MCP Memory LibSQL

import { createClient } from '@libsql/client'; import { databaseConfig } from '../config/index.js'; import { logger } from '../utils/logger.js'; import { DatabaseError } from '../utils/errors.js'; import { EMBEDDING_DIMENSION } from './embedding-service.js'; import type { DatabaseClient } from '../types/database.js'; /** * Database service for managing database connections and operations */ export class DatabaseService { private static instance: DatabaseService; private client: DatabaseClient; private isInitialized: boolean = false; /** * Private constructor to enforce singleton pattern * @param url - Database URL * @param authToken - Optional authentication token */ private constructor(url: string, authToken?: string) { if (!url) { throw new DatabaseError('Database URL is required'); }`Creating database client for URL: ${url}`); // Create the client and cast it to our DatabaseClient interface // We need to use 'as unknown as' to bypass TypeScript's type checking // because the actual Client type doesn't exactly match our DatabaseClient interface this.client = createClient({ url, authToken, }) as unknown as DatabaseClient; } /** * Gets the singleton instance of DatabaseService * @returns DatabaseService instance */ public static getInstance(): DatabaseService { if (!DatabaseService.instance) { const { url, authToken } = databaseConfig; DatabaseService.instance = new DatabaseService(url, authToken); } return DatabaseService.instance; } /** * Gets the database client * @returns Database client */ public getClient(): DatabaseClient { return this.client; } /** * Initializes the database schema * @returns Promise that resolves when initialization is complete */ public async initialize(): Promise<void> { if (this.isInitialized) { logger.debug('Database already initialized, skipping initialization'); return; } try {`Initializing database schema with vector dimension: ${EMBEDDING_DIMENSION}`); // Create tables if they don't exist - each as a single statement await this.client.execute({ sql: ` CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS entities ( name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, entity_type TEXT NOT NULL, embedding F32_BLOB(${EMBEDDING_DIMENSION}), -- Using configurable dimension created_at DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ) ` }); await this.client.execute({ sql: ` CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS observations ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, entity_name TEXT NOT NULL, content TEXT NOT NULL, created_at DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (entity_name) REFERENCES entities(name) ) ` }); await this.client.execute({ sql: ` CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS relations ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, source TEXT NOT NULL, target TEXT NOT NULL, relation_type TEXT NOT NULL, created_at DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (source) REFERENCES entities(name), FOREIGN KEY (target) REFERENCES entities(name) ) ` }); // Create all indexes in a single batch transaction await this.client.batch( [ { sql: 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_entities_name ON entities(name)', args: [], }, { sql: 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_observations_entity ON observations(entity_name)', args: [], }, { sql: 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_relations_source ON relations(source)', args: [], }, { sql: 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_relations_target ON relations(target)', args: [], }, { sql: 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_entities_embedding ON entities(libsql_vector_idx(embedding))', args: [], }, ], 'write', ); this.isInitialized = true;'Database schema initialized successfully'); } catch (error) { const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error); logger.error('Database initialization failed:', errorMessage); throw new DatabaseError(`Database initialization failed: ${errorMessage}`); } } /** * Closes the database connection * @returns Promise that resolves when the connection is closed */ public async close(): Promise<void> { try {'Closing database connection'); await this.client.close();'Database connection closed successfully'); } catch (error) { const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error); logger.error('Error closing database connection:', errorMessage); } } /** * Executes a transaction with the provided callback * @param callback - Function to execute within the transaction * @returns Promise that resolves with the result of the callback */ public async transaction<T>(callback: (txn: any) => Promise<T>): Promise<T> { const txn = await this.client.transaction('write'); try { const result = await callback(txn); await txn.commit(); return result; } catch (error) { await txn.rollback(); throw error; } } } // Export a singleton instance of the database service export const databaseService = DatabaseService.getInstance();