import { sendEmail } from '../../services/gmail/send.js';
import { SendEmailArgs, MessageResponse } from '../../services/gmail/types.js';
// Type guard function with corrected type predicate
function isSendEmailArgs(args: unknown): args is SendEmailArgs {
if (typeof args !== 'object' || args === null) return false;
const a = args as any;
return Array.isArray( &&
typeof a.subject === 'string' &&
typeof a.body === 'string';
export const SEND_EMAIL_TOOL = {
name: "sendEmail",
description: "Send a Gmail message",
inputSchema: {
type: "object",
properties: {
to: {
type: "array",
items: { type: "string" },
description: "Array of recipient email addresses"
cc: {
type: "array",
items: { type: "string" },
description: "Array of CC recipient email addresses"
bcc: {
type: "array",
items: { type: "string" },
description: "Array of BCC recipient email addresses"
subject: {
type: "string",
description: "Email subject line"
body: {
type: "string",
description: "Email body content"
isHtml: {
type: "boolean",
description: "Whether body content is HTML (default: false)"
draftId: {
type: "string",
description: "ID of draft email to send (optional)"
required: ["to", "subject", "body"]
export async function handleSendEmail(args: Record<string, unknown>): Promise<MessageResponse> {
if (!isSendEmailArgs(args)) {
throw new Error("Invalid send email arguments. Required: to (array), subject (string), body (string)");
return await sendEmail(args);