Gmail MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Enables comprehensive email operations including listing, reading, and sending emails, as well as draft management with creation, reading, updating, and deletion capabilities

  • Provides calendar functionality for listing, reading, and creating events with support for filtering, timezone handling, and attendee management

  • Supports calendar synchronization with iOS devices, allowing events created or modified through the MCP to appear on Apple mobile devices

Gmail MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server implementation for Gmail API integration, enabling AI assistants to interact with Gmail services.


Core Functionality

  • Email Operations
    • List emails with advanced filtering
    • Read specific emails with full content
    • Create and send new emails
  • Draft Management
    • Create new drafts
    • List existing drafts
    • Read draft content
    • Update draft content and recipients
    • Delete drafts
  • Calendar Operations
    • List upcoming calendar events
    • Read detailed event information
    • Create new calendar events
    • Event filtering and search
    • Timezone support
    • iOS calendar sync support

Search & Filtering

  • Gmail search query support
  • Label-based filtering
  • Customizable result limits
  • Calendar event search capabilities


  • Google OAuth2.0 integration
  • Secure credential management
  • Refresh token handling
  • Multi-scope authorization support

Quick Start


  • Node.js (v14 or higher)
  • npm (v6 or higher)
  • Google Cloud Platform account with Gmail and Calendar APIs enabled
  • OAuth 2.0 credentials with appropriate scopes


  1. Clone and install dependencies:
    git clone [repository-url] cd gmail-mcp-server npm install
  2. Configure environment:
    # Create .env file cp .env.example .env # Add your credentials: GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID="your_client_id" GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET="your_client_secret" REDIRECT_URI="http://localhost:4100/code" GOOGLE_REFRESH_TOKEN="your_refresh_token"
  3. Build and run:
    npm run build npm start


Available Scripts

  • npm run dev - Build and run with watch mode
  • npm run build - Build the project
  • npm run clean - Clean build artifacts
  • npm run watch - Watch for changes

Project Structure

gmail-mcp-server/ ├── src/ │ ├── config/ # Configuration and setup │ ├── services/ # Core business logic │ │ ├── gmail/ # Gmail services │ │ └── calendar/ # Calendar services │ ├── tools/ # MCP tool implementations │ │ ├── calendar/ # Calendar tools │ │ ├── drafts/ # Draft management tools │ │ └── messages/ # Email tools │ ├── types/ # TypeScript definitions │ └── index.ts # Server entry point ├── dist/ # Compiled JavaScript └── tests/ # Test files (pending)

API Interface

List Messages

listEmails({ maxResults?: number, // Default: 10 query?: string, // Gmail search query labelIds?: string[], // Filter by labels verbose?: boolean // Include details })

Read Message

readEmail({ messageId: string // Message ID to fetch })

Draft Operations

// List Drafts listDrafts({ maxResults?: number, // Default: 10 query?: string, // Search query verbose?: boolean // Include details }) // Read Draft readDraft({ draftId: string // Draft ID to fetch }) // Create Draft draftEmail({ to: string[], subject: string, body: string, cc?: string[], bcc?: string[], isHtml?: boolean }) // Update Draft updateDraft({ draftId: string, // Draft ID to update to?: string[], // New recipients cc?: string[], // New CC recipients bcc?: string[], // New BCC recipients subject?: string, // New subject body?: string, // New body content isHtml?: boolean // Content type flag }) // Delete Draft deleteDraft({ draftId: string // Draft ID to delete })

Send Email

sendEmail({ to: string[], subject: string, body: string, cc?: string[], bcc?: string[], isHtml?: boolean, draftId?: string // Optional: send existing draft })

Calendar Operations

// List Events listEvents({ maxResults?: number, // Default: 25 timeMin?: string, // Start time (ISO 8601) timeMax?: string, // End time (ISO 8601) query?: string, // Text search term timeZone?: string // Default: Australia/Brisbane }) // Read Event Details readEvent({ eventId: string, // Event ID to fetch details timeZone?: string // Default: Australia/Brisbane }) // Create Event createEvent({ summary: string, // Event title start: { dateTime: string, // ISO 8601 start time timeZone?: string // Start time timezone }, end: { dateTime: string, // ISO 8601 end time timeZone?: string // End time timezone }, description?: string, // Optional event description location?: string, // Optional event location attendees?: Array<{ // Optional attendees email: string, displayName?: string, optional?: boolean }>, status?: 'confirmed' | 'tentative' | 'cancelled', sendNotifications?: boolean })

Error Handling

The server implements comprehensive error handling for:

  • Authentication failures
  • API rate limits
  • Invalid requests
  • Network issues
  • Calendar sync issues
  • Event ID validation
  • Timezone validation


Please see for guidelines.


See for version history and updates.


See for planned features and improvements.


MIT License - see LICENSE for details.

security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

A Model Context Protocol server that enables AI assistants to interact with Gmail services, supporting email operations, draft management, and calendar functionality through Google API integration.

  1. Features
    1. Core Functionality
      1. Search & Filtering
        1. Security
        2. Quick Start
          1. Prerequisites
            1. Installation
            2. Development
              1. Available Scripts
                1. Project Structure
                  1. API Interface
                    1. List Messages
                      1. Read Message
                        1. Draft Operations
                          1. Send Email
                            1. Calendar Operations
                          2. Error Handling
                            1. Contributing
                              1. Changelog
                                1. Roadmap
                                  1. License