MCP Terminal Server
by dillip285
* Copyright 2024 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import Ajv, { ErrorObject, JSONSchemaType } from 'ajv';
import addFormats from 'ajv-formats';
import { z } from 'zod';
import zodToJsonSchema from 'zod-to-json-schema';
import { GenkitError } from './error.js';
import { Registry } from './registry.js';
const ajv = new Ajv();
export { z }; // provide a consistent zod to use throughout genkit
* JSON schema.
export type JSONSchema = JSONSchemaType<any> | any;
const jsonSchemas = new WeakMap<z.ZodTypeAny, JSONSchema>();
const validators = new WeakMap<JSONSchema, ReturnType<typeof ajv.compile>>();
* Wrapper object for various ways schema can be provided.
export interface ProvidedSchema {
jsonSchema?: JSONSchema;
schema?: z.ZodTypeAny;
* Schema validation error.
export class ValidationError extends GenkitError {
}: {
data: any;
errors: ValidationErrorDetail[];
schema: JSONSchema;
}) {
message: `Schema validation failed. Parse Errors:\n\n${ => `- ${e.path}: ${e.message}`).join('\n')}\n\nProvided data:\n\n${JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}\n\nRequired JSON schema:\n\n${JSON.stringify(schema, null, 2)}`,
detail: { errors, schema },
* Convertes a Zod schema into a JSON schema, utilizing an in-memory cache for known objects.
* @param options Provide a json schema and/or zod schema. JSON schema has priority.
* @returns A JSON schema.
export function toJsonSchema({
}: ProvidedSchema): JSONSchema | undefined {
// if neither jsonSchema or schema is present return undefined
if (!jsonSchema && !schema) return null;
if (jsonSchema) return jsonSchema;
if (jsonSchemas.has(schema!)) return jsonSchemas.get(schema!)!;
const outSchema = zodToJsonSchema(schema!, {
$refStrategy: 'none',
removeAdditionalStrategy: 'strict',
jsonSchemas.set(schema!, outSchema as JSONSchema);
return outSchema as JSONSchema;
* Schema validation error details.
export interface ValidationErrorDetail {
path: string;
message: string;
function toErrorDetail(error: ErrorObject): ValidationErrorDetail {
return {
path: error.instancePath.substring(1).replace(/\//g, '.') || '(root)',
message: error.message!,
* Validation response.
export type ValidationResponse =
| { valid: true; errors: never }
| { valid: false; errors: ErrorObject[] };
* Validates the provided data against the provided schema.
export function validateSchema(
data: unknown,
options: ProvidedSchema
): { valid: boolean; errors?: any[]; schema: JSONSchema } {
const toValidate = toJsonSchema(options);
if (!toValidate) {
return { valid: true, schema: toValidate };
const validator = validators.get(toValidate) || ajv.compile(toValidate);
const valid = validator(data) as boolean;
const errors = validator.errors?.map((e) => e);
return { valid, errors: errors?.map(toErrorDetail), schema: toValidate };
* Parses raw data object agaisnt the provided schema.
export function parseSchema<T = unknown>(
data: unknown,
options: ProvidedSchema
): T {
const { valid, errors, schema } = validateSchema(data, options);
if (!valid) throw new ValidationError({ data, errors: errors!, schema });
return data as T;
* Registers provided schema as a named schema object in the Genkit registry.
* @hidden
export function defineSchema<T extends z.ZodTypeAny>(
registry: Registry,
name: string,
schema: T
): T {
registry.registerSchema(name, { schema });
return schema;
* Registers provided JSON schema as a named schema object in the Genkit registry.
* @hidden
export function defineJsonSchema(
registry: Registry,
name: string,
jsonSchema: JSONSchema
) {
registry.registerSchema(name, { jsonSchema });
return jsonSchema;