Mathematica Documentation MCP server

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Provides access to Mathematica documentation, allowing users to retrieve documentation for functions, list symbols in packages, and access documentation for add-ons and package functions.

Mathematica Documentation MCP server

General & Usage

Made with mcp-python-sdk

if you are still using FastMCP version of this mcp server, please consider pull this repo again and update to newer versions as FastMCP is already deprecated.

Requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt and have Mathematica installed (or at least wolframscript callable from terminal, e.g. via free wolfram engine for developers).

Run mcp dev path/to/ to initialize the server.

Run mcp install path/to/ to install to claude or add following to claude/cline config:

"mathematica-docs": { "command": "uv", "args": [ "run", "--with", "mcp", "mcp", "run", "/path/to/" ] }

[!NOTE] Currently using uv with mcp seems to break certain Linux/macOS version of Claude-desktop, you might need to set as:

"mathematica-docs": { "command": "/path/to/mcp", "args": [ "run", "/path/to/" ] }

instead, with /path/to/mcp got from running which mcp in terminal

Custom wolframscript install path

If you need custom path to wolframscript, or it is not in system path, you can set via environmental variable by

export WOLFRAMSCRIPT_PATH="/usr/bin/wolframscript"

or set as an env key in mcp config

"mathematica-docs": { "command": ..., "args": .... "env": { "WOLFRAMSCRIPT_PATH": "/usr/bin/wolframscript" } }


The plugin provides the following commands:

  • get_docs: support factory functions, function via an addon, and function via a package.
    • Basic usage: get_docs("Plot")
    • With package: get_docs("WeightSystem", packages=["LieART"])
    • With addon: get_docs("FCFeynmanParametrize", packages=["FeynCalc"], load_addons=["FeynArts"])
  • list_package_symbols: list all symbols/functions in a package.
    • Basic usage: list_package_symbols("FeynCalc")

Known issues

  • If you see things like INFO Processing request of type ListToolsRequest in cline, you can ignore them as this will not affect it from working, this is because cline parse tool list together with console debug infos, and current python-sdk cannot disable console messages. This will not affect any function calling part other than seeing this warning.
  • Some MMA docs may contain complex styling format, and is not easy to remove with simple regex, your llm may be influenced by this, please instruct it to ignore the styling format and write in InputForm only.


security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

A server that provides access to Mathematica documentation through FastMCP, enabling users to retrieve function documentation and list package symbols from Wolfram Mathematica.

  1. General & Usage
    1. Custom wolframscript install path
      1. Tools
        1. Known issues
          1. Screenshots