Lichess MCP

by karayaman


Export one game in PGN or JSON format

Input Schema

accuracyNoInclude accuracy percentages
clocksNoInclude clock comments in the PGN moves
evalsNoInclude analysis evaluation comments
gameIdYesThe game ID
literateNoInclude textual annotations
movesNoInclude the PGN moves
openingNoInclude opening name
pgnInJsonNoInclude the full PGN within the JSON response
tagsNoInclude the PGN tags

Input Schema (JSON Schema)

{ "properties": { "accuracy": { "default": false, "description": "Include accuracy percentages", "type": "boolean" }, "clocks": { "default": true, "description": "Include clock comments in the PGN moves", "type": "boolean" }, "evals": { "default": true, "description": "Include analysis evaluation comments", "type": "boolean" }, "gameId": { "description": "The game ID", "type": "string" }, "literate": { "default": false, "description": "Include textual annotations", "type": "boolean" }, "moves": { "default": true, "description": "Include the PGN moves", "type": "boolean" }, "opening": { "default": true, "description": "Include opening name", "type": "boolean" }, "pgnInJson": { "default": false, "description": "Include the full PGN within the JSON response", "type": "boolean" }, "tags": { "default": true, "description": "Include the PGN tags", "type": "boolean" } }, "required": [ "gameId" ], "type": "object" }