Bybit MCP Server
by sammcj
- client
- src
#!/usr/bin/env node
import { Command } from 'commander'
import chalk from 'chalk'
import { BybitMcpClient, Message } from './client.js'
import { Config } from './config.js'
import { createInterface } from 'readline'
const program = new Command()
const config = new Config()
let client: BybitMcpClient | null = null
// Debug helper to log configuration
function logDebugInfo() {
if (config.get('debug')) {
console.log(chalk.yellow('Debug Info:'))
console.log('Ollama Host:', config.get('ollamaHost'))
console.log('Default Model:', config.get('defaultModel'))
console.log('Debug Mode:', config.get('debug'))
.description('CLI for interacting with Ollama LLMs and bybit-mcp server')
.option('-i, --integrated', 'Run in integrated mode with built-in server')
.option('-d, --debug', 'Enable debug logging')
.description('Configure client settings')
.option('-h, --ollama-host <url>', 'Set Ollama host URL')
.option('-m, --default-model <model>', 'Set default Ollama model')
.option('-d, --debug <boolean>', 'Enable/disable debug mode')
.action((options: { ollamaHost?: string; defaultModel?: string; debug?: string }) => {
if (options.ollamaHost) {
config.set('ollamaHost', options.ollamaHost)
console.log(`Ollama host set to: ${options.ollamaHost}`))
if (options.defaultModel) {
config.set('defaultModel', options.defaultModel)
console.log(`Default model set to: ${options.defaultModel}`))
if (options.debug !== undefined) {
const debugEnabled = options.debug.toLowerCase() === 'true'
config.set('debug', debugEnabled)
console.log(`Debug mode ${debugEnabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'}`))
.description('List available Ollama models')
.action(async () => {
try {
client = new BybitMcpClient(config)
const models = await client.listModels()
console.log(chalk.cyan('Available models:'))
models.forEach(model => console.log(` ${model}`))
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error listing models:'), error)
} finally {
await client?.close()
.description('List available bybit-mcp tools')
.argument('[server-command]', 'Command to start the bybit-mcp server (not needed in integrated mode)')
.action(async (serverCommand?: string) => {
try {
client = new BybitMcpClient(config)
if (program.opts().integrated) {
if (program.opts().debug) {
console.log(chalk.yellow('Starting integrated server...'))
await client.startIntegratedServer()
if (program.opts().debug) {
console.log('Started integrated server'))
} else if (serverCommand) {
await client.connectToServer(serverCommand)
} else {
throw new Error('Either use --integrated or provide a server command')
const tools = await client.listTools()
console.log(chalk.cyan('Available tools:'))
tools.forEach(tool => {
if (tool.description) console.log(` Description: ${tool.description}`)
if (tool.inputSchema) console.log(` Input Schema: ${JSON.stringify(tool.inputSchema, null, 2)}`)
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error listing tools:'), error)
} finally {
await client?.close()
.description('Chat with an Ollama model')
.argument('[model]', 'Model to use (defaults to config setting)')
.option('-s, --system <message>', 'System message to set context')
.action(async (modelArg: string | undefined, options: { system?: string }) => {
try {
// Enable debug mode for chat to help diagnose issues
config.set('debug', true)
client = new BybitMcpClient(config)
// Always start in integrated mode for chat
if (program.opts().debug) {
console.log(chalk.yellow('Starting integrated server for chat...'))
await client.startIntegratedServer()
if (program.opts().debug) {
console.log('Started integrated server'))
const model = modelArg || config.get('defaultModel')
if (!model) {
throw new Error('No model specified and no default model configured')
const messages: Message[] = []
if (options.system) {
messages.push({ role: 'system', content: options.system })
console.log(chalk.cyan(`Chatting with ${model} (Ctrl+C to exit)`))
console.log(chalk.yellow('Tools are available - ask about cryptocurrency data!'))
// Start chat loop
while (true) {
const userInput = await question('You: '))
if (!userInput) continue
messages.push({ role: 'user', content: userInput })
process.stdout.write('Assistant: '))
await client.streamChat(model, messages, (token) => {
messages.push({ role: 'assistant', content: await, messages) })
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error in chat:'), error)
if (program.opts().debug) {
console.error('Full error:', error)
} finally {
await client?.close()
.description('Call a bybit-mcp tool')
.argument('[server-command]', 'Command to start the bybit-mcp server (not needed in integrated mode)')
.argument('<tool-name>', 'Name of the tool to call')
.argument('[args...]', 'Tool arguments as key=value pairs')
.action(async (serverCommand: string | undefined, toolName: string, args: string[]) => {
try {
client = new BybitMcpClient(config)
if (program.opts().integrated) {
if (program.opts().debug) {
console.log(chalk.yellow('Starting integrated server...'))
await client.startIntegratedServer()
if (program.opts().debug) {
console.log('Started integrated server'))
} else if (serverCommand) {
await client.connectToServer(serverCommand)
} else {
throw new Error('Either use --integrated or provide a server command')
// Parse arguments
const toolArgs: Record<string, unknown> = {}
args.forEach((arg: string) => {
const [key, value] = arg.split('=')
if (key && value) {
// Try to parse as number or boolean if possible
if (value === 'true') toolArgs[key] = true
else if (value === 'false') toolArgs[key] = false
else if (!isNaN(Number(value))) toolArgs[key] = Number(value)
else toolArgs[key] = value
const result = await client.callTool(toolName, toolArgs)
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error calling tool:'), error)
} finally {
await client?.close()
// Helper function to read user input
function question(query: string): Promise<string> {
const readline = createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
return new Promise(resolve => readline.question(query, (answer: string) => {
// Set debug mode from command line option
if (program.opts().debug) {
config.set('debug', true)