time}\n" f" Duration: {duration}\n" f" Avg. Rank: {rank_name}\n" f" Winner: {winner}\n" f" Radiant Heroes: {', '.join(str(h) for h in radiant_heroes)}\n" f" Dire Heroes: {', '.join(str(h) for h in dire_heroes)}" ) return "Recent Public Matches:\n\n" + "\n\n".join(formatted_matches) @mcp.tool() async def get_match_heroes(match_id: int) -> str: """Get heroes played in a specific match. Args: match_id: ID of the match to retrieve Returns: List of heroes played by each player in the match """ match_data = await make_opendota_request(f"matches/{match_id}") if "error" in match_data: return f"Error retrieving match data: {match_data['error']}" if not match_data or "players" not in match_data: return f"No data found for match ID {match_id}." # Get hero names heroes_data = await make_opendota_request("heroes") hero_id_to_name = {} if not isinstance(heroes_data, dict) and isinstance(heroes_data, list): for hero in heroes_data: if isinstance(hero, dict) and "id" in hero and "localized_name" in hero: hero_id = hero.get("id") hero_name = hero.get("localized_name") if hero_id is not None and hero_name is not None: hero_id_to_name[hero_id] = hero_name # Process players radiant_players = [] dire_players = [] for player in match_data["players"]: hero_id = player.get("hero_id", 0) hero_name = hero_id_to_name.get(hero_id, f"Hero {hero_id}") account_id = player.get("account_id", "Anonymous") name = player.get("personaname", "Unknown") kills = player.get("kills", 0) deaths = player.get("deaths", 0) assists = player.get("assists", 0) player_info = ( f"{name} (ID: {account_id}) - {hero_name}: {kills}/{deaths}/{assists}" ) if player.get("player_slot", 0) < 128: radiant_players.append(player_info) else: dire_players.append(player_info) # Match result radiant_win = match_data.get("radiant_win", False) result = "Radiant Victory" if radiant_win else "Dire Victory" return ( f"Heroes in Match {match_id} ({result}):\n\n" f"Radiant:\n" + "\n".join(f"- {p}" for p in radiant_players) + "\n\n" "Dire:\n" + "\n".join(f"- {p}" for p in dire_players) ) def cleanup_cache(): """Cleanup expired cache entries to prevent memory leaks.""" current_time = time.time() expired_keys = [ key for key, (timestamp, _) in api_cache.items() if current_time - timestamp >= CACHE_TTL ] for key in expired_keys: del api_cache[key] f"Cache cleanup: removed {len(expired_keys)} expired entries, {len(api_cache)} remaining" ) async def start_cache_cleanup_task(): """Start a background task to periodically clean the cache.""" while True: await asyncio.sleep(CACHE_TTL) # Run cleanup every cache TTL period cleanup_cache() async def startup(): """Run startup tasks.""""Starting OpenDota MCP Server") # Start cache cleanup task in the background asyncio.create_task(start_cache_cleanup_task()) # If you want to do a quick API health check on startup try: # Test API connectivity with a simple request status = await make_opendota_request("health") if "error" in status: logger.warning(f"OpenDota API status check failed: {status['error']}") else:"OpenDota API connection successful") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error checking API status: {str(e)}") # Return any data you want to pass to the server initialization return {"status": "ready", "startup_time": time.time()} if __name__ == "__main__": # Startup # Run the server"OpenDota API key present: {bool(OPENDOTA_API_KEY)}")"Starting MCP server with stdio transport")"stdio")