MCP Terminal Server

/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import express from 'express'; import fs from 'fs/promises'; import getPort, { makeRange } from 'get-port'; import { Server } from 'http'; import path from 'path'; import * as z from 'zod'; import { StatusCodes, runWithStreamingCallback, type Status, } from './action.js'; import { GENKIT_REFLECTION_API_SPEC_VERSION, GENKIT_VERSION } from './index.js'; import { logger } from './logging.js'; import { Registry } from './registry.js'; import { toJsonSchema } from './schema.js'; import { flushTracing, setTelemetryServerUrl } from './tracing.js'; // TODO: Move this to common location for schemas. export const RunActionResponseSchema = z.object({ result: z.unknown().optional(), error: z.unknown().optional(), telemetry: z .object({ traceId: z.string().optional(), }) .optional(), }); export type RunActionResponse = z.infer<typeof RunActionResponseSchema>; export interface ReflectionServerOptions { /** Port to run the server on. Actual port may be different if chosen port is occupied. Defaults to 3100. */ port?: number; /** Body size limit for the server. Defaults to `30mb`. */ bodyLimit?: string; /** Configured environments. Defaults to `dev`. */ configuredEnvs?: string[]; } /** * Reflection server exposes an API for inspecting and interacting with Genkit in development. * * This is for use in development environments. * * @hidden */ export class ReflectionServer { /** List of all running servers needed to be cleaned up on process exit. */ private static RUNNING_SERVERS: ReflectionServer[] = []; /** Registry instance to be used for API calls. */ private registry: Registry; /** Options for the reflection server. */ private options: ReflectionServerOptions; /** Port the server is actually running on. This may differ from `options.port` if the original was occupied. Null if server is not running. */ private port: number | null = null; /** Express server instance. Null if server is not running. */ private server: Server | null = null; /** Path to the runtime file. Null if server is not running. */ private runtimeFilePath: string | null = null; constructor(registry: Registry, options?: ReflectionServerOptions) { this.registry = registry; this.options = { port: 3100, bodyLimit: '30mb', configuredEnvs: ['dev'], ...options, }; } /** * Finds a free port to run the server on based on the original chosen port and environment. */ async findPort(): Promise<number> { const chosenPort = this.options.port!; const freePort = await getPort({ port: makeRange(chosenPort, chosenPort + 100), }); if (freePort !== chosenPort) { logger.warn( `Port ${chosenPort} is already in use, using next available port ${freePort} instead.` ); } return freePort; } /** * Starts the server. * * The server will be registered to be shut down on process exit. */ async start() { const server = express(); server.use(express.json({ limit: this.options.bodyLimit })); server.use(function (req, res, next) { res.header('x-genkit-version', GENKIT_VERSION); next(); }); server.get('/api/__health', async (_, response) => { await this.registry.listActions(); response.status(200).send('OK'); }); server.get('/api/__quitquitquit', async (_, response) => { logger.debug('Received quitquitquit'); response.status(200).send('OK'); await this.stop(); }); server.get('/api/actions', async (_, response, next) => { logger.debug('Fetching actions.'); try { const actions = await this.registry.listActions(); const convertedActions = {}; Object.keys(actions).forEach((key) => { const action = actions[key].__action; convertedActions[key] = { key, name:, description: action.description, metadata: action.metadata, }; if (action.inputSchema || action.inputJsonSchema) { convertedActions[key].inputSchema = toJsonSchema({ schema: action.inputSchema, jsonSchema: action.inputJsonSchema, }); } if (action.outputSchema || action.outputJsonSchema) { convertedActions[key].outputSchema = toJsonSchema({ schema: action.outputSchema, jsonSchema: action.outputJsonSchema, }); } }); response.send(convertedActions); } catch (err) { const { message, stack } = err as Error; next({ message, stack }); } });'/api/runAction', async (request, response, next) => { const { key, input, context, telemetryLabels } = request.body; const { stream } = request.query; logger.debug(`Running action \`${key}\` with stream=${stream}...`); try { const action = await this.registry.lookupAction(key); if (!action) { response.status(404).send(`action ${key} not found`); return; } if (stream === 'true') { try { const callback = (chunk) => { response.write(JSON.stringify(chunk) + '\n'); }; const result = await runWithStreamingCallback( this.registry, callback, () =>, { context, onChunk: callback }) ); await flushTracing(); response.write( JSON.stringify({ result: result.result, telemetry: { traceId: result.telemetry.traceId, }, } as RunActionResponse) ); response.end(); } catch (err) { const { message, stack } = err as Error; // since we're streaming, we must do special error handling here -- the headers are already sent. const errorResponse: Status = { code: StatusCodes.INTERNAL, message, details: { stack, }, }; if ((err as any).traceId) { errorResponse.details.traceId = (err as any).traceId; } response.write( JSON.stringify({ error: errorResponse, } as RunActionResponse) ); response.end(); } } else { const result = await, { context, telemetryLabels }); await flushTracing(); response.send({ result: result.result, telemetry: { traceId: result.telemetry.traceId, }, } as RunActionResponse); } } catch (err) { const { message, stack, traceId } = err as any; next({ message, stack, traceId }); } }); server.get('/api/envs', async (_, response) => { response.json(this.options.configuredEnvs); });'/api/notify', async (request, response) => { const { telemetryServerUrl, reflectionApiSpecVersion } = request.body; if (!process.env.GENKIT_TELEMETRY_SERVER) { if (typeof telemetryServerUrl === 'string') { setTelemetryServerUrl(telemetryServerUrl); logger.debug( `Connected to telemetry server on ${telemetryServerUrl}` ); } } if (reflectionApiSpecVersion !== GENKIT_REFLECTION_API_SPEC_VERSION) { if ( !reflectionApiSpecVersion || reflectionApiSpecVersion < GENKIT_REFLECTION_API_SPEC_VERSION ) { logger.warn( 'WARNING: Genkit CLI version may be outdated. Please update `genkit-cli` to the latest version.' ); } else { logger.warn( 'Genkit CLI is newer than runtime library. Some feature may not be supported. ' + 'Consider upgrading your runtime library version (debug info: expected ' + `${GENKIT_REFLECTION_API_SPEC_VERSION}, got ${reflectionApiSpecVersion}).` ); } } response.status(200).send('OK'); }); server.use((err, req, res, next) => { logger.error(err.stack); const error = err as Error; const { message, stack } = error; const errorResponse: Status = { code: StatusCodes.INTERNAL, message, details: { stack, }, }; if (err.traceId) { errorResponse.details.traceId = err.traceId; } res.status(500).json(errorResponse); }); this.port = await this.findPort(); this.server = server.listen(this.port, async () => { logger.debug( `Reflection server (${}) running on http://localhost:${this.port}` ); ReflectionServer.RUNNING_SERVERS.push(this); await this.writeRuntimeFile(); }); } /** * Stops the server and removes it from the list of running servers to clean up on exit. */ async stop(): Promise<void> { if (!this.server) { return; } return new Promise<void>(async (resolve, reject) => { await this.cleanupRuntimeFile(); this.server!.close(async (err) => { if (err) { logger.error( `Error shutting down reflection server on port ${this.port}: ${err}` ); reject(err); } const index = ReflectionServer.RUNNING_SERVERS.indexOf(this); if (index > -1) { ReflectionServer.RUNNING_SERVERS.splice(index, 1); } logger.debug( `Reflection server on port ${this.port} has successfully shut down.` ); this.port = null; this.server = null; resolve(); }); }); } /** * Writes the runtime file to the project root. */ private async writeRuntimeFile() { try { const rootDir = await findProjectRoot(); const runtimesDir = path.join(rootDir, '.genkit', 'runtimes'); const date = new Date(); const time = date.getTime(); const timestamp = date.toISOString(); this.runtimeFilePath = path.join( runtimesDir, `${}-${time}.json` ); const fileContent = JSON.stringify( { id: process.env.GENKIT_RUNTIME_ID ||, pid:, reflectionServerUrl: `http://localhost:${this.port}`, timestamp, genkitVersion: `nodejs/${GENKIT_VERSION}`, reflectionApiSpecVersion: GENKIT_REFLECTION_API_SPEC_VERSION, }, null, 2 ); await fs.mkdir(runtimesDir, { recursive: true }); await fs.writeFile(this.runtimeFilePath, fileContent, 'utf8'); logger.debug(`Runtime file written: ${this.runtimeFilePath}`); } catch (error) { logger.error(`Error writing runtime file: ${error}`); } } /** * Cleans up the port file. */ private async cleanupRuntimeFile() { if (!this.runtimeFilePath) { return; } try { const fileContent = await fs.readFile(this.runtimeFilePath, 'utf8'); const data = JSON.parse(fileContent); if ( === { await fs.unlink(this.runtimeFilePath); logger.debug(`Runtime file cleaned up: ${this.runtimeFilePath}`); } } catch (error) { logger.error(`Error cleaning up runtime file: ${error}`); } } /** * Stops all running reflection servers. */ static async stopAll() { return Promise.all( => server.stop()) ); } } /** * Finds the project root by looking for a `package.json` file. */ async function findProjectRoot(): Promise<string> { let currentDir = process.cwd(); while (currentDir !== path.parse(currentDir).root) { const packageJsonPath = path.join(currentDir, 'package.json'); try { await fs.access(packageJsonPath); return currentDir; } catch { currentDir = path.dirname(currentDir); } } throw new Error('Could not find project root (package.json not found)'); } // TODO: Verify that this works. if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && 'hot' in module) { (module as any).hot.accept(); (module as any).hot.dispose(async () => { logger.debug('Cleaning up reflection server(s) before module reload...'); await ReflectionServer.stopAll(); }); }