
  • scripts
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import os from dotenv import load_dotenv from pathlib import Path # Import our environment verifier from verify_environment import EnvironmentVerifier def verify_environment(): """Verify the environment before proceeding with migration""" verifier = EnvironmentVerifier() verifier.run_verifications() if not verifier.print_results(): print("\n⚠️ Environment verification failed! Migration cannot proceed.") sys.exit(1) print("\n✓ Environment verification passed! Proceeding with migration.") # Load environment variables load_dotenv() import chromadb from chromadb import HttpClient, Settings import json import time from chromadb.utils import embedding_functions def get_claude_desktop_chroma_path(): """Get ChromaDB path from Claude Desktop config""" base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) config_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'claude_config', 'mcp-memory', 'chroma_db') print(f"Using ChromaDB path: {config_path}") return config_path def migrate_memories(aws_ip): print(f"Starting migration to AWS ChromaDB at {aws_ip}") try: # Set up embedding function embedding_function = embedding_functions.SentenceTransformerEmbeddingFunction( model_name='all-MiniLM-L6-v2' ) # Connect to AWS ChromaDB aws_client = HttpClient(host=aws_ip, port=8000) print("Connected to AWS ChromaDB") # Get or create collection for imported memories try: aws_collection = aws_client.get_collection( name="mcp_imported_memories", embedding_function=embedding_function ) print("Found existing collection 'mcp_imported_memories' on AWS") except Exception: aws_collection = aws_client.create_collection( name="mcp_imported_memories", metadata={"hnsw:space": "cosine"}, embedding_function=embedding_function ) print("Created new collection 'mcp_imported_memories' on AWS") # Connect to local ChromaDB directly with settings local_path = get_claude_desktop_chroma_path() print(f"Connecting to local ChromaDB at: {local_path}") settings = Settings( anonymized_telemetry=False, allow_reset=True, is_persistent=True, persist_directory=local_path ) local_client = chromadb.Client(settings) print("Connected to local ChromaDB") # List collections collections = local_client.list_collections() print(f"Found {len(collections)} collections locally") for coll in collections: print(f"- {}") # Try to get the memory collection try: local_collection = local_client.get_collection( name="memory_collection", embedding_function=embedding_function ) print("Found local memory collection") except ValueError as e: print(f"Error accessing local collection: {str(e)}") return # Get all memories from local print("Fetching local memories...") results = local_collection.get() if not results["ids"]: print("No memories found in local collection") return print(f"Found {len(results['ids'])} memories to migrate") # Check for existing memories in AWS to avoid duplicates aws_existing = aws_collection.get() existing_ids = set(aws_existing["ids"]) # Filter out already migrated memories new_memories = { "ids": [], "documents": [], "metadatas": [] } for i, memory_id in enumerate(results["ids"]): if memory_id not in existing_ids: new_memories["ids"].append(memory_id) new_memories["documents"].append(results["documents"][i]) new_memories["metadatas"].append(results["metadatas"][i]) if not new_memories["ids"]: print("All memories are already migrated!") return print(f"Found {len(new_memories['ids'])} new memories to migrate") # Import in batches of 10 batch_size = 10 for i in range(0, len(new_memories['ids']), batch_size): batch_end = min(i + batch_size, len(new_memories['ids'])) batch_ids = new_memories['ids'][i:batch_end] batch_documents = new_memories['documents'][i:batch_end] batch_metadatas = new_memories['metadatas'][i:batch_end] print(f"Migrating batch {i//batch_size + 1} ({len(batch_ids)} memories)...") aws_collection.add( documents=batch_documents, metadatas=batch_metadatas, ids=batch_ids ) # Small delay between batches time.sleep(1) print("\nMigration complete!") # Verify migration aws_results = aws_collection.get() print(f"Verification: {len(aws_results['ids'])} total memories in AWS collection") except Exception as e: print(f"Error during migration: {str(e)}") print("Please ensure both ChromaDB instances are running and accessible") if __name__ == "__main__": # First verify the environment verify_environment() AWS_IP = "" # Your EC2 public IP migrate_memories(AWS_IP)