Lichess MCP
Server Configuration
Describes the environment variables required to run the server.
Name | Required | Description | Default |
LICHESS_TOKEN | Yes | Your Lichess API token that can be generated at |
Interactive templates invoked by user choice
Name | Description |
analyze_position | Analyze the current position of a game |
Contextual data attached and managed by the client
Name | Description |
No resources |
Functions exposed to the LLM to take actions
Name | Description |
set_token | Set your Lichess API token |
get_my_profile | Get your Lichess profile information |
get_user_profile | Get a user's Lichess profile information |
get_my_email | Get your email address |
get_kid_mode | Get kid mode status |
set_kid_mode | Set kid mode status |
create_challenge | Create a new challenge |
make_move | Make a move in an ongoing game |
get_preferences | Get your preferences |
get_timeline | Get your timeline |
test_tokens | Test multiple OAuth tokens |
revoke_token | Revoke the current access token |
upgrade_to_bot | Upgrade to Bot account. WARNING: This is irreversible and the account must not have played any games. |
add_user_note | Add a private note about a user |
send_message | Send a private message to another player |
get_following | Get users followed by the logged in user |
follow_user | Follow a player |
unfollow_user | Unfollow a player |
block_user | Block a player |
get_users_status | Get real-time users status |
get_all_top_10 | Get the top 10 players for each speed and variant |
get_leaderboard | Get the leaderboard for a single speed or variant |
get_user_public_data | Get public data of a user |
get_rating_history | Get rating history of a user for all perf types |
get_user_performance | Get performance statistics of a user |
get_user_activity | Get activity feed of a user |
get_users_by_id | Get multiple users by their IDs |
unblock_user | Unblock a user |
export_game | Export one game in PGN or JSON format |
export_ongoing_game | Export ongoing game of a user |
export_user_games | Export all games of a user |
export_games_by_ids | Export multiple games by IDs |
get_tv_channels | Get all TV channels and their current games |
get_tv_game | Get current TV game in PGN format |
get_puzzle_activity | Get your puzzle activity |
get_puzzle_dashboard | Get your puzzle dashboard |
get_puzzle_race | Get info about a puzzle race |
create_puzzle_race | Create a puzzle race |
get_puzzle_storm_dashboard | Get your puzzle storm dashboard |
get_team_info | Get team information by ID |
get_team_members | Get members of a team |
get_team_join_requests | Get join requests for a team |
join_team | Join a team |
leave_team | Leave a team |
kick_user_from_team | Kick a user from your team |
accept_join_request | Accept a join request for your team |
decline_join_request | Decline a join request for your team |
search_teams | Search for teams |
make_board_move | Make a move in a board game |
abort_board_game | Abort a board game |
resign_board_game | Resign a board game |
write_in_chat | Write in the chat of a board game |
handle_draw_board_game | Handle draw offers for a board game |
claim_victory | Claim victory if opponent abandoned the game |
list_challenges | List incoming and outgoing challenges |
create_challenge | Challenge another player |
accept_challenge | Accept an incoming challenge |
decline_challenge | Decline an incoming challenge |
cancel_challenge | Cancel an outgoing challenge |
get_arena_tournaments | Get current tournaments |
create_arena | Create a new arena tournament |
get_arena_info | Get info about an arena tournament |
get_arena_games | Get games of an arena tournament |
get_arena_results | Get results of an arena tournament |
join_arena | Join an arena tournament |
withdraw_from_arena | Withdraw from an arena tournament |
get_team_battle_results | Get results of a team battle tournament |
create_swiss | Create a new Swiss tournament |
get_swiss_info | Get info about a Swiss tournament |
get_swiss_games | Get games of a Swiss tournament |
get_swiss_results | Get results of a Swiss tournament |
join_swiss | Join a Swiss tournament |
withdraw_from_swiss | Withdraw from a Swiss tournament |
get_current_simuls | Get recently started simuls |
create_simul | Create a new simul |
join_simul | Join a simul |
withdraw_from_simul | Withdraw from a simul |
export_study_chapter | Export one study chapter in PGN format |
export_all_study_chapters | Export all chapters of a study in PGN format |
get_user_studies | Get studies created by a user |
send_message | Send a private message to another player |
get_thread | Get a message thread |
get_official_broadcasts | Get official broadcasts (TV shows) |
get_broadcast | Get a broadcast by its ID |
get_broadcast_round | Get one round of a broadcast |
push_broadcast_round_pgn | Push PGN to a broadcast round |
get_cloud_eval | Get cloud evaluation for a position |
get_fide_player | Get FIDE player information |
search_fide_players | Search FIDE players by name |
get_ongoing_games | Get your ongoing games (real-time and correspondence) |