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3DS Authentication | Payments API [ ![Worldpay](![Worldpay]( ](/) [Docs](/) [APIs](/apis) [Release Notes](/products/access/releases) [Service Status]( [Articles](/products/access/articles) [All other Worldpay integrations]( Search/ [ View API catalog ](/apis) Version: 2024-06-01 (Latest) - 2024-06-01 (Latest) [- Docs Home ](/) - API Reference [- Payments API ](/products/access/payments/openapi) [- Submit a payment request post ](/products/access/payments/openapi/other/payment) [- 3DS Actions ](/products/access/payments/openapi/3ds-actions) [- Payments Lifecycle ](/products/access/payments/openapi/payments-lifecycle) [- Versioning and Change log ](/products/access/payments/changelog) - Guides [- Get Started ](/products/access/payments) [- Sequence Diagrams ](/products/access/payments/sequence-diagrams) [- Postman Collection ](/products/access/payments/collections) - Use Cases - Additional Features [- 3DS Authentication ](/products/access/payments/enable-features/3ds-authentication) [- Web ](/products/access/payments/enable-features/3ds-authentication/web) [- Android and iOS ](/products/access/payments/enable-features/3ds-authentication/android-ios) [- React Native ](/products/access/payments/enable-features/3ds-authentication/react-native) [- SCA Exemptions ](/products/access/payments/enable-features/sca-exemptions) [- Fraud Assessment ](/products/access/payments/enable-features/fraud-assessment) [- Auto Settlement ](/products/access/payments/enable-features/auto-settlement) [- Payment Facilitator ](/products/access/payments/enable-features/payment-facilitator) [- Financial Services (including MCC6012 & MCC6051) ](/products/access/payments/enable-features/financial-services-mcc6012-mcc6051) [- Latin America Installments ](/products/access/payments/enable-features/latam-installments) [- MOTO (Mail Order/Telephone Order) ](/products/access/payments/enable-features/moto) [- Testing ](/products/access/payments/testing) - Reference [- API Principles ](/products/access/reference/api-principles) - Security [- Supported Payment Methods ](/products/access/reference/supported-payment-methods) [- Currency/Country Codes ](/products/access/reference/supported-countries-currencies) [- Worldpay Error Responses ](/products/access/reference/worldpay-error-responses) - Refusal Response Codes [- Go live ](/products/access/reference/go-live) [APIs](/apis) / [Payments API](/products/access/payments/openapi) / Additional Features / [3DS Authentication](/products/access/payments/enable-features/3ds-authentication) # [](#3ds-authentication)3DS Authentication ## [](#how-to-enable)How to enable Using the `instruction.threeDS` object and setting the `type` value to `integrated` will enable a 3DS authentication to run as part of the payment request. - 3DS authentication is only available for `instruction.method` = `card` and will return a validation error response if used with others. ## [](#threeds-object-example)threeDS object example To understand which values improve authentication rates see ["Additional values to used by the assessment"](#additional-values-used-by-the-assessment). "instruction": { .... "threeDS": { "type": "integrated", "mode": "always", "challenge": { "returnUrl": "", }, "deviceData": { "acceptHeader": "text/html", "userAgentHeader": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0)", "browserLanguage": "en-GB", "browserScreenHeight": 1200, "browserScreenWidth": 900, "browserJavaEnabled": true, "browserColorDepth": "32", "timeZone": "300", "browserJavascriptEnabled": true, "channel": "browser" } } } ## [](#additional-requests--responses)Additional requests & responses When 3DS is enabled there are up to two extra steps: - `Device Data Collection` - Issuer run device data collection, used as part of the issuers risk assessment. - `Challenge` - As an additional level of fraud prevention the issuer prompts for an identity check. [ ### Web integration API integration with a browser based client side. ](/products/access/payments/enable-features/3ds-authentication/web)[ ### iOS/Android integration (native) API integration with a native client side SDK. ](/products/access/payments/enable-features/3ds-authentication/android-ios)[ ### React Native Using React Native with WebView ](/products/access/payments/enable-features/3ds-authentication/react-native) ## [](#threeds-object-schema)threeDS object schema type*string*required Value"integrated" mode*string*required Value"always" challenge*object**(Challenge)*required An object containing 3DS challenge preferences and configuration. \- challenge.​returnUrl*string*required Once the customer completes the challenge page the issuer redirects/posts to the returnUrl in order for you to resume the session. It must be the full URL path. challenge.​windowSize*string* Specify the challenge window size (width x height) that the issuer should use. This is to better tailor the experience to the customers device. Default is 390x400. Default "390x400" Enum"250x400""390x400""600x400""500x600""fullPage" challenge.​preference*string* Set a preference for how the Issuer decides on a 3DS challenge. challengeMandated will be automatically set by Payments API for the first CIT payment in an MIT series or when storing cards (token creation). Enum"noPreference""noChallengeRequested""challengeRequested""challengeMandated" deviceData*object**(DeviceData)*required An object containing device data for 3DS & Fraud assessment. \- deviceData.​acceptHeader*string**\[ 1 .. 2048 \] characters*required Used by the issuer to check if the customer's browser is compatible with the issuer 3DS challenge display. deviceData.​userAgentHeader*string**\[ 1 .. 2048 \] characters*required Used by issuers as part of risk analysis and correctly displaying the challenge. Must conform to RFC 7321. deviceData.​browserLanguage*string**\[ 1 .. 8 \] characters* Your customer's browser language that can be used by the issuer in risk analysis. Must conform to the language tags defined by IETF. E.g. en-GB, fr-FR. deviceData.​browserJavaEnabled*boolean* Defines whether Java is enabled on your customers browser. deviceData.​browserColorDepth*string* The color depth of your customers browser Enum"1""4""8""15""16""24""32""48" deviceData.​browserScreenHeight*integer**(int32)* Defines the pixel height of the customers browser. deviceData.​browserScreenWidth*integer**(int32)* Defines the pixel width of the customers browser. deviceData.​timeZone*string*^\[+-\]?\\d{1,4}$ Time zone offset in minutes between UTC and your customer's browser local time. Example time zone offset values in minutes: If UTC -5 hours: `300` `+300` If UTC +5 hours: `-300` deviceData.​browserJavascriptEnabled*boolean* Defines whether Javascript is enabled on your customers browser. deviceData.​channel*string* Determines the channel that the transaction came through. Enum"browser""native" previousSuspiciousActivity*boolean* Has the account been flagged for suspicious activity. userType*string* Enum"guestUser""registeredUser""federatedAccount""issuerCredentials""thirdPartyAuthentication""fidoAuthenticator" accountHistory*object**(AccountHistory)* Customer account history. \- accountHistory.​createdAt*string* Date the customer account was created. accountHistory.​modifiedAt*string* Date the customer account was last modified. accountHistory.​passwordModifiedAt*string* Date the password for the customer account was last modified. accountHistory.​paymentAccountEnrolledAt*string* Date the payment account was added to the cardholder account. reorder*boolean* Repeat of a previous order. preOrderDate*string* Expected date that a pre-ordered purchase will be available. transactionHistory*object**(TransactionHistory)* Object containing details of the last transaction. \- transactionHistory.​attemptsLastDay*integer**(int32)* Number of transactions (successful or abandoned) for this cardholder account within the last 24 hours. transactionHistory.​attemptsLastYear*integer**(int32)* Number of transactions (successful or abandoned) for this cardholder account within the last year. transactionHistory.​completedLastSixMonths*integer**(int32)* Number of purchases with this customer account during the previous six months. transactionHistory.​addCardsLastDay*integer**(int32)* Number of attempts to add a card in the last 24hrs. transactionHistory.​shippingAddressFirstUsedAt*string* When the shipping address used for the transaction was first used. giftCardsPurchase*object**(PaymentsGiftCardsPurchase)* If the order is being used to purchase a gift card. \- giftCardsPurchase.​totalValue*object**(Value)* +Show 2 properties giftCardsPurchase.​quantity*integer**(int32)* The number of gift cards being purchased. Warning If 3DS authentication is not available/applicable (e.g. subsequent recurring (MIT), Apple Pay) a validation error message will be returned. ### [](#additional-values-used-by-the-assessment)Additional values used by the assessment As well as core payment details such as the `cardNumber`, `billingAddress` and any key:values in the `instruction.threeDS` object, the following key:values are used as part of the 3DS authentication. By providing these, the issuer can make a more accurate assessment and will reduce `challenge` outcomes in favor of `frictionless`. `instruction.customer` firstName, lastName, email, phone, dateOfBirth, ipAddress ### [](#emvco-required-values)EMVco required values If certain values are not provided, you risk increased `3dsChallenged` outcomes and even `3dsAuthenticationFailed`. Card issuers use the below values to help decide if a transaction is fraudulent. We **strongly** recommend you provide this data, so your authentication rates remain high. - `instruction.paymentInstrument.cardHoldeName` - `instruction.customer.ipAddress` - `` 1 - `instruction.customer.firstName` 3 - `instruction.customer.lastName` 3 - `instruction.customer.phoneNumber` 1 - `instruction.threeDS.browserLanguage` 2 - `instruction.threeDS.deviceData.browserScreenWidth` 2 - `instruction.threeDS.deviceData.browserScreenHeight` 2 1 Either `` or `customer.phoneNumber` are required. 2 Provide for web/browser integration only 3 Only required if `instruction.paymentInstrument.cardHoldeName` is not provided #### [](#emvco-recommended-values)EMVco recommended values - `` - `` - `instruction.paymentInstrument.billingAddress.address1` - `instruction.paymentInstrument.billingAddress.postalCode` - `instruction.paymentInstrument.billingAddress.state` #### [](#device-data-collection-failure)Device Data Collection failure In the event the device data collection fails to run (browser/native), additionally provide the following in the [payments request](/products/access/payments/openapi) to maintain healthy authentication rates and reduce issuer challenges: Providing the data below directly in the API request should not be viewed as an alternative to running the [device data collection form](/products/access/payments/enable-features/3ds-authentication/web#device-data-collection-form). It is a fallback only. - `instruction.customer.ipAddress` 1 - `instruction.threeDS.deviceData.browserLanguage` - `instruction.threeDS.deviceData.browserScreenHeight` - `instruction.threeDS.deviceData.browserScreenWidth` - `instruction.threeDS.deviceData.browserJavaEnabled` - `instruction.threeDS.deviceData.browserColorDepth` - `instruction.threeDS.deviceData.timeZone` - `instruction.threeDS.deviceData.browserJavascriptEnabled` - `` 1 1 Only these values apply to (iOS/Android), the others are not applicable **Next steps** --- - [SCA Exemptions](/products/access/payments/enable-features/sca-exemptions) - [Testing (3DS tab)](/products/access/payments/testing) for scenario details and magic test values #### Do you like our page? On this page [How to enable](#how-to-enable)[threeDS object example](#threeds-object-example)[Additional requests & responses](#additional-requests--responses)[threeDS object schema](#threeds-object-schema)[Additional values used by the assessment](#additional-values-used-by-the-assessment)[EMVco required values](#emvco-required-values) ![]( Privacy Choices ©2025 Worldpay, LLC and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. [Worldpay]( [Terms of use]( [Privacy]( [Cookies]( [Contact us](