MCP Redmine

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Allows Claude to interact with a Redmine instance, including searching/browsing projects and issues, creating/updating issues with markdown support, uploading/downloading file attachments, managing time entries, updating issue statuses and fields, and accessing the Redmine API

MCP Redmine

Status: Works great, but still in beta

Let Claude be your Redmine assistant! MCP Redmine connects Claude Desktop to your Redmine instance, allowing it to:

  • Search and browse projects and issues
  • Create and update issues with full markdown support
  • Upload and download file attachments
  • Manage and track time entries
  • Update issue statuses and fields
  • Access comprehensive Redmine API functionality

Uses httpx for API requests and integrates with the Redmine OpenAPI specification for comprehensive API coverage.


  • Access to a Redmine instance
  • Redmine API key
  • Python 3.10+

The openapi specification used is for redmine 5.0, tested on Redmine 6.0.3, but will likely work with older versions as well.



  • redmine_paths_list
    • Return a list of available API paths from OpenAPI spec
    • No input required
    • Returns a YAML string containing a list of path templates:
    - /issues.json - /projects.json - /time_entries.json ...
  • redmine_paths_info
    • Get full path information for given path templates
    • Input: path_templates (list of strings)
    • Returns YAML string containing API specifications for the requested paths:
    /issues.json: get: operationId: getIssues parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/format' ...
  • redmine_request
    • Make a request to the Redmine API
    • Inputs:
      • path (string): API endpoint path (e.g. '/issues.json')
      • method (string, optional): HTTP method to use (default: 'get')
      • data (object, optional): Dictionary for request body (for POST/PUT)
      • params (object, optional): Dictionary for query parameters
    • Returns YAML string containing response status code, body and error message:
    status_code: 200 body: issues: - id: 1 subject: "Fix login page" ... error: ""
  • redmine_upload
    • Upload a file to Redmine and get a token for attachment
    • Inputs:
      • file_path (string): Fully qualified path to the file to upload
      • description (string, optional): Optional description for the file
    • Returns YAML string with the same format as redmine_request, including upload token:
    status_code: 201 body: upload: id: 7 token: "7.ed32257a2ab0f7526c0d72c32994c58b131bb2c0775f7aa84aae01ea8397ea54" error: ""
  • redmine_download
    • Download an attachment from Redmine and save it to a local file
    • Inputs:
      • attachment_id (integer): The ID of the attachment to download
      • save_path (string): Fully qualified path where the file should be saved
      • filename (string, optional): Optional filename to use (determined automatically if not provided)
    • Returns YAML string with download results:
    status_code: 200 body: saved_to: "/path/to/downloaded/file.pdf" filename: "file.pdf" error: ""

Usage with Claude Desktop

Add to your claude_desktop_config.json:

{ "mcpServers": { "redmine": { "command": "uv", "args": ["--directory", "/path/to/mcp-redmine", "run", ""], "env": { "REDMINE_URL": "", "REDMINE_API_KEY": "your-api-key", "REDMINE_REQUEST_INSTRUCTIONS": "/path/to/" } } } }

Environment Variables:

  • REDMINE_URL: URL of your Redmine instance (required)
  • REDMINE_API_KEY: Your Redmine API key (required, see below for how to get it)
  • REDMINE_REQUEST_INSTRUCTIONS: Path to a file containing additional instructions for the redmine_request tool (optional)

Getting Your Redmine API Key

  1. Log in to your Redmine instance
  2. Go to "My account" (typically found in the top-right menu)
  3. On the right side of the page, you should see "API access key"
  4. Click "Show" to view your existing key or "Generate" to create a new one
  5. Copy this key for use in your configuration


  1. Clone repository:
git clone
  1. Ensure you have uv
# Install uv if you haven't already curl -LsSf | sh
  1. Add Redmine configuration to claude_desktop_config.json (see above)


Creating a new issue

Let's create a new bug report in the "Website" project: 1. Title: "Homepage not loading on mobile devices" 2. Description: "When accessing the homepage from iOS or Android devices, the loading spinner appears but the content never loads. This issue started after the last deployment." 3. Priority: High 4. Assign to: John Smith

Searching for issues

Can you find all high priority issues in the "Website" project that are currently unassigned?

Updating issue status

Please mark issue #123 as "In Progress" and add a comment: "I've started working on this issue. Expect it to be completed by Friday."

Logging time

Log 3.5 hours against issue #456 for "Implementing user authentication" done today.


Contributions are warmly welcomed! Whether it's bug reports, feature requests, documentation improvements, or code contributions - all input is valuable. Feel free to:

  • Open an issue to report bugs or suggest features
  • Submit pull requests with improvements
  • Enhance documentation or share your usage examples
  • Ask questions and share your experiences

The goal is to make Redmine project management with Claude even better, and your insights and contributions help achieve that.


This project builds on the excellent work of others:


Mozilla Public License Version 2.0

You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - permissive license
quality - confirmed to work

Connects Claude Desktop to Redmine for seamless project and issue management, including searching, creating, updating, and tracking tasks using Redmine's API.

  1. Requirements
    1. API
      1. Tools
      2. Usage with Claude Desktop
        1. Getting Your Redmine API Key
          1. Installation
            1. Examples
              1. Creating a new issue
                1. Searching for issues
                  1. Updating issue status
                    1. Logging time
                    2. Contributing
                      1. Acknowledgments
                        1. License