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#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import os import pkg_resources import importlib import platform import json from pathlib import Path class EnvironmentVerifier: def __init__(self): self.verification_results = [] self.critical_failures = [] self.claude_config = self.load_claude_config() def load_claude_config(self): """Load configuration from Claude Desktop config.""" try: # Check common locations for Claude Desktop config possible_paths = [ Path.home() / "Library/Application Support/Claude Desktop/claude_desktop_config.json", Path.home() / ".config/Claude Desktop/claude_desktop_config.json", Path(__file__).parent.parent / "claude_config/claude_desktop_config.json" ] for config_path in possible_paths: if config_path.exists(): with open(config_path) as f: config = json.load(f) self.verification_results.append( f"✓ Found Claude Desktop config at {config_path}" ) return config self.critical_failures.append( "Could not find Claude Desktop config file in any standard location" ) return None except Exception as e: self.critical_failures.append( f"Error loading Claude Desktop config: {str(e)}" ) return None def verify_python_version(self): """Verify Python interpreter version matches production requirements.""" try: python_version = sys.version.split()[0] required_version = "3.9" # Production version if not python_version.startswith(required_version): self.critical_failures.append( f"Python version mismatch: Found {python_version}, required {required_version}" ) else: self.verification_results.append( f"✓ Python version verified: {python_version}" ) except Exception as e: self.critical_failures.append(f"Failed to verify Python version: {str(e)}") def verify_virtual_environment(self): """Verify we're running in a virtual environment.""" try: if sys.prefix == sys.base_prefix: self.critical_failures.append( "Not running in a virtual environment!" ) else: self.verification_results.append( f"✓ Virtual environment verified: {sys.prefix}" ) except Exception as e: self.critical_failures.append( f"Failed to verify virtual environment: {str(e)}" ) def verify_critical_packages(self): """Verify critical packages are installed with correct versions.""" required_packages = { 'chromadb': '0.5.23', 'sentence-transformers': '2.2.2', 'urllib3': '1.26.6', 'python-dotenv': '1.0.0' } for package, required_version in required_packages.items(): try: installed_version = pkg_resources.get_distribution(package).version if required_version and installed_version != required_version: self.critical_failures.append( f"Package version mismatch: {package} " f"(found {installed_version}, required {required_version})" ) else: self.verification_results.append( f"✓ Package verified: {package} {installed_version}" ) except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: self.critical_failures.append(f"Required package not found: {package}") except Exception as e: self.critical_failures.append( f"Failed to verify package {package}: {str(e)}" ) def verify_claude_paths(self): """Verify paths from Claude Desktop config.""" if not self.claude_config: return try: # Extract paths from config chroma_path = self.claude_config.get('mcp-memory', {}).get('chroma_db') backup_path = self.claude_config.get('mcp-memory', {}).get('backup_path') if chroma_path: os.environ['CHROMA_DB_PATH'] = str(chroma_path) self.verification_results.append( f"✓ Set CHROMA_DB_PATH from config: {chroma_path}" ) else: self.critical_failures.append("CHROMA_DB_PATH not found in Claude config") if backup_path: os.environ['MCP_MEMORY_BACKUP_PATH'] = str(backup_path) self.verification_results.append( f"✓ Set MCP_MEMORY_BACKUP_PATH from config: {backup_path}" ) else: self.critical_failures.append("MCP_MEMORY_BACKUP_PATH not found in Claude config") except Exception as e: self.critical_failures.append(f"Failed to verify Claude paths: {str(e)}") def verify_import_functionality(self): """Verify critical imports work correctly.""" critical_imports = [ 'chromadb', 'sentence_transformers', ] for module_name in critical_imports: try: module = importlib.import_module(module_name) self.verification_results.append(f"✓ Successfully imported {module_name}") except ImportError as e: self.critical_failures.append(f"Failed to import {module_name}: {str(e)}") def verify_paths(self): """Verify critical paths exist and are accessible.""" critical_paths = [ os.environ.get('CHROMA_DB_PATH', ''), os.environ.get('MCP_MEMORY_BACKUP_PATH', '') ] for path in critical_paths: if not path: continue try: path_obj = Path(path) if not path_obj.exists(): self.critical_failures.append(f"Critical path does not exist: {path}") elif not os.access(path, os.R_OK | os.W_OK): self.critical_failures.append(f"Insufficient permissions for path: {path}") else: self.verification_results.append(f"✓ Path verified: {path}") except Exception as e: self.critical_failures.append(f"Failed to verify path {path}: {str(e)}") def run_verifications(self): """Run all verifications.""" self.verify_python_version() self.verify_virtual_environment() self.verify_critical_packages() self.verify_claude_paths() # This now sets environment variables from config self.verify_import_functionality() self.verify_paths() def print_results(self): """Print verification results.""" print("\n=== Environment Verification Results ===\n") if self.verification_results: print("Successful Verifications:") for result in self.verification_results: print(f" {result}") if self.critical_failures: print("\nCritical Failures:") for failure in self.critical_failures: print(f" ✗ {failure}") print("\nSummary:") print(f" Passed: {len(self.verification_results)}") print(f" Failed: {len(self.critical_failures)}") if self.critical_failures: print("\nTo fix these issues:") print("1. Create a new virtual environment:") print(" conda create -n migration-env python=3.9") print(" conda activate migration-env") print("\n2. Install requirements:") print(" pip install -r requirements.txt") print("\n3. Ensure Claude Desktop config is properly set up with required paths") return len(self.critical_failures) == 0 def main(): verifier = EnvironmentVerifier() verifier.run_verifications() environment_ok = verifier.print_results() if not environment_ok: print("\n⚠️ Environment verification failed! Migration cannot proceed.") sys.exit(1) else: print("\n✓ Environment verification passed! Safe to proceed with migration.") sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": main()