MCP Memory LibSQL

import { embeddingConfig } from '../config/index.js'; import { logger } from '../utils/logger.js'; import { EmbeddingError } from '../utils/errors.js'; import type { Tensor, FeatureExtractionPipeline } from '@xenova/transformers'; /** * Use the Singleton pattern to enable lazy construction of the pipeline. */ class EmbeddingModelManager { // Store model instances and their loading promises private static instances: Map<string, Promise<FeatureExtractionPipeline>> = new Map(); // Lock to prevent concurrent operations on the same model private static modelLocks: Map<string, Promise<void>> = new Map(); /** * Get or create a feature extraction pipeline for a model * @param modelName The name of the model to load * @returns A promise that resolves to the feature extraction pipeline */ public static async getInstance(modelName: string): Promise<FeatureExtractionPipeline> { // Dynamically import transformers to avoid issues with ESM/CJS const { pipeline } = await import('@xenova/transformers'); // Acquire lock for this model to prevent concurrent operations const lock = this.acquireLock(modelName); try { await lock; // Check if we already have this model if (this.instances.has(modelName)) { logger.debug(`Reusing existing pipeline for model: ${modelName}`); return this.instances.get(modelName)!; } // Create a new pipeline`Creating new pipeline for model: ${modelName}`); const pipelinePromise = pipeline("feature-extraction", modelName, { progress_callback: (progress: { loaded: number; total: number; file: string }) => { const percentage = ((progress.loaded / * 100).toFixed(2);`Downloading ${progress.file}: ${percentage}% (${progress.loaded}/${} bytes)`); }, cache_dir: embeddingConfig.cachePath, }); // Store the promise in our instances map this.instances.set(modelName, pipelinePromise); return pipelinePromise; } finally { // Release the lock when done this.releaseLock(modelName); } } /** * Dispose of a model pipeline to free memory * @param modelName The name of the model to dispose */ public static async disposeModel(modelName: string): Promise<void> { // Acquire lock for this model to prevent concurrent operations const lock = this.acquireLock(modelName); try { await lock; if (this.instances.has(modelName)) {`Disposing pipeline for model: ${modelName}`); const pipeline = await this.instances.get(modelName)!; await pipeline.dispose(); this.instances.delete(modelName);`Pipeline for model ${modelName} disposed successfully`); } } catch (error) { logger.error(`Error disposing model ${modelName}:`, error); } finally { // Release the lock when done this.releaseLock(modelName); } } /** * Acquire a lock for operations on a specific model * @param modelName The name of the model to lock * @returns A promise that resolves when the lock is acquired */ private static acquireLock(modelName: string): Promise<void> { // If no lock exists yet, create one that resolves immediately if (!this.modelLocks.has(modelName)) { this.modelLocks.set(modelName, Promise.resolve()); } // Get the current lock const currentLock = this.modelLocks.get(modelName)!; // Create a new lock that will resolve when the current operation completes let resolveLock!: () => void; const newLock = new Promise<void>(resolve => { resolveLock = resolve; }); // Store the resolver function along with the promise const lockWithResolver = Object.assign(newLock, { resolver: resolveLock }); // Update the lock in the map this.modelLocks.set(modelName, lockWithResolver as Promise<void>); // Wait for the current lock to resolve before proceeding return currentLock.then(() => { }); } /** * Release a lock for a specific model * @param modelName The name of the model to unlock */ private static releaseLock(modelName: string): void { // Get the current lock const lockPromise = this.modelLocks.get(modelName); if (lockPromise) { // Call the resolver function to release the lock // @ts-expect-error - We know this property exists because we added it const resolver = lockPromise.resolver; if (typeof resolver === 'function') { resolver(); } } } } /** * Embedding service for generating and managing embeddings */ export class EmbeddingService { private modelName: string; private dimension: number; constructor(modelName?: string, dimension?: number) { this.modelName = modelName || embeddingConfig.model; this.dimension = dimension || embeddingConfig.dimension; } /** * Generate embeddings for a list of text inputs * @param inputs Array of text inputs to generate embeddings for * @returns Promise resolving to a 2D array of embeddings */ public async generateEmbeddings(inputs: string[]): Promise<number[][]> { try { if (!inputs || !Array.isArray(inputs) || inputs.length === 0) { throw new EmbeddingError('Invalid inputs for embedding generation'); }`Generating embeddings for ${inputs.length} inputs using model: ${this.modelName}`); // Get the feature extraction pipeline const extractor = await EmbeddingModelManager.getInstance(this.modelName); // Generate embeddings const output: Tensor = await extractor(inputs, { pooling: "mean", normalize: true }); // Convert to array format const embeddings = output.tolist(); logger.debug(`Successfully generated embeddings with dimension: ${embeddings[0].length}`); return embeddings; } catch (error) { const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error); logger.error('Error generating embeddings:', errorMessage); throw new EmbeddingError(`Failed to generate embeddings: ${errorMessage}`); } } /** * Generate a single embedding for a text input * @param input Text input to generate embedding for * @returns Promise resolving to an array representing the embedding */ public async generateEmbedding(input: string): Promise<number[]> { if (!input || typeof input !== 'string') { throw new EmbeddingError('Invalid input for embedding generation'); } const embeddings = await this.generateEmbeddings([input]); return embeddings[0]; } /** * Get the dimension of the embeddings generated by this service * @returns The embedding dimension */ public getDimension(): number { return this.dimension; } /** * Get the model name used by this service * @returns The model name */ public getModelName(): string { return this.modelName; } } // Export a singleton instance of the embedding service export const embeddingService = new EmbeddingService(); // Export the embedding dimension for convenience export const EMBEDDING_DIMENSION = embeddingConfig.dimension;