Kagi MCP Server
by kagisearch
# Kagi MCP server
## Setup Intructions
> Before anything, ensure you have access to the search API. It is currently in closed beta and available upon request. Please reach out to support@kagi.com for an invite.
Install uv first.
curl -LsSf https://astral.sh/uv/install.sh | sh
powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm https://astral.sh/uv/install.ps1 | iex"
### Setup with Claude Desktop
# claude_desktop_config.json
# Can find location through:
# Hamburger Menu -> File -> Settings -> Developer -> Edit Config
"mcpServers": {
"kagi": {
"command": "uvx",
"args": ["kagimcp"],
"env": {
### Installing via Smithery
Alternatively, you can install Kagi for Claude Desktop automatically via [Smithery](https://smithery.ai/server/kagimcp):
npx -y @smithery/cli install kagimcp --client claude
### Ask Claude a question requiring search
e.g. "Who was time's 2024 person of the year?"
### Debugging
npx @modelcontextprotocol/inspector uvx kagimcp
## Local/Dev Setup Instructions
### Clone repo
`git clone https://github.com/kagisearch/kagimcp.git`
### Install dependencies
Install uv first.
curl -LsSf https://astral.sh/uv/install.sh | sh
powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm https://astral.sh/uv/install.ps1 | iex"
Then install MCP server dependencies:
cd kagimcp
# Create virtual environment and activate it
uv venv
source .venv/bin/activate # MacOS/Linux
# OR
.venv/Scripts/activate # Windows
# Install dependencies
uv sync
### Setup with Claude Desktop
#### Using MCP CLI SDK
# `pip install mcp[cli]` if you haven't
mcp install /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/PARENT/FOLDER/kagimcp/src/kagimcp/server.py -v "KAGI_API_KEY=API_KEY_HERE"
#### Manually
# claude_desktop_config.json
# Can find location through:
# Hamburger Menu -> File -> Settings -> Developer -> Edit Config
"mcpServers": {
"kagi": {
"command": "uv",
"args": [
"env": {
### Ask Claude a question requiring search
e.g. "Who was time's 2024 person of the year?"
### Debugging
# If mcp cli installed (`pip install mcp[cli]`)
mcp dev /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/PARENT/FOLDER/kagimcp/src/kagimcp/server.py
# If not
npx @modelcontextprotocol/inspector \
uv \
--directory /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/PARENT/FOLDER/kagimcp \
run \
Then access MCP Inspector at `http://localhost:5173`. You may need to add your Kagi API key in the environment variables in the inspector under `KAGI_API_KEY`.
# Notes
- Level of logging is adjustable through the `FASTMCP_LOG_LEVEL` environment variable (e.g. `FASTMCP_LOG_LEVEL="ERROR"`)
- Relevant issue: https://github.com/kagisearch/kagimcp/issues/4