MCP Redmine

import os, yaml, pathlib from urllib.parse import urljoin import httpx from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP # Constants from environment REDMINE_URL = os.environ['REDMINE_URL'] REDMINE_API_KEY = os.environ['REDMINE_API_KEY'] if "REDMINE_REQUEST_INSTRUCTIONS" in os.environ: with open(os.environ["REDMINE_REQUEST_INSTRUCTIONS"]) as f: REDMINE_REQUEST_INSTRUCTIONS = else: REDMINE_REQUEST_INSTRUCTIONS = "" # Load OpenAPI spec with open('redmine_openapi.yml') as f: SPEC = yaml.safe_load(f) # Core def request(path: str, method: str = 'get', data: dict = None, params: dict = None, content_type: str = 'application/json', content: bytes = None) -> dict: headers = {'X-Redmine-API-Key': REDMINE_API_KEY, 'Content-Type': content_type} url = urljoin(REDMINE_URL, path) try: response = httpx.request(method=method.lower(), url=url, json=data, params=params, headers=headers, content=content, timeout=60.0) response.raise_for_status() body = None if response.content: try: body = response.json() except ValueError: body = response.content return {"status_code": response.status_code, "body": body, "error": ""} except Exception as e: try: status_code = e.response.status_code except: status_code = 0 try: body = e.response.json() except: try: body = e.response.text except: body = None return {"status_code": status_code, "body": body, "error": f"{e.__class__.__name__}: {e}"} # Tools mcp = FastMCP("Redmine MCP server") @mcp.tool(description=""" Make a request to the Redmine API Args: path: API endpoint path (e.g. '/issues.json') method: HTTP method to use (default: 'get') data: Dictionary for request body (for POST/PUT) params: Dictionary for query parameters Returns: str: YAML string containing response status code, body and error message {}""".format(REDMINE_REQUEST_INSTRUCTIONS).strip()) def redmine_request(path: str, method: str = 'get', data: dict = None, params: dict = None) -> str: return yaml.dump(request(path, method=method, data=data, params=params)) @mcp.tool() def redmine_paths_list() -> str: """Return a list of available API paths from OpenAPI spec Retrieves all endpoint paths defined in the Redmine OpenAPI specification. Remember that you can use the redmine_paths_info tool to get the full specfication for a path. Returns: str: YAML string containing a list of path templates (e.g. '/issues.json') """ return yaml.dump(list(SPEC['paths'].keys())) @mcp.tool() def redmine_paths_info(path_templates: list) -> str: """Get full path information for given path templates Args: path_templates: List of path templates (e.g. ['/issues.json', '/projects.json']) Returns: str: YAML string containing API specifications for the requested paths """ info = {} for path in path_templates: if path in SPEC['paths']: info[path] = SPEC['paths'][path] return yaml.dump(info) @mcp.tool() def redmine_upload(file_path: str, description: str = None) -> str: """ Upload a file to Redmine and get a token for attachment Args: file_path: Fully qualified path to the file to upload description: Optional description for the file Returns: str: YAML string containing response status code, body and error message The body contains the attachment token """ try: path = pathlib.Path(file_path).expanduser() assert path.is_absolute(), f"Path must be fully qualified, got: {file_path}" assert path.exists(), f"File does not exist: {file_path}" params = {'filename':} if description: params['description'] = description with open(path, 'rb') as f: file_content = result = request(path='uploads.json', method='post', params=params, content_type='application/octet-stream', content=file_content) return yaml.dump(result) except Exception as e: return yaml.dump({"status_code": 0, "body": None, "error": f"{e.__class__.__name__}: {e}"}) @mcp.tool() def redmine_download(attachment_id: int, save_path: str, filename: str = None) -> str: """ Download an attachment from Redmine and save it to a local file Args: attachment_id: The ID of the attachment to download save_path: Fully qualified path where the file should be saved to filename: Optional filename to use for the attachment. If not provided, will be determined from attachment data or URL Returns: str: YAML string containing download status, file path, and any error messages """ try: path = pathlib.Path(save_path).expanduser() assert path.is_absolute(), f"Path must be fully qualified, got: {save_path}" assert not path.is_dir(), f"Path can't be a directory, got: {save_path}" if not filename: attachment_response = request(f"attachments/{attachment_id}.json", "get") if attachment_response["status_code"] != 200: return yaml.dump(attachment_response) filename = attachment_response["body"]["attachment"]["filename"] response = request(f"attachments/download/{attachment_id}/{filename}", "get", content_type="application/octet-stream") if response["status_code"] != 200 or not response["body"]: return yaml.dump(response) with open(path, 'wb') as f: f.write(response["body"]) return yaml.dump({"status_code": 200, "body": {"saved_to": str(path), "filename": filename}, "error": ""}) except Exception as e: return yaml.dump({"status_code": 0, "body": None, "error": f"{e.__class__.__name__}: {e}"}) if __name__ == "__main__":