Bybit MCP Server
by sammcj
- client
- src
import { Client } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/client/index.js'
import { StdioClientTransport } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/client/stdio.js'
import { Ollama } from 'ollama'
import { Config } from './config.js'
import type {
} from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js'
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'
import { dirname, join } from 'path'
import { spawn, type ChildProcess } from 'child_process'
import { existsSync } from 'fs'
// Define a simpler Message type for Ollama compatibility
export interface Message {
role: 'system' | 'user' | 'assistant'
content: string
export interface ServerProcess {
process: ChildProcess
kill: () => void
class RequestQueue {
private queue: (() => Promise<any>)[] = []
private processing: boolean = false
async enqueue<T>(request: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.queue.push(async () => {
try {
const result = await this.executeWithRetry(request)
} catch (error) {
private async executeWithRetry(request: () => Promise<any>, retries = 3, delay = 1000): Promise<any> {
for (let attempt = 1; attempt <= retries; attempt++) {
try {
return await request()
} catch (error) {
if (attempt === retries) throw error
if (error instanceof Error && error.message.includes('model not found')) throw error
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay * attempt))
private async processQueue() {
if (this.processing || this.queue.length === 0) return
this.processing = true
while (this.queue.length > 0) {
const request = this.queue.shift()
if (request) {
try {
await request()
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error processing request:', error)
this.processing = false
export class BybitMcpClient {
private mcpClient: Client
private ollama: Ollama
private config: Config
private serverProcess: ServerProcess | null = null
private availableTools: Tool[] = []
private modelValidated: boolean = false
private requestQueue: RequestQueue
constructor(config: Config) {
this.config = config
this.requestQueue = new RequestQueue()
this.mcpClient = new Client({
name: 'bybit-mcp-client',
version: '0.1.0'
}, {
capabilities: {
roots: {
listChanged: true
sampling: {}
const ollamaHost = config.get('ollamaHost')
if (!ollamaHost) {
throw new Error('OLLAMA_HOST is not configured')
this.ollama = new Ollama({
host: ollamaHost
private async validateModel(): Promise<void> {
if (this.modelValidated) {
const model = this.config.get('defaultModel')
try {
const response = await this.requestQueue.enqueue(() => this.ollama.list())
const modelExists = response.models.some(m => === model)
if (!modelExists) {
const ollamaHost = this.config.get('ollamaHost')
throw new Error(
`Model "${model}" not found on Ollama server at ${ollamaHost}.\n` +
`Available models: ${ =>', ')}\n\n` +
`To pull the required model, run:\n` +
`curl -X POST ${ollamaHost}/api/pull -d '{"name": "${model}"}'`
this.modelValidated = true
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`Failed to validate model: ${error}`)
private getServerPath(): string {
// When running as part of bybit-mcp repository
const repoServerPath = join(process.cwd(), '..', 'build', 'index.js')
// When installed as a package
const packageServerPath = join(
// Check which path exists and is executable
try {
if (existsSync(repoServerPath)) {
return repoServerPath
if (existsSync(packageServerPath)) {
return packageServerPath
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error finding server path:', error)
throw new Error('Could not find bybit-mcp server. Please ensure it is installed correctly.')
async startIntegratedServer(): Promise<void> {
if (this.serverProcess) {
throw new Error('Server is already running')
const serverPath = this.getServerPath()
const serverProcess = spawn('node', [serverPath], {
stdio: ['pipe', 'pipe', 'pipe'],
env: {
NODE_ENV: 'production'
// Handle server output
serverProcess.stdout?.on('data', (data: Buffer) => {
if (this.config.get('debug')) {
console.log('[Server]:', data.toString())
serverProcess.stderr?.on('data', (data: Buffer) => {
if (this.config.get('debug')) {
console.error('[Server Error]:', data.toString())
// Handle server exit
serverProcess.on('exit', (code: number | null) => {
if (code !== 0 && this.config.get('debug')) {
console.error(`Server exited with code ${code}`)
this.serverProcess = null
this.serverProcess = {
process: serverProcess,
kill: () => {
this.serverProcess = null
// Connect to the server
const transport = new StdioClientTransport({
command: 'node',
args: [serverPath]
await this.mcpClient.connect(transport)
// Cache available tools
const response = await this.mcpClient.listTools()
this.availableTools =
// Validate model availability once at startup
await this.validateModel()
async connectToServer(command: string): Promise<void> {
const transport = new StdioClientTransport({
args: []
await this.mcpClient.connect(transport)
// Cache available tools
const response = await this.mcpClient.listTools()
this.availableTools =
// Validate model availability once at startup
await this.validateModel()
async listTools(): Promise<Tool[]> {
return this.availableTools
async callTool(toolName: string, args: Record<string, unknown>): Promise<string> {
const response = await this.mcpClient.callTool({
name: toolName,
arguments: args
}) as CallToolResult
if (!response.content?.[0]) {
throw new Error('Invalid response from tool')
const content = response.content[0]
if (content.type !== 'text') {
throw new Error(`Unexpected content type: ${content.type}`)
if (response.isError) {
throw new Error(content.text)
return content.text
private generateSystemPrompt(userSystemMessage?: string): string {
let systemPrompt = `You are a helpful assistant with access to real-time cryptocurrency data through the bybit-mcp server. You have access to the following tools:
${ => {
const schema = tool.inputSchema as { properties?: Record<string, any>, required?: string[] }
const required = schema.required || []
const properties = Object.entries( || {}).map(([name, prop]) => {
const isRequired = required.includes(name)
const annotations = (prop as any).annotations || {}
return ` ${name}${isRequired ? ' (required)' : ''}: ${prop.description || 'No description'} ${annotations.priority === 1 ? '(high priority)' : ''}`
return `${}:
Description: ${tool.description || 'No description provided'}
When a user asks about cryptocurrency data, you MUST use these tools to provide real-time information. For example:
- Use get_ticker to get current price information
- Use get_orderbook to see current buy/sell orders
- Use get_kline to view price history
- Use get_trades to see recent trades
To use a tool, format your response like this:
"category": "spot",
"symbol": "BTCUSDT"
if (userSystemMessage) {
systemPrompt += `\n\nAdditional Context: ${userSystemMessage}`
return systemPrompt
private async handleToolUsage(response: string): Promise<string | null> {
const toolMatch = response.match(/<tool>(.*?)<\/tool>/s)
const argsMatch = response.match(/<arguments>(.*?)<\/arguments>/s)
if (toolMatch && argsMatch) {
const toolName = toolMatch[1].trim()
try {
const args = JSON.parse(argsMatch[1].trim())
const result = await this.callTool(toolName, args)
return result
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error executing tool ${toolName}:`, error)
return `Error executing tool ${toolName}: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`
return null
async chat(model: string, messages: Message[]): Promise<string> {
// Create a copy of messages to avoid modifying the input
const messagesCopy = [...messages]
// If there's no system message, add one with tool information
if (!messagesCopy.some(m => m.role === 'system')) {
role: 'system',
content: this.generateSystemPrompt()
const response = await this.requestQueue.enqueue(() =>{
messages: messagesCopy,
stream: false
}).then(response => response.message.content)
// Check if the response contains a tool usage request
const toolResult = await this.handleToolUsage(response)
if (toolResult) {
// Add the tool result to the conversation and get a new response
messagesCopy.push({ role: 'assistant', content: response })
messagesCopy.push({ role: 'system', content: `Tool result: ${toolResult}` })
return this.requestQueue.enqueue(() =>{
messages: messagesCopy,
stream: false
}).then(response => response.message.content)
return response
async streamChat(
model: string,
messages: Message[],
onToken: (token: string) => void
): Promise<void> {
// Create a copy of messages to avoid modifying the input
const messagesCopy = [...messages]
// If there's no system message, add one with tool information
if (!messagesCopy.some(m => m.role === 'system')) {
role: 'system',
content: this.generateSystemPrompt()
let fullResponse = ''
await this.requestQueue.enqueue(async () => {
for await (const chunk of await{
messages: messagesCopy,
stream: true
})) {
if (chunk.message?.content) {
fullResponse += chunk.message.content
// Check if the response contains a tool usage request
const toolResult = await this.handleToolUsage(fullResponse)
if (toolResult) {
// Add the tool result to the conversation and get a new response
messagesCopy.push({ role: 'assistant', content: fullResponse })
messagesCopy.push({ role: 'system', content: `Tool result: ${toolResult}` })
onToken('\n\nTool result: ' + toolResult + '\n\nProcessing result...\n\n')
await this.requestQueue.enqueue(async () => {
for await (const chunk of await{
messages: messagesCopy,
stream: true
})) {
if (chunk.message?.content) {
async listModels(): Promise<string[]> {
const response = await this.requestQueue.enqueue(() => this.ollama.list())
return =>
async close(): Promise<void> {
if (this.serverProcess) {
await this.mcpClient.close()
isIntegrated(): boolean {
return this.serverProcess !== null